Chapter 32 Prices

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   Zhao Qingqing? What is he doing here in such a cold day?

Ji Qian poked his head out, and looked at the back of Zhao Qingqing walking past with his eyeballs. He didn't stop him, but followed Zhao Qingqing curiously. As the saying goes, there must be monsters when things go wrong. The pre-season of the matter is the most experienced, and he feels that Zhao Qingqing must have a secret.

The wind on the mountain is blowing, and from time to time, a few dry and hard leaves can't bear the wind, and they fall helplessly to add bricks and tiles to the soil on the ground. The wind makes the ears on both sides stiff and cold, and there seems to be a rumbling roar. echoed in the ears.

Ji Qian secretly followed behind Zhao Qingqing, only to see that the other party was getting more and more hidden, strange, he didn't grow up in Bixi Village, how could he be so familiar with the nearby mountains? A suspicion arose in Ji Qian's heart, he is used to doing this kind of thing, and he judges others by himself, that's naturally...

until I saw him having a private meeting with a strange man, the two of them acted so intimately, the relationship must not be simple , Hahaha, Ji Qian was suddenly happy, and the cold west wind around him suddenly disappeared, and for a moment, I only felt the warmth of spring and flowers blooming...

Ji Qian's handsome face almost burst into laughter, and he had to hold back his laughter , It was too unbearable, and he knew that he guessed right, the cousin and daughter-in-law definitely had sex with others, and he knew, how could such a good-looking little Shuang'er fall in love with that idiot Ji Ya. When at home, this Shuang'er will still flirt with him, this kind of Shuang'er with diverse thoughts, tsk tsk, I'm afraid the child in his belly is not Ji Ya...

He is happy to see others are worse than him Yes, the depression in my heart disappeared in an instant. No matter how ugly and rude his family Song Qiaoer was, at least he didn't give him a cuckold. Instead, he was always thinking about him. Shuang'er girls like it, so what is Ji Ya, and he has the nerve to show it off in front of him?

His pre-season luck was better than that of Ji Ya. Thinking of the words Ji Ya said in front of him some time ago, today is a big turnaround.

Humph, even that stupid elm bump of Ji Ya has the nerve to show off in front of him, "Brother ex, although I, Ji Ya, was not as good-looking as you, nor as smart as the other brothers and sisters, I am honest, look, I will marry you." When I arrived at Qingqing, didn't the old man say something like this, stupid people have stupid blessings, and I am the one with silly blessings, Qingqing treats me so kindly, has a good temper and is diligent, and even mends my clothes..."

"I Look at my cousin, you should live a solid life with Qiaoer's sister-in-law. Although she is a little fatter, her arms are comparable to your thighs, and she can't do laundry and cooking... How can a woman look like this? Is it because we are in the village and have little experience, so my Qingqing is not like this..."

Ji Ya, who had no sense of presence in Ji's family, has grown taller and can speak eloquently since marrying Zhao Qingqing. Seeing the unlucky and lame Ji Qian, he thought he was "superior" to him, provoking Ji Qian with the couple's love every day, and Ji Qian already hated him so much that his teeth itch.

To see if you still dare to show your affection in front of me, to see if you still dare to talk about being a husband in front of me, with a sinister smile on Ji Qian's face, he turned his head and glanced at the couple who had a tryst again, Decided to make room for them, and let the young lovers make more fuss. They raised their feet and were about to leave, but a voice came from

behind—"Ah Cheng, let's elope!" Zhao Qingqing looked into the man's eyes, fixed Said.

The man named Ah Cheng was stunned for a while when he heard his words, and looked embarrassed, "This...Qingqing, I like you, and it was thanks to you that my grandma was buried last time...but..."

Liu Cheng is also Ah Cheng , and Zhao Qingqing's childhood sweetheart, but the family is really poor, and there is a frail and sick grandmother who is over 80 years old. The Zhao family is extremely reluctant to have both of their children with a man who lives in a thatched hut and has no rest. But Ah He grew up handsome, and loves Zhao Qingqing like a baby. Zhao Qingqing dare not go west when he says east, and he dare not go east when Zhao Qingqing says west. Zhao Qingqing likes the way he obeys her. They had done everything, and after the deeds were exposed, the Zhao family hurriedly married Zhao Qingqing.

Because of this incident, Liu Cheng's grandmother was ill with anger and passed away soon. Liu Cheng was so poor that he couldn't even afford a coffin, but Zhao Qingqing, who was married to Ji's family, supported him...

"Qingqing, I would like to ..." Do anything for you... I will listen to you... But, you are married to Ji Ya, is it really okay for us to do this? Besides, you are pregnant..."

"I really can't stand Ji Ya Ya." When she first married Ji Ya, Zhao Qingqing admitted it and felt that her fate was like this, but that Ji Ya was ugly, stupid and machismo, and she wanted Zhao Qingqing to behave in front of everyone in Ji's family all day long. Everything depends on him, Zhao Qingqing has to do what he says, and he loves to perform, wishing to publicize the love between their husband and wife, the whole Bixi Village knows, and every time he says it, he especially emphasizes that Zhao Qingqing has a unique vision , fell in love with Ji Ya at a glance, and would rather marry him without gift money and desperately.

Cut, what a face! If someone wants to say these things, Zhao Qingqing is as disgusted as she is smiling on her face.

Some time ago, he said that he wanted to do business with his brother, and that he could earn dozens of taels of silver a month, which made Zhao Qingqing's heart elated. He thought that it doesn't matter if people are stupid, as long as they have money, but what happened? It's not like running back in despair, why is Zhao Qingqing so unlucky, marrying such a useless man, compared with Ji Ya, he would rather choose Ah Cheng.

At least Ah Cheng puts him first in everything.

"Don't you just have the heart for our children to recognize another man as their father? You don't know how useless that Ji Ya is. The money he married me came from his cousin's family. You know how messy their Ji family is. I want to adopt my child to that idle cripple of Ji Qian..."

"Qi Qian?"

"That's him, the one who hooked up with a married woman and was broken by her husband. According to the doctor, he It seems inhumane, he can't be regarded as a man at all, and he can't bear children, so he has to adopt his younger brother's child to him..."

"This... but we eloped, where are we going? There is no money..."

"Don't worry, I know where Grandma Ji saves her money. Let me tell you..." Ji Qian who was about to leave

raised his front foot, listening When I heard these words, I just felt like a thunderbolt.

After Lin Lixuan and Brother Yan slipped out, only Zhao Liniang was left in the Ji family, who was extremely depressed. Facing the frisky chickens and ducks raised by herself, she couldn't vent her breath. Zhao Liniang scolded Lin Lixuan in her heart, and also scolded Brother Yan by the way.

Zhao Liniang got angry and decided to go to the city to sell the chickens and ducks at home, so as not to be upset, she drove the donkey cart to the county town, Qiu Geer was busy in the shop, and Qiu Geer simply called Qiu Geer Saying hello, sitting alone in a chair and sulking, she just couldn't figure out why her child didn't want to go to school, and when she was at home, she was still holding a book to write and draw, so in an instant, everything was different.

Even if Zhao Liniang didn't take the initiative to hawk, when others saw the two cages of fat and strong roosters and ducks beside her, many people came up to ask Zhao Liniang how to sell them. Bargaining with others is not interested in selling your hard work cheaply.

Eighteen cents a catty, the same price.

"Why is the price so expensive?" A middle-aged woman wearing a headscarf asked the price, she was speechless. An ordinary chicken and duck cost only ten cents a catty, which is almost twice as much. A rooster counts as four to five catties. Wouldn't it cost nearly a hundred yuan to buy one, so she decided to go to the market to have a look.

It's so expensive, whether you want it or not.

"Can it be cheaper? Fifteen cents a catty, buy two."

"If you don't sell it, a penny is a lot." Zhao Liniang sat there with her arms folded.

Zhao Liniang didn't have much interest in selling chickens at all, she just came out to relax, with a straight face, according to this posture of selling chickens, she thought that she couldn't sell a single chicken today, but she didn't expect to sit there for less than an hour. The two cages of chickens that arrived were all sold, and there was not one left. Earlier, she wanted to save one chicken for Brother Qiu, but in the end, someone snatched up the last one and bought it.

The people next to her saw that she was selling chickens, no matter who they were, they had a lot of penny, so they thought to themselves: This old lady pays the same price no matter who she buys, and there is no discount for buying as many chickens as she wants. Some people went to buy it, which means that this chicken must be really good. This big rooster is really good-looking, with a bright coat and a bright red comb. Why don't you buy one...

That middle-aged woman who disliked the price and went to other places to look, After looking at a few houses, I turned back. I really saw the good ones and couldn't stand the bad ones. Hey, it's almost Chinese New Year, so the more expensive ones should be more expensive...God, fortunately I came back early, otherwise the meeting would be gone. .

"I won't sell this one..."

"Sell it to me, I'm the first one to ask the price..."

Zhao Liniang couldn't laugh or cry holding the one or two taels of silver she got. The little thing that had been taken care of for a few months was bought away like this, and she didn't look back at her when she was taken away. She looked so heartless, just like her own son...

"Brother Qiu, what do you say... ... so expensive, how come there are still people buying it?"

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