Chapter 67

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    There are no fast food boxes here. If you want to eat out, you must go to a restaurant and order two or three small dishes. If you are a rich and wealthy customer, you must order a table of good wine and food.

Eating in a restaurant, no matter how stingy and stingy you are, no matter how few dishes you order, you will spend at least fifty or more than a hundred yuan. Ordinary people must not be able to withstand such consumption.

Lin Lixuan thought of selling fast food. After all, no matter how delicious steamed buns are, they don't taste as good as rice.

But he didn't dare to guarantee that this method would be popular in the county, so he began to sell some simple meals in the shop.

One is glutinous rice. A bowl of glutinous rice costs six renminbi. If you are willing to add another penny, you will get steamed bean paste and sauerkraut.

Calculated in this way, ordering a glutinous rice is only nine yuan at most. Compared with eating in a restaurant, it is much cheaper. However, it is only a bowl of glutinous rice, and an adult man can't eat enough.

Although it is not enough to eat, for the workers who do things, ordering such a portion, paired with steamed buns, can also satisfy the gluttony. When steaming glutinous rice, a little sesame oil is put in it, and the rice grains are shiny, snow-white glutinous rice , with an attractive color, it tastes fragrant and glutinous, and it is served with pickled cabbage or sausage, not to mention how delicious it is, it can almost be regarded as an exquisite snack.

In addition to glutinous rice, the other is omelet rice, which is delicious fried rice wrapped in tender egg skin. The gimmick of omelet rice alone is enough to attract a large number of people. , bacon and chicken are fried together, and then served with exquisite seasonings of onion, ginger and garlic. The fried rice is bright in color and attractive in aroma. Just looking at it from a distance makes people drool.

The recipes of glutinous rice and omelet rice were determined by Brother Yan and Lin Lixuan after several days of experiments in the kitchen at home. Although these two things are simple to make, the simpler the dish, the more small details are worthy of attention. Note that as long as there is a little difference, it will affect the taste of the dishes.

Thanks to Brother Yan for his innate good cooking skills. He has excellent control over the heat and seasonings. Facing ingredients and seasonings, he knows how to combine them into the best combination without a teacher.

Although Lin Lixuan and the others sell simple food, he still does not give up the pursuit of taste, so that even if other people imitate their methods in the future, they may not be able to achieve such a taste.

Lin Lixuan and Yan Geer looked at each other and smiled, and finally established the best method of glutinous rice and fried rice, Lin Lixuan recorded it with a brush.

After laughing, they quickly took a sip of herbal tea, ate fried rice for seven or eight days, and the corners of their tongues and mouths were blistered. After finalizing the plan, the tossing was over.

The normal food was served on the dining table, and Zhao Liniang was so touched that she was about to cry: "Finally, I can eat normal food. Even if the fried rice is delicious, I don't want to eat it."

Zhao Liniang ate omelet rice for the first time, The novelty can't be her own, let's not say that she has never seen a meal wrapped in egg skin, and she has never eaten the fried rice in it. The fried rice is fried with oil. The villagers eat white rice as the best, but they still use oil Stir, at that moment, she felt that her cognition was subverted.

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