Chapter 59

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   Yes, it is popular among merchants.

Because the entire article is written in vernacular Chinese, it is easy to understand and unpretentious, so ordinary readers can understand it, and even businessmen who can only read a few words can understand it.

The businessman travels north and south, and feels bored during the journey. He usually spends his days on the road. The journey is hard, exhausting, accompanied by the sound of wind and rain, and loneliness. Now that he has this precious book, he will open it when he is bored. Look, you don't need to expend any thoughts, you can easily indulge in it, the story is light, light and interesting, enough to adjust the loneliness during the journey.

"Hahahaha!!!!" He fell to the ground laughing, his stomach hurt from laughing, and tears flowed from laughing.

Such disregard of face and laughing appearances appeared continuously all over the country. Amidst the sound of carriages and horses, in inns, and in the streets and alleys, people opened this book.

Lin Lixuan's book was quite popular, and almost everyone had a copy of it, making him a lot of money.

Those self-proclaimed literati and refined scholars saw his book and denounced it as illogical and incoherent, which was completely unreasonable.

Only ordinary people like such books!

Although these people criticize this book as worthless on the surface, they secretly keep a book in their collection and treat it as a bedside treasure.

The comics in the book are really innovative.

Relying on this book, Lin Lixuan inexplicably made a lot of money.

The previously written Romance of the Gods, after all, is Yangchun Baixue, with exquisite and elegant words, full of countless legendary stories, ups and downs in the plot, and countless foreshadowings. Not everyone can understand it, and more learned literati like it.

And this book, Yongyi Scholar Records, tells the legendary stories of ordinary people in the market, which is more likely to be liked by the public.

It also brings more benefits than the previous one. Many people like the comics above, saying that these paintings are simply the finishing touch.

When I have nothing to do, I open this book, and when I see the content, I feel extremely happy. There are also many people who especially like the short comics above. The characters are drawn extremely vividly, and the movements are concise and beautiful. It is concise and clear, and it is extremely easy to appreciate. Children can understand it. No matter what age, men, women and children can read it. I understand it, and I like it very much. There are still people who secretly copy and preserve it. Many people wonder, what kind of person can write such an interesting novel.

When they found out that the author of this book had also written another strange story about the fight between gods and ghosts, they were really surprised, and they all wondered if there were two authors, otherwise how could they have written two completely different novels.

Huang Yuan who knew Lin Lixuan also quietly came to ask him: "Did you really write this book?"

Lin Lixuan nodded: "That's natural, don't ask, I really wrote it, it's a boring work , It's not elegant."

"Don't say that, I can't even write such an article, I'm so envious of you." Huang Yuan scratched his head, his eyes were full of envy.

"I'm envious of this kind of thing?"

"Of course, I haven't started writing the novel I've been planning since the Chinese New Year." Huang Yuan said with a guilty conscience. After planning for a long time, the more he treasured it, the less he dared to write it. start writing.

"Why don't you write?" Lin Lixuan was curious.

"Aren't I inexperienced... What should I do if I can't write well?" In fact, he has written the beginning countless times, but he is not satisfied with all of them.

"...It doesn't matter whether the writing is good or bad, at least you have to start writing!" Lin Lixuan said sharply. When he started writing, he didn't know whether his writing was good or not. After finishing writing, he satisfied his desire to create. , is enough, whether the reader likes it or not, he can accept it.

"Well, with your encouragement, I'll write as soon as I get back." Huang Yuan straightened his clothes, and many beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, like little pearls.

"Go and write, don't talk nonsense here."

"I really want to cut your head open to see what's inside?"

Lin Lixuan smiled and replied, "It's not water anyway."

Huang Yuan was helpless Shaking his head, he turned his face to the side and smiled softly: "The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Hey, the watermelons you grow are delicious..."

"Thank you for your compliment. I also think the watermelons I grow are delicious." Lin Lixuan raised his eyebrows, boasting like a shameless Wangpo.

"Then why don't you sell it in the store? I think if you start selling watermelon in the store, many people will come to buy it." Huang Yuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, smacked his lips and said, "I'm also very hungry now. I want to eat it."

Lin Lixuan estimated in his heart, and then said: "Soon, wait a few more days, and you will be able to buy watermelons in my store."

Lin Lixuan planted batch after batch of watermelon seedlings, and planted them The time of harvest is different, and the time of harvest is also different. Some are a few days before and after, and some are several months before and after.

At the end of June, he began to sell watermelons in shops in the county seat. Eighty watermelons had already been harvested in his warehouse, and the eighty watermelons were piled up there like a mountain. Looking at it, there was a joy of harvest in his heart, Zhao Liniang smiled from ear to ear, before autumn, they harvested this batch of fruits first, which weighed a thousand catties.

There are so many watermelons, their family will definitely not be able to eat them all, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the sun is scorching, walking in the fields, the smell emerging from the soil and the green and yellow weeds is enough to make people faint .

Transporting watermelons to the county town is also a difficult problem. Transporting a cart back and forth made the little donkey very tired. The weather was hot and the sun was shining brightly. People and animals couldn't bear it either. Brother Yan felt sorry for them and made a special trip. The oversized bamboo umbrella, the purple bamboo umbrella has distinct joints, and it is light and shades the sun. Although it cannot block the rain, it is enough to cover the scorching sun. Insert it on the car board, it can envelop people in it, and it can also make the little donkey Feeling the shading of the shadow relieved him a bit of fatigue. In addition, fortunately, their family also bought cattle, and the labor force of the two livestock can be used one after another.

The surface of the car board is covered with layers of thick straw. The golden yellow color is in stark contrast to the dark green watermelons on it. With the care of these straws, the appearance of the watermelons transported over will not be damaged, but , Be careful during transportation, if a watermelon rolls off the car, the melon will be ruined and the meat will be destroyed, so you can only keep it for yourself to eat.

After the watermelon was transported to the store, Lin Lixuan, who was a profiteer, naturally did not sell the watermelon by its size, but cut it up, just like in modern street corners, and sold it in pieces.

He also considered the actual purchasing power of the residents here. Not every household can afford a watermelon. He cut the watermelon into pieces and put them in a wooden box filled with ice cubes. The steaming, bright red watermelon is extremely attractive, and the price of a piece of watermelon is not expensive. You can buy a large piece for eight pennies to satisfy your hunger. In the hot summer, eating a piece of cold watermelon is such a happy thing.

Red meat and black seeds, people who come to their store can buy a piece of watermelon and order many snacks. Lin Lixuan will cut the watermelon into small triangular pieces for them with a knife, and place them neatly on a white porcelain plate. White, refreshing, eating watermelon while chatting with people around has become the most leisurely thing for residents of Quanshui County.

"Boss, I want a piece of watermelon and two plates of peanuts."

"I also want to eat watermelon on such a hot day. I also bought two yuan and took it home for my old mother to taste."

The watermelon that can cool off the heat greatly increased the sales of Lin Lixuan's store. With a bigger appetite to buy other things in the store, counting the money he earned, Lin Lixuan smiled like a cat stealing fish.

The watermelon he worked so hard on really didn't have any white species!

One big watermelon in his family can be cut into sixteen pieces and sold for one hundred and twenty-eight yuan. A hundred watermelons are worth twelve taels of silver.

What's more interesting is that Quanshui County has a lot of tourists coming and going, and it has become a popular thing to buy a piece of watermelon to eat here, and buying a copy of Yongyi Scholar's Records is even more interesting.

Niu Dong is a north-south goods merchant. He buys goods from the north and goes to the south. After selling the goods in the south, he buys rare goods from the south and returns to the north to earn the difference. This is an extremely profitable business. The only hard work It is the hardships and worries of these merchants during the journey. Fortunately, the governance of the country is safe, the road robbers are rare, there are no robbers causing trouble, and the commerce is prosperous, so they can be lucky enough to do business safely.

After getting off the boat, he came to a place called Quanshui County to rest his feet. The glare of the sun blinded his eyes. He blocked the sun from the top of his head with his hands. The golden sun shone on the ground. The color makes people feel thirsty after seeing it, as if they are being roasted.

Niu Dong wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel. He just wanted to find a teahouse to sit down and rest for a while, and drink a cup of herbal tea to cool off the heat. For him at this time, a cup of cold water was his greatest wish.

While he was wiping away his sweat, he saw two potbellied people walking in front of him. The two people were dressed in gorgeous clothes, and there was a lot of travel and fatigue in the corners of their eyes and brows.

Those two rather wealthy businessmen, one was wearing a bright red satin dress, the other was wearing a yellow gown. The man in the red dress seemed to be eating something, like... watermelon?

He ate with relish, and when he looked at it from a distance, he felt that there was an endless sense of coolness coming from him, and there was a cool breath, as if soaked in ice water, which made people feel refreshed and happy when they saw it.

After eating the red pulp, stick the green melon rind on the face to cool off the heat and fatigue, and feel very comfortable and refreshed.

Seeing this, Niu Dong couldn't help but stepped forward and asked the two of them, "Big brother, where did you come from? What are you eating?"

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