Chapter 2 Lunch

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  The young man nodded timidly, his exposed pointed chin pressed against the quilt, his eyes were extremely suppressed, and he stared straight at the rough thread on the corner.

Brother Yan, that is, Ji Yan, thought he was marrying a fool, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen this morning. Compared with Lin Lixuan who has sharp eyes now, he would rather see that smirk from yesterday, A husband with bright eyes like a child.

It was better for him to be with a fool than with a stranger.

They are both from Bixi Village, and Ji Yan and Lin Lixuan are not familiar with each other. In the past, because Lin Lixuan read well, the Lin family always felt that their family was different from other families. The relationship with the villagers has not been very good.

Lin Lixuan became stupid. The villagers were sympathetic on the surface, but they were all gloating secretly.

Your son is Wenqu Xingxia? Still want to take the No. 1 Scholar exam?

Dream it! People are stupid like pigs.

The boy's black jewel-like eyes were filled with mist, and he was full of inexplicable fear and bewilderment about the future.

Lin Lixuan pulled the hair from his chest back. He was not used to the long hair. Due to lack of nutrition, the quality of the hair was not good.

Seeing the young man's face full of fear and not daring to look directly at him, it was rare that there was no displeasure in his heart. If his staff dared to show such a timid look in front of him, he would definitely scold him without saying a word. He hates not being confident enough brave guy. But the young boy's palm-sized face and huddled body looked like an abandoned milk cat. Lin Lixuan felt pity in his heart, and his tone slowed down involuntarily, "Does it still hurt?

" Shaking his head, a blush flew across his pale face. The movement of his head shaking was relatively large, touching the still painful wound on his body, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he took a light breath.

Lin Lixuan smiled, "Be careful and don't move around, rest well." After he walked forward, he staggered and stumbled, but fortunately he didn't fall down. He looked down and saw that it was a round wooden pen holder. A clump of bamboo is engraved on the surface of the pen holder. Because it is too old, the original pattern is blurred, and the outline of the bamboo leaves can only be discerned. There is also a red mud print, which is also unclear, only a few dots remain pale red.

Tripped by him, the pen container rolled around on the ground, making a crisp sound. Ji Yan, who was originally timid and didn't dare to look up, was startled by the sudden sound, and raised his head to look over.

The handsome man was half-squatting and half-standing in embarrassment. Seeing his appearance, the young man's uneasy heart calmed down a little, and he felt that he was getting closer to him. He knew that Lin Lixuan was good-looking, even yesterday's idiot's smile and antics were not annoying. But he never thought that the sober Lin Lixuan after getting rid of his stupidity would be like this... like a fairy, forgive Ji Yan who has never read the book and don't know what words to use to describe it, he felt that Lin Lixuan in front of him was the same as Everyone in the village is different. I can't tell what is different, but they are different. By the way, he has studied, and he is also a scholar. He is the first in his village to be admitted as a scholar.

Lin Lixuan didn't know what was going on in his mind, he just thought about tidying up this room in the future, after all, it was the place where he would live in the future, and he couldn't put things here and there like a grocery store.

And tripped people up.

Set up the pot, put it on high heat, and put the lid on again. Zhao Liniang came out of the room in a hurry, and then boiled water in the kitchen. It's like stepping on a cotton cloud.

She was so busy that she couldn't stop, the water in the pot hadn't boiled yet, but her heart was boiling like boiling water.

My son, all right.

He came to himself.

"Bodhisattva bless, Bodhisattva bless..." put your hands together, murmured in your heart, pulled three sticks of incense from the wooden stand, lit them, kowtowed three times, and respectfully inserted them into the incense burner on the earthen wall. The picture of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva posted was blackened by the smoke, and a large area was rolled up, but it still did not hinder the devotion of believers to her.

In a copper basin at the foot, there were still unburned money papers, which she had burned for old man Lin early this morning. The fire, the bright yellow flame that sprang out instantly swept across the paper money in her hand.

"Old man, you know, our child is well... If only you were still alive, we are a family of three... No... Now there are four people, living peacefully and beautifully..."

Although a little sentimental, the living Zhao Liniang, who has been muddling around since old man Lin passed away, began to feel hopeful.

Her child is well, and she will definitely be a high-ranking official in the future, just as the old man imagined when he was alive, the two of them will be the father and mother of the official in the future, and everyone in the village must envy them, as long as you think of this , No matter how much suffering you suffer at this time, you can stand it.

She clapped her palms and wiped her clothes, the yellow powder fell from her hands, and went to the kitchen to watch.

Lin Lixuan picked up the wet and yellowed towel from the tub, wrung it dry, folded the towel, and handed it to the boy who was still under the quilt.

The young man backed away in some panic, Lin Lixuan burst out laughing, seeing the young man trembling like a bird or beast fleeing in panic in the forest, he played tricks on his heart, and said to him, "Shall I wipe your body for you?" The

young man panicked What's more, he was naked and could only hide under the quilt. Yesterday's clothes were torn several times, mixed with inexplicable things, and he could no longer wear them. His face was flushed, and finally he mustered up the courage to say : "I... I can do it myself..."

Lin Lixuan didn't tease him either. He handed the towel to the boy, brought the tub to the side of the bed, and used a small wooden stool to prop it up. "Where are your clothes? I'll get them for you.

" With a flash of joy, he pointed to a wooden box in the corner with his slender arm. Lin Lixuan reckoned it should be his "dowry".

The box was quite old, and the surface was shabby. Lin Lixuan opened the lid, and there were a few pieces of ragged clothes in the wide box. It's worth money...

Lin Lixuan knew that he was in a poor family, but after many years in modern times, he really couldn't imagine how poor it was in ancient times?

Now he knows.

After the two people in the room took care of themselves, Zhao Liniang called them to have lunch. That's right, it was high in the sun when they got up, and it was time to have lunch after washing and tidying up. Meals in farmhouses are usually very early.

Brother Yan sat on the wooden bench and hesitated for a while. Fortunately, Zhao Liniang was inexperienced as a mother-in-law, plus she was in a good mood today. It's okay to get up late, and let her mother-in-law cook. If other people in the village know about it, they will definitely reprimand him for being incompetent as a daughter-in-law, which will bring shame to her mother's family.

The Lin family's dining table was a small square table that was not as high as Lin Lixuan's knees. At this height, he had to lower his body when eating.

There were only two dishes on the small dining table, a stack of stir-fried vegetables, and a stack of Lin Lixuan who couldn't tell what it was. He died of stomach cancer in his previous life. Eating before he died was a kind of torture for him. Every time he swallowed, he felt great pain. What was even more frightening was that he completely lost the desire to eat in the end. He could only eat food every day. Lin Lixuan's happiest thing was that he finally had a good appetite and ignited his desire for delicious food after injecting liquid food through a needle tube and regaining a healthy body.

He must take good care of his stomach in this life.

However, when he picked up the bowl of rice, he couldn't finish it. The rice at this time is not as clean as the modern rice, it is not very white, and it does not taste delicious. The rice grains are swollen and huge, twice the size of the rice he ate before, and it is scattered. The powder has no chewiness, nor is it sweet, and it tastes like chewing wax.

In this family, it is only Lin Lixuan's privilege to eat this kind of white rice. The mother on the opposite side, and brother Yan next to him, have dry brown rice in the bowl. I felt like I was back when I was sick, like swallowing glass shards, and I don't know how the two people next to me ate it.

The green vegetables are not tasty either. They are boiled rather than fried. There is no trace of oil, but they are very fresh. The color is light green. You can tell that they are freshly picked. The roots are chewed and entrained slightly bitter.

On the other side, the long strips were tangled together, and Lin Lixuan couldn't tell. He didn't eat them, and the other two didn't eat that dish. Could it be that it's also exclusive to him? Lin Lixuan smiled wryly, he didn't want this kind of exclusiveness... the original owner had this kind of exclusiveness when he was young, he ate rice and fish, his parents ate brown rice bran vegetables, Lin's father and Lin's mother loved him to the bone, and the family ate it For clothes and clothes, he used the best things the Lin family could provide... No wonder he cultivated the temper of the original owner.

Lin Lixuan barely ate, but he was thinking about earning money... It turned out to

be oil residue! Lin Lixuan suppressed himself not to spit it out, and swallowed a large mouthful of rice indiscriminately. Can this be considered a good thing? ? He can't eat it.

He picked up a piece and put it in the bowl of the young man beside him. He looked up at him flattered, and then went to look at Zhao Liniang. Zhao Liniang's eyes narrowed, and the young man hurriedly returned the food to Lin Lixuan's bowl.

Looking at this piece of oil residue, Lin Lixuan really wanted to cry without tears. Could it be that he wants to eat the whole plate?

After a meal, Lin Lixuan ate without taste, but the other two ate to their heart's content, especially for Ji Yan, this was a rare full meal in his life.

Although they also ate green vegetables, the green vegetables of the Lin family were fried with bacon. He didn't eat meat, but he tasted a lot of meat, and he was satisfied. You know, in their village, they can taste meat once a month. That's a nice family.

In the past at Ji's family, the meals at home were fixed and fixed. If you go late, you may not be able to get your share, and you deserve another hungry meal. Ji's family is a big family, and they don't cook. Every meal is a pot of porridge. , Mrs. Ji counted how much rice to put in, no more than one or two, and no less than one or two. Men, the remaining rice soup with a little porridge is for women and Shuang'er.

Eat less food but do a lot of work, and Ji Yan also has to go to the fields. On weekdays, he has to go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables, go to the fields to weed, and help carry water and wash clothes at home... There is no end to the work. He still has to work on an empty stomach. He has grown so big that he still doesn't know what it's like to be full. In the past, as long as there was food and something that could be eaten, he would eat it all at once to avoid starvation.

When we arrived at Lin's house, maybe Zhao Liniang got used to it. Although there was an extra pair of Ji Yan, it was cooked according to the amount of food a grown man had when old man Lin was alive. Ji Yan couldn't help but eat too much. It was twice as much as usual, and he secretly rejoiced in his heart that Zhao Liniang didn't dislike him.

The only trouble now is that before he got married, his mother told him to obey his mother-in-law, as long as he obeyed her mother-in-law and didn't get driven back. Because the person to marry is a fool, and he didn't tell him how to get along with his new husband, so... Now that the husband is not stupid, what should he do?

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