Chapter 56

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   Planting hundreds of saplings is a big project, Lin Lixuan had to hire workers to help, and he worked hard for four or five days before he planted all the fruit trees. Lin Lixuan, who was holding a hoe, was deeply moved. He only had some mud on his face when he planted the seedlings, but now he is covered in sweat, mud and dead branches. After a few days, he has lost more than ten catties. His muscles have become much stronger, and he can no longer look like a scholar. He is now a farmer who digs food like a living. Lin Lixuan only hopes that all the saplings he has worked so hard to plant will not die. up! ! ! !

At least half of the saplings survived, so his efforts would not be in vain.

I can't guarantee longan and lychees, but mango pears should not be difficult to grow. Lin Lixuan thought that in modern times, many street campuses use mango trees for beautification and plant them on both sides of the road. Mango trees are all over the treetops, and the attractive fruit fragrance is lingering. If you walk under the tree, you still have to worry about being smashed-this kind of tree on the side of the road should be easy to feed.

His barren mountain is now full of greenery. Uncle Xu moved here on the day he started planting trees. He lived in a newly built wooden house at the foot of the mountain. Old man, just settle down for a while, and after a while, a new house will be built."

"There is no rush."

​​In addition to the hundreds of newly planted saplings, dozens of mature trees were also transplanted. There are loquats, bananas and plums in the tree. To Lin Lixuan's surprise, Old Man Xu also keeps bees. After a while, there will be honey to eat.

At the same time, Lin Lixuan also hired two long-term workers in the village to help take care of the orchard, including fertilizing, watering, and fertilizing. One of the two long-term workers was Ge Ergen, the son of the neighbor Ge Laoniang, and the other was Yuan Xiaoer. They both lived in Bixi Village, and they took turns guarding the orchard on the mountain.

Lin Lixuan came to the mountain to inspect the saplings, but he saw that Uncle Xu seemed to be grafting branches, and he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face. Unexpectedly, Uncle Xu understood this. Seeing his surprised look, the other party smiled and told him about it. How to graft fruit trees and cultivate them into good fruit.

As expected of someone who has planted fruit trees for decades.

Speaking of grafting, Lin Lixuan thought of the five acres of watermelon he planned to plant. In his previous life, as a company manager, he had a special female assistant, that female assistant. She was beautiful and capable. Lin Lixuan admired her very much. A girl, she also has the little feelings of growing flowers and plants on the balcony, but she is a natural plant killer, all the flowers and plants she planted died, and the only thing that survived was a watermelon, and the watermelon she planted in a pot really produced fruit. After getting a big, round and edible watermelon, she fell in love with watermelon crazily and indulged in the knowledge of watermelon cultivation. From her, Lin Lixuan heard for the first time that watermelon seedlings can be grafted on pumpkin seedlings, and the watermelon grown in this way , not susceptible to pests, and there is no problem of continuous cropping.

The pumpkin has a well-developed root system and a strong ability to absorb fertilizer. With the pumpkin root as the base, the watermelon vines growing on it can grow better and healthier. However, if the cultivation is not good, the watermelon grown may not taste good and have yellow tendons.

Grafting, in a sense, is to borrow a belly to give birth to a child, just like grafting a watermelon onto a pumpkin, the watermelon is simply a scumbag!

After the fruit trees were planted, Lin Lixuan suffered from back pain for several days, and began to dig pits to plant sugarcane. The growth cycle of sugarcane is long, and after the sugarcane seeds are buried, other crops can be planted on it, such as sweet potatoes. This is probably the crop While planting sugarcane, accompanied by the warm spring breeze, led by Lin Lixuan, he and his family began to cultivate watermelon seedlings and pumpkin seedlings.

The pumpkin seedlings are green and green, with fine hairs on the stems and leaves, which are a bit thorny to the touch. When they grow to three or four inches long and have seven or eight leaves, they can be grafted, and the leaves in the middle of the pumpkin seedlings are removed and hollowed out. , and then insert the root-removed watermelon into it, and then fix it with clips. After ten days, you will know whether the grafting is successful.

The tools used to remove leaves and roots must be sterilized to avoid infection in the injured part of the rhizome, and then the grafting will fail. Lin Lixuan took his husband Lang Yan and his little follower Yu to make a big fuss with the seedlings in the field Grafting, he didn't dare to tell Zhao Liniang that the two people who supported him secretly and unconditionally did it.

On the edge of the lush vegetable field, the moist soil brings the freshness of spring rain. Brother Yu is squatting beside the vegetable field, wearing a blue dress. The clothes are brand new. After he came to Lin's house, Brother Yan personally made the He cut it, but he learned how to sew the collar and sleeves of this dress by himself. Brother Yu cherishes the new clothes very much. He didn't want to wear the new clothes to go to the field at first, but Lin Lixuan told him : "If you don't wear new clothes, they will eventually become old clothes. Do you have to wait until they become old clothes before wearing them?" You don't wear them when you go to the field today, and you don't wear them when you go to the county town tomorrow. New clothes sit idle in the closet all day, what else? value?

After saying this, Lin Lixuan added, "As long as you don't roll into the paddy field and play in the mud, your new clothes will still be fine."

"...I won't roll in the paddy field." Brother Yu blushed Lian said, the field farming road is narrow and slippery after rain, especially for children who fell into the field without paying attention.

He pulled out the newly grown weeds in the field, and then patted his palms, trying to pat off all the mud on his hands. After arriving at Lin's house, Brother Yu's whole body was much cleaner and tidy. The dirty little face was scrubbed mercilessly with a clean towel, revealing the delicate and beautiful little face underneath.

Brother Yu raised his head. The red mole between his eyebrows is bright, and there are two lumps of baby fat on his delicate and cute face. When he smiles, there is a deep dimple on the right side, which is very pleasing to the eye, because Brother Yu is so handsome. Well, he sells small gadgets in the county town, which is very painful, but some people didn't want to buy his little lanterns, but when they saw his cute little face, they couldn't help but give him money. Brother Yu curiously said: Pointing to the grafted pumpkin seedlings in the field? Watermelon seedlings? Asked: "Put watermelon seedlings on pumpkin seedlings, what will grow in the end?"

Brother Yan stood up, with doubts on his face that looked three to four quarters like Brother Yu, he hesitated to answer Brother Yu's question: "Maybe it will grow...a watermelon..." Brother Yan He said so, but he didn't really believe it in his heart..."

"..." Brother Yu was silent for a while, then murmured: "... But why do I think that watermelons should not grow. "It's obviously a pumpkin! Even if there are watermelon leaves, it's still a pumpkin.

"..." Brother Yan thought so too, but he couldn't say it out loud. After all, Brother Lin poured his blood into it. He couldn't help but let go of

his thoughts, thinking of a novel he had read, "Maybe... a pumpkin will grow. '

'What's a zucchini like? "

"Well, it might be's so big, inside..." Brother Yan said, gesturing to Brother Yu with his hands, and Brother Yu nodded, while Hei Lingling's big eyes were full of Unbelievable.

" You guys guessed it right! "A voice full of teasing came from behind the two of them. Brother Yan turned his head, and what he saw was Lin Lixuan's magnified handsome face. Brother Yan was startled, and almost fell into the vegetable field with a sprained foot. Brother Yan survived by hugging him from behind with strong and powerful hands.

Brother Yan patted his chest and abdomen, "Why did you suddenly appear from behind? It's scary! "

Brother Yu covered his mouth and smiled, he had already seen his brother-in-law coming.

"It's because you said that you were so fascinated that you didn't notice me coming. Look, didn't Brother Yu see me a long time ago?" "

Lin Lixuan still had a smile on his lips. He really didn't expect Brother Yan and his younger brother to talk about planting watermelons like this behind their backs. It has been ten days since the first batch of watermelon seedlings were grafted. The three of them have grafted five Out of the ten seedlings, only eighteen survived. This success rate made Lin Lixuan both disappointed and fortunate.

Fortunately, this grafting method can be successful. As long as it succeeds, it will solve the big problem of planting watermelons. It doesn't matter if the success rate is low, and it will always improve if you try more. Lin Lixuan and Yan Geer and the three grafted another hundred watermelon seedlings. Transplanting the previously planted seedlings into the prepared watermelon field, Lin Lixuan thought in his heart that it would take a few months to fill the five acres of watermelon field with melon seedlings.

The growth periods of these melon seedlings are different, and when it is time to harvest, there will be watermelons eaten for several months.

Lin Lixuan held Brother Yan's hand, and Brother Yan grabbed Brother Yu, and the three of them walked back to Lin's house leisurely, "We are like a family of three." Lin Lixuan on the road suddenly sighed.

Brother Yan slapped his hand and didn't say a word. Brother Yu next to him was very excited and shook his own brother's hand vigorously, "Brother! Brother! When will I have a little nephew?"

"... "Brother Yan's eyes darkened. He has been married to Lin Lixuan for more than half a year, and there is no sign of pregnancy. There are also gossips in the village, saying that he belongs to the "infertile" twins and is a person without fertility. Brother Yan He listened to these words, and Zhao Liniang was also looking forward to having a grandson, so he was secretly worried, if...he really couldn't have children, would Brother Lin marry someone else?

"Brother Yu wants a little nephew so much?"

"Yeah, brother and husband's child must be very cute." Brother Yu said with a smile.

Seeing Brother Yu who was so similar to Brother Yan, Lin Lixuan couldn't help but think in his heart that he and Brother Yan's children would probably also think that Brother Yu was as cute and cute. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile slightly, He patted Brother Yu's head.

"What are you thinking about with your head down? Is there a baby on the ground?" From the corner of the eye, Lin Lixuan saw Brother Yan who was a little sad, and Lin Lixuan took him into his arms and looked at him with gentle eyes.

"...What if I can't have a child?" Brother Yan asked with all his courage, and then he didn't dare to look at Lin Lixuan's reaction. People in the village always regard children as extremely important... Shuang'er is not as good as a daughter Most of the reasons are due to the low fertility of the twins.

Brother Yu on the side also pricked up his ears to listen quietly.

Lin Lixuan smiled lightly, as if Brother Yan asked only a small question, and touched his face, "What should I do?"

"...What if I don't have children?"

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