Chapter 86

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  Lin Lixuan only asked people to tell him that something was going on in the county, so he and Brother Yan would not go back. He didn't pass on the news that Brother Yan was pregnant. My son will go back tomorrow, and it's not too late to tell her a day later.

"Zhao Liniang, your child asked me to tell you something. The couple will not go back to the village today. They will stay in the county town overnight..."

When the man came, Zhao Liniang was inspecting the eggs and picking out the fertilized ones. Going out, she held an oval egg, and frowned, "This...why didn't you come back all of a sudden? Did he say why he didn't go back to the village?" I didn't hear Xuan'er say that there was something urgent today, why did he have to come back? Staying in the county town for so long... Could it be because Brother Yan learned how to tailor? But it shouldn't be... No matter how late they used to be, they would all go back to the village. What happened today?

"I didn't hear from him. Lin Xiucai only said something was up."

"Oh, thank you." Even if Zhao Liniang was puzzled, she couldn't take her anger out on the person who sent the message. When Lin Lixuan and the others came back tomorrow, she must ask what they did. What happened, why did it take so long?

"It's okay, I'm leaving first."

"Wait, wait, thank you for your words, take a few eggs and go, the eggs just laid are fresh." Zhao Liniang packed a basket of eggs for him, a total of six, Passed it over.

"This... this is not going to work." The man didn't expect to have such a harvest with a sentence, six eggs is not a small number.

Zhao Liniang handed the basket to him, "It's okay, take it, my family has so many chickens that I can't finish the eggs I laid."

"Thank you so much!!!"

The next day, Lin Lixuan took Yan Geer back to drive the ox cart. Yan Geer sat on the cart with several layers of quilts underneath. It was fine when I came here..." What a waste of quilts, it will be like this every time I come to the county in the future, it will be too troublesome, if someone else is pregnant, why don't they still ride an ox cart.

Lin Lixuan turned around and squeezed his face, and said: "The car is bumpy, so be careful."

"Our cattle are very stable when pulling the cart, so don't be afraid."

"What if you are bumped in a pit ?" ? Forgot that you fainted yesterday? Don't you want a child anymore?"

"Yes, yes, I'll just sit on it obediently." Brother Yan put his hands together and made an obedient movement, Lin Lixuan touched Touch his head and take him into your arms.

The ox cart returned to Bixi Village at twice the usual speed. After stopping in the yard, it was a little bit reluctant to untie the cart on its body. Lin Lixuan helped Brother Yan get off the cart and turned around. Folding the quilt on the car, Zhao Liniang heard the movement outside the house, and hurried out to ask the teacher, "I had something to do yesterday, and I didn't come back in the middle of the night. Why is it so early today?"

Zhao Liniang walked up to them, "Why? There was a quilt on the car, what the hell is this... What were you busy with yesterday?" Zhao Liniang was taken aback when she saw the medicine bag in Lin Lixuan's hand from the corner of her eye, as if she had picked up a few loads of water Up and down, she asked anxiously: "What's wrong with this medicinal material? Which of you is sick?"

Zhao Liniang's heart fell to the bottom, her son and daughter-in-law, Wu Lun, who was sick, she felt uncomfortable, but... It shouldn't be a serious illness, she can't bear it, they didn't come back last night, it must be because of this illness...

Lin Lixuan took the medicine package and smiled at Zhao Liniang, Zhao Liniang spat at him, "Why are you laughing, you are still laughing when you are sick?!" Although she spoke harshly, her heart was at ease, and her son could still laugh, so it shouldn't be a big deal...

"Mother, this is an anti-fetal medicine." Lin Lixuan shook the medicine bag in front of his mother, and said words in a calm tone that shocked the people in front of him.

Zhao Liniang blinked her eyes a dozen times in a row, as if she was sorting out what the other person said in her mind, and after she realized it, she snatched the medicine bag from her son with lightning speed, "You said this is—— Antifetal medicine!!!"

Her eyes looked up and down at Yan Geer, Yan Geer has a bad appetite recently, and feels nauseated after eating fish, his stomach seems to be more bulging than before - inside, is Her grandson! !

"Brother Yan is pregnant!! I'm going to be a grandma!!" She hugged Brother Yan excitedly, "My good brother, that's so nice, our little lucky star, I said why did a magpie come to us today It turns out there is a happy event at home."

Lin Lixuan and Brother Yan were excited yesterday, and today they saw Zhao Liniang happy, "Mother, stop standing in the yard and go into the house."

"Yes, yes, Yan Brother, let's go into the house, don't blow the wind outside, let this child clean up outside by himself."

"Did you see the doctor yesterday?" Zhao Liniang pulled Brother Yan into the door, Brother Yu hurried out of the room, Zhao Liniang The voice was very loud just now, he heard the commotion outside, birth control pills, brother is pregnant, he is going to have a little nephew! ! ! ! Brother Yu blushed like a cherry with excitement, "Brother, am I going to be an uncle?"

"Well, Brother Yu is going to be an uncle..." Brother Yan affirmed the other party's words with a smile.

"Brother Yu, go get your brother a glass of water." Zhao Liniang ordered. Brother Yu nodded with a smile and went to pour a glass of hot water. To brother Yan, "Drink some water, and tell mother what happened yesterday..."


At this time, Lin Lixuan packed up his things indiscriminately and entered the house, and the three of them sat down together.

"Have you had the doctor look at it? What did the doctor say?"

"I've seen it, and the doctor said the baby is fine...that's..."

"That's what?"

"Brother Yan passed out after squatting for a long time yesterday. Keep it up for a while."

"Having fainted! ? Are you all right? "

It's okay, mother, don't worry, it's just a false alarm." "

That's good, you have to be careful in the future, the body is not the same as usual... Hey, why didn't you let the old man talk about it yesterday? Brother Yan has a child, such good news, don't tell me in advance... ..." After being happy, Zhao Liniang became annoyed that the couple didn't know about it. She had a grandson, and she didn't tell her the news earlier!

"Brother Yan and I only found out yesterday. I can't stay here, and I came to the county seat overnight..."

"What's wrong with me, I'm going to have a grandson!! Even if I go, I have to go there... I am better than you, a child who knows how to take care of others, brother Yan now You have a special body, so you have to take care of it carefully. By the way, the anti-fetal medicine you took is not going to be boiled for your husband! "

Zhao Liniang heard that Yan Geer, who was pregnant, passed out yesterday, so she couldn't be relieved. Anyway, she wanted to find another doctor to show Yan Geer. She wanted to hear what the doctor had to say.

Yan Geer hurriedly stopped her , He has already seen the doctor, there is nothing to worry about.

"Mother, don't be so troublesome, the doctor that Aunt Li called yesterday showed me, Brother Lin was worried, so he called another doctor to show me , If you call again today, it will be the third time... Don't bother, the doctor said I'm fine. Brother Lin, don't just watch from the sidelines, you also come to persuade mother. "

Lin Lixuan touched his nose and didn't interrupt.

Zhao Liniang couldn't listen to his persuasion, and the things she decided were pulled like a cow, and she couldn't pull them back.

Zhao Liniang went to the city to find a well-known doctor, and brought the ox cart over. The doctor was surnamed Feng, carrying a brown wooden medicine chest and a goatee. Looking at the Lin family's courtyard in Xicun, he sighed that there is such a good place in this village. If he doesn't want to stay in the county town, he will go to the countryside to build a courtyard like this.

The grape trellis outside is really well built, making him, an old doctor, so envious.

Brother Yan sat helplessly and let Dr. Feng feel his pulse, while Lin Lixuan and Zhao Liniang stood guard on either side, waiting for the old doctor with a goatee to speak.

Brother Yan pursed his lips. In just two days, three doctors took his pulse. He didn't have any terminal illness, he was just pregnant with a child. If it got out, it would become a big joke in the village.

"This husband is pregnant, and the child is almost three months old, congratulations!" The goatee old doctor cupped his hands and congratulated them. As a doctor, he likes to diagnose the happy pulse, which is a great thing.

After hearing what the doctor said, Zhao Liniang quickly asked, "Is there anything wrong with my brother's health? Is the child okay?"

"The pulse is very good, and Zunfulang is also in good health." Dr. Feng stroked his beard I wonder, this family is so strange, one or two, when they heard that Fulang was pregnant, they didn't even see a pleasant smiling face. Looking forward to the arrival of a child?

He knew that some people didn't value Shuang'er, but the husband he saw, with his face and posture, was by no means unfavorable, what happened?

"My brother squatted for a while yesterday and stood up, and he passed out. I'm afraid there is something wrong?"

"It's all right, just take good care of it. This little husband is in good health. I've been practicing medicine for so many years, and I've never seen a pregnant woman raised so healthy!" Dr. Feng said while stroking his beard.

Brother Yan, who was evaluated by the old doctor as strong and strong, blushed. Zhao Liniang felt relieved and happy when she heard the doctor's words, and quickly continued to ask the old doctor how to take care of their pregnant husband. What to pay attention to, what to do with your body, what are the taboos, brother Yan really helplessly watched his elder brother Lin repeatedly ask the questions he asked yesterday, both shy and sweet.

"How long do you have to take the anti-fetal medicine? Which prescription is good?"

"How about making old hen soup for him every day ?" "Can

he eat this?" "

Doctor Feng couldn't stand the mother and son's chattering questions at all, he was hoarse when he spoke, and then he realized in his heart that it wasn't that this family didn't value the two daughters-in-law, but--too much, I am someone who has found a third doctor!!!

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