"I'm sure that wasn't what she wanted. But maybe she was on to something. A marriage is cooperation before it is anything else. You just went plowing ahead without thinking, without stopping to catch your breath. Skylar isn't innocent either, but in all honesty, I just think you two rushed into something you weren't ready for. And that's okay. You live and you learn."

"What do I do?" I sniffle.

"Maybe this is for the best Jade. Maybe some time apart from each other will help put things into perspective for both of you. Help you both grow up a little. If I know Skylar, she'll be back. She loves you, true love. Maybe now wasn't the right time for you two, but if you grow as a person, if you start putting in that hard work and bettering yourself then you'll be ready for her when she does come back. Or you'll be able to move on and find someone new. You never know what life has planned for you. Keep an open mind and try to stay positive." She says.

I sigh as uncle brings us warm milk.

I stare into the cup of milky goodness.

"I don't even know where to start," I admit.

"Take care of yourself, Jade. You're working yourself to the bone. Filming back-to-back seasons. Going to this interview and that public appearance. Flying here and there. Do you ever even sleep or just take a day to yourself?"

"I don't want to seem like I'm not a team player. Fans want the show to go on. They want to meet me and all that. My publicity manager says it's good for my brand, that it will open up lots of doors for me."

"What's good for you is taking some time for yourself. Skylar had a point; you were never around because you were always off doing something else. Take a break between filming seasons. Relax, and enjoy your youth while you still can. Come and visit us more often. Check-in on your cousin. Hang out with your friends. You're working yourself into the ground and it's all going to come crashing down if you don't stop." She warns me.

I sip my milk and think.

"Jade, look at yourself. Do some self-reflection, can you honestly say you're happy with your current situation?"

I shake my head no.

"Slow it down young lady, take a moment to breathe and feel the emotions. Don't just ignore them. I'm worried about you Jade."

"We both are, and so are your parents." Uncle sits next to me.

"You hardly come around anymore. You've lost so much weight. I've watched you grow up and I can tell when you're faking it. Even before Skylar left you weren't happy. I could see it. Stop forcing it. You did it, you're famous now, you have a successful career, take some time to enjoy it. You got all this money, and you can't even spend it fast enough because you're always working. Reward yourself for all your hard work. Eat something girl." She pats my stomach.

I chuckle.

"Please Jade, we care about you. We just want to see you happy." Uncle pats my back.

"Okay," I sigh.

"Tell your manager that you are going to need more time off. That filming this and that and going here or there is burning you out. They will understand and work with you. Who cares about being a team player? I care about your health and well-being."

I know she's right. I just don't want to be seen as a diva or whatever. I don't want people to think I'm difficult and be blackballed. I know that's ultimately what drove Skylar away from me. I'd promise her I'd go see her, or that we'd finally get married the next month, but always push back the date or cancel plans.

That would push anyone away.

I just wanted to make my production team happy. Show them how great I am. Show them that even though I'm a novice, I have some clue about what I'm doing. I'm not just a clueless idiot. One of the main reasons people love me so much is that I'm willing to work myself to the bone to please them.

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