Chapter 24 Leasing

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  Lin Lixuan did not intend to take the imperial examination, and he had no interest in the "Four Books and Five Classics" of this dynasty. Although he had a little memory of the original owner, it was not impossible for him to write "eight-legged essays". In such a society, why bother to mess with officialdom. Lin Lixuan knew that the reason why Zhao Liniang was obsessed with making him the number one scholar in the imperial examination was mainly because of old man Lin. Zhao Liniang was an ordinary village woman with no big ambitions, so she just wanted to live a better life at home and be able to put on a show in front of the villagers It's just enviable, ordinary people have this kind of show off.

Of course, Lin Lixuan was not that stupid, and told Zhao Liniang that he would not go to school now, and that he should not be too anxious to achieve his goals in anything.

Although they are popular in Bixi Village by relying on ancient mobile vendors to sell bean curd, in fact, there is no disturbance in the county town at around ten taels of silver a month.

Lin Lixuan plans to rent a shop in the county town, selling steamed buns and soy milk in the morning, and various soy products and other food during the day. Of course, the most important thing is to publicize the ingredients such as dried tofu, fried tofu, and yuba. In the end, the main ingredients are The best thing is to buy a mountain circle near

Bixi Village to build an orchard after the store has accumulated funds, and then build a large manor in the orchard... Four taels of silver come out, and the rest of the money will be kept by your mother, so that even if I lose money in business, our family will not lose much." Lin Lixuan took a detour to persuade Zhao Liniang, but brother, there is no need to persuade, This kind of neutral friendly army could turn against him at will, and even helped Lin Lixuan persuade Zhao Liniang.

Brother Yan hugged the basket and nodded endlessly: "Yes, yes, let Brother Lin try it." Although Brother Yan also loves money, after all, four taels of silver is more than half a month's income for them, but Lin Li Xuan tries to open a shop, and Yan Geer supports him unconditionally.

After all, Zhao Liniang finally relented, "Let's open it... But, as agreed, it's only four taels of silver." She had already asked about it, and the monthly rent of ordinary shops in the county was three to four taels. After paying a considerable amount of deposit, if Lin Lixuan could rent a house, he would naturally let him go.

With the approval, Lin Lixuan and his wife began to look for suitable shops in Quanshui County. In fact, Lin Lixuan had already inquired about the shops that Quanshui County was renting out a while ago, and planned to take Brother Yan to the field in the past few days. Choose one, choose one, and, with only four taels of silver, it's really hard to rent a suitable shop.

Early in the morning, he took Brother Yan into the county on a donkey cart, and first went to Songyun Bookstore. He brought a stack of newly written manuscripts, and he would write novels when he was at Lin's house with nothing to do Now, the few volumes of Legend of the Gods he wrote are not just adaptations of the Romance of the Gods. Since he sent the manuscript to Songyun Bookstore last time, he has bought a lot of local historical and geographical biographies in the bookstore. As well as legendary and strange novels, he read them one by one, collected local materials, and infiltrated some local legendary stories of strange people and strange events into his manuscripts.

In addition, he also used some techniques of modern novels in the process of writing the book. The plot has ups and downs and climaxes, and the rhythm is clear and fascinating. Of course, the most important thing is to make readers feel "cool". If you dare to write too much, just be appropriate. Don't challenge the heartstrings of ancient literati all at once. After all, those who can read and read are educated people.

When I came to Songyun Bookstore, it happened that Chu Zihang, whom Lin Lixuan was familiar with, was there. As soon as he saw him, the other party came up to congratulate him. The first volume of Legend of the Gods started to be produced in the printing workshop, and it is estimated that it will be released by the end of the year, "Thank you Alright, Wenle." Wenle is Chu Zihang's word.

Chu Zihang let out a hearty laugh on his simple and honest face: "No thanks, no thanks, hey, is this a new manuscript you wrote? Quickly bring it here and let me have a look, she will definitely regret it if Mrs. Shen is not here, she wants to know The follow-up of the story has developed. Some time ago, I have come to ask several times. I asked the scholar of the Lin family in Bixi Village if he had been here. It seems that I have to copy a copy and send it to Mr. Shen."

"What's the matter, Mr. Shen Not here?" The owner of Songyun Bookstore is Mr. Shen.

"Mr. Shen's son is an official in the capital. No, it's almost Chinese New Year. Mr. and Mrs. were taken to the capital for a family reunion, and they came back after the year."

This is a little difficult. Lin Lixuan originally wanted to use this manuscript to exchange a few taels of silver for a turnaround, but the boss is not here, so it is hard to say about the silver. Whether the first book will be a big seller has not yet been determined. It's hard to pay for it.

No matter how difficult it is to speak, for the sake of livelihood, I still have to say, "I wonder if I can advance three taels of silver..."

Chu Zihang frowned, "This... I can't make the decision."

"Can you accommodate me?"

"I ..." Chu Zihang is an honest and responsible scholar, and he will never agree to anything that is not in compliance with the rules.

Lin Lixuan didn't want to embarrass others, so he had to find another way when he found out that it couldn't work.

"I'm really sorry." Chu Zihang apologized, and then seemed to have made up his mind, he struggled and said: "If brother Lin really needs money, I have three taels of silver..."

"No need ..." Lin Lixuan thanked him, smiled and pulled Brother Yan who was beside him to leave.

Ji Yan followed Lin Lixuan to the corner of the street, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Why not?"

Lin Lixuan stopped and looked at his little husband with a smile, "Do you think he looks like a rich man?"

Brother Yan His head shook like a rattle, and there were patches on Chu Zihang's clothes.

"So, what if we borrowed his money and he has to drink the Northwest Wind in the next few months?"

Brother Yan didn't understand: "What does it mean to drink the Northwest Wind?"

Well, forgive the country boy Not knowing the common language, Lin Lixuan teased his brother with a smile: "It's just that there is no food and starvation, so I can only blow the northwest wind and eat dirt."

No food? hungry? Eat dirt? These words hit Brother Yan's heart like a hammer. For a big eater, there is nothing more terrifying than this word.

Since I tasted the taste of fullness, I can no longer stand the days of starvation.

Seeing Brother Yan's frightened look, Lin Lixuan smiled and took Brother Yan's hand, and when he touched it, he felt icy cold, Lin Lixuan frowned and said, "Your hands are so cold, why don't you wear more clothes."

"I've already worn a lot, but my hands are a bit cold." Brother Yan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him. In the past, he had worn so many clothes when it was the coldest every year.

Lin Lixuan held his hand helplessly, the warm palm wrapped his cold hand, and his cold fingers suddenly touched the warm palm, feeling extremely hot for a moment, Brother Yan wanted to withdraw his hand, but he couldn't bear it. Get out of that warmth.

When the two walked near the overpass, Lin Lixuan saw Huang Yuan, who was selling letters for a living, from a distance. He was lazily lying on the table and flipping through a book. Just as bleak.

They had to thank the other party for their help in opening their humble bean curd stall. Not only did they lend them benches, bowls and chopsticks, but they also helped them take care of the stall in the first few days. But later, Huang Yuan refused to go because he was afraid of affecting their business. Yes, Lin Lixuan had a good impression of this ordinary-looking and warm-hearted scholar, and walked over to greet him. When the other party saw him, he came back from the book in surprise and shouted: "It's you!"

Huang Yuan stood up and winked. Smiling, he glanced at Lin Lixuan, then glanced at the hand he was holding with Brother Yan, and felt that the north wind blowing over was colder than before, he joked with a smile: "Little sister-in-law is here too ?"

Yan Ge'er, who was teased, blushed as hot as the palm that Lin Lixuan held him just now.

Lin Lixuan was smiling, and suddenly looked at the pile of written letter papers on the other side's wooden table. Huang Yuan followed his gaze, jumped up like a big cat whose tail was touched, and quickly hid the pile of papers .

"Are you imitating my handwriting?" It's not that Lin Lixuan is narcissistic. In fact, his handwriting is so easy to recognize. He has some habits, and some strokes are special. The other party not only imitates his handwriting, but also his writing habits. And learned to go.

"Hey hey hey." The thick-skinned Huang Yuan smiled shyly. The calligraphy could not be sold at all, at most a few illiterate people would ask him to write letters. Who knows, someone actually bought the calligraphy he wrote, hahaha, although it was only sold two or three times...

Lin Lixuan did not He cared about others learning his calligraphy. He also learned calligraphy from his grandfather when he was young. His grandson also picked up his grandfather's stroke habits. Seeing Huang Yuan's familiar font, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Brother Yan also learned from his handwriting, why can't he feel emotional when he sees Brother Yan's handwriting? Because Brother Yan's handwriting can only be described as "well-shaped" and "square".

"Hey, are you hanging out in the county?"

"No, Brother Yan and I want to rent a shop to open a shop."

The author has something to say: October 19th, that is, tomorrow Thursday will join V, and we will meet in the afternoon of that day The third update is missing, and those who like the article can continue to support it~

The stupid author has a pre-accepted article "Ancient Wearing Today, Ancient Wearing Today", if you are interested, you can pay attention to it^-^

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