Chapter 3 Making Money

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 After lunch, Zhao Liniang suddenly remembered that she had a daughter-in-law, so she put up the airs of being a mother-in-law, bossing Ji Yan to clean the house, doing this and that, and the one who had a happy event yesterday, even though it was at the farm, their family also There were not many relatives, so a few banquet tables were set up in the hall, neighbors and folks were invited to have fun, and the borrowed tables, chairs and benches were piled up in the corner, and they had to be returned after they were wiped clean.

After all, there was a banquet, and the ground was in a mess. Zhao Liniang swung the broom to clean up the debris, and Ji Yan wiped the tables and chairs with a rag. The two of them kept busy. Lin Lixuan couldn't see it, and came to help, but Zhao Liniang rushed back to the room, " You're not in good health yet, you'd better lie on the bed, you don't have to worry about these matters with Mother and Brother Yan around."

Lin Lixuan couldn't resist her, and went back to his room obediently, he really needed to rest , At this time, his brain is still not so clear, the memories of the two people are intertwined back and forth, and a certain scene pops up in front of him from time to time, some are his memories in modern times, and some are memories of the scholar before. If it weren't for his good quality in mind, he would have gone crazy if he had changed to another one with poor endurance.

After taking a nap for a while, Lin Lixuan sat up, his body felt numb and stiff. He thought to himself that this scholar's physical fitness was really poor, and he couldn't compare to a thin pair of others. He pressed his fingers on his temples and rubbed them for a while. , the mind is much clearer. Although he did not take possession of this body voluntarily, he is indeed a beneficiary in this matter, and he should take responsibility for using someone else's body.

From what he saw and heard today, it can be seen that this family is very poor, so poor that he can't imagine, he must find a way to make this family rich, especially the dish he ate today, Lin Lixuan is not willing to abuse his stomach .

But how do you make money?

You must know that he is in ancient times! The technology is backward, the roads are not smooth, and it takes several months to send a letter. If he could still know all kinds of ways to make money in modern times, he is now a poor scholar who can't carry it on his shoulders or hands, and has no principal. , the meaning of making money for a businessman is that money makes money. Without original capital, how can he make money?

Moreover, in this era, if one wants to expand the business, one has to rely on certain powers. In this life, Lin Lixuan does not want to be smug and flattering, but to be a down-to-earth little landlord That's it. For Lin Lixuan, there are ways to make money, but he is in a closed society, and methods that are too outrageous cannot be used. He doesn't want to be caught and burned to death as a monster. He doesn't have much power and If you expose too much power, you will only get burned and be hated by others.

Lin Lixuan lay on the bed thinking over and over again, tossing and turning to no avail.

I was still dizzy, and I had some ideas in my mind, but how to make the first pot of gold?

In line with his current status, but not too out of line.

He is now a poor scholar in a poor village. The cultural level in ancient times was generally low. He is the only scholar in the whole village. The only advantage left to him by this body memory is literacy and reading. The characters in the two worlds are different. Fortunately, there are With his memory, Lin Lixuan will not be reduced to illiterate.

His eyes flicked to the old white paper and inkstone pens and inks piled up on the table. As a scholar, all the pens and ink utensils that a scholar should have had the original owner. Even if the original owner became stupid later, those stationery were still kept. Lin's father and Lin's mother love their son very much, hoping that he will be the number one scholar and become a high-ranking official, and provide them with the best items for food, clothing, and reading supplies.

Although the paper Lin Lixuan used was not the best, it was not affordable for ordinary farmers. Even if they could afford it, they would not buy such paper for the juniors to waste. Fortunately, the quality of these papers is decent, and they can still write without scatter of ink.

Lin Lixuan rolled his eyes, and thought of a good way to make money temporarily.

He can write story books to make money.

In his previous life, Lin Lixuan was not a writer, nor did he know how to write any stories, but in this ancient era where there were only stories about gifted scholars, beauties, and love affairs, he could learn from his routines. Randomly digging a few from the plethora of modern novels is enough to fool the eye inside. He has a very good memory, although not to the point where he can't forget his photographs. After reading it once or twice, he can remember everything. Recalling the many novels he had read, Lin Lixuan picked up the brush and thought about the situation he was in now. In the times, I have a calculation in my heart.

Lin Lixuan was proficient in calligraphy in modern times, and writing brush characters was not a problem for him. After grinding the ink well and writing the first character, he couldn't help frowning. The brush in his hand was really bad, sparse and uneven, and he could only That's it.

Holding the wooden basin, Ji Yan came to wash clothes by a small stream in the middle of the village. The stream spanned the entire village and divided it into two halves. Everyone in the village came here to wash clothes. Ji Yan came late, so everyone Most of the village women had already returned home after washing, and there was only him and another Shuang'er in front of a whole big stone step.

Before I got married, I often came here to wash clothes.

He lowered his head and rubbed his clothes sullenly, his heart was in a daze, a twin in his twenties next to him looked at him hesitatingly, his eyes flickered.

Like Ji Yan, Liu Tiao'er is also a Shuang'er in this Bixi Village. He grew up with Ji Yan, but the relationship between them is not close. When Ji Yan came just now, they just greeted each other casually. Everyone in the village knew about Ji Yan's marriage to Lin Lixuan yesterday. After marrying a fool, Liu Tiao'er rolled her eyes and comforted her hypocritically, "Oh... our lives are miserable, Aunt Ji is in so much pain on weekdays. You, how cruel..."

"How cruel to let you marry a fool..."

He hated Ji Yan since he was a child, and when he heard that he was going to marry Lin Lixuan a few days ago, he almost burst into laughter. Speaking of which, Ji Yan was from their village One of the best-looking twins, but in the end, no matter how good-looking it is, what's the use of being good-looking, with such a brother, you can't just marry a fool in the end, it's not as good as him, although the husband's family is poor, but the advantage is The husband is in good health, free from illness and disaster, and he is not willing to let him marry a fool.

When Ji Yan heard his words, he was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he blurted out and denied: "He's not a fool."

Liu Tiao'er looked at him with the eyes of a fool, and said, "You shouldn't be dazed, are you?" Who doesn't know that Lin Jiaxiu fell into the river desperately for a woman in a neighboring village, and when he was rescued, he was as sane as a three-year-old child. Last month, Liu Tiao'er saw some children in the village tease him with wooden sticks.

Is it possible that after staying with a fool for a long time, people are also stupid. Zhao Liniang used to yell at her son from time to time, and she is not stupid anymore. At first, people in the village believed it. Later, when they saw Lin Lixuan like that, they just took a good-looking attitude towards this matter. up.

Ji Yan thought of the man he saw this morning, with an elegant and handsome face, eyes that were tired but full of light and as sharp as a knife, when he thought of Lin Lixuan, his face was stained with crimson, Liu Tiao'er thought he was ashamed Annoyed, after washing the clothes and holding the wooden basin, Liu Tiao'er, who felt that he was the winner, gave Ji Yan a "compassionate" look, and Shi Shiran walked away.

Dinner is about the same as noon, but it is better than noon. It is cooked by Ji Yan. Zhao Liniang's cooking skills are not as good as Ji Yan's. It is still dry brown rice and boiled vegetables. The taste is much better. Zhao Liniang is boasting in her heart With a good vision, he chose Ji Yan to be his daughter-in-law. This child is a lucky one. Look, as soon as he came in, his son recovered from his illness, and his cooking skills are also excellent.

Even in the eyes of Zhao Liniang and Ji Yan, this meal was good enough, but in the eyes of Lin Lixuan, who ate all kinds of delicacies in modern times, it was no different from pig food. He chewed the food in his mouth mechanically and couldn't taste much.

Ji Yan picked up a piece of green vegetable, this is the last one, don't eat any more...

Ji Yan is thin, but he eats a lot, maybe because he is often hungry, his body has no concept of fullness at all, as long as there is food , you can keep eating without stopping.

But he already ate two people's portion by himself... Ji Yan felt embarrassed, Zhao Liniang and Lin Lixuan combined didn't eat as much as him... He glanced at the two people around him timidly with his bright black eyes, and saw Zhao Liniang didn't feel any blame or dislike in her eyes, so she was relieved...

Today's meal was cooked too much... I must never do this again in the future, Ji Yan warned himself in his heart.

"Aren't you full?" Lin Lixuan asked, there was still some white rice in his bowl, he had no appetite, he couldn't eat any more, seeing Ji Yan picking up the brown rice grains in the bowl, he couldn't bear it.

Lin Lixuan didn't think that Ji Yan ate too much. In his opinion, Ji Yan was still a boy who didn't grow up, so he should eat more to grow his body.

Ji Yan seemed to have heard something terrible, and shook his head violently, "No, I'm already full..."

Lin Lixuan wanted to give him his meal, but before he could do anything, Ji Yan quickly ran away with the bowl and chopsticks in his hands "I...I'm going to wash the dishes."

Lin Lixuan shook his head and sighed in his heart, such a well-behaved child is so distressing.

Ji Yan pushed open the door, and saw Lin Lixuan sitting in front of a broken square table, with his back straight, writing something on the paper with a brush that was half a foot long in his hand, and there was a strong smell in the air. With a strong smell of ink, Lin Lixuan retracted his pen, raised his head to look at Ji Yan at the door, and waved with a smile: "Come here."

Ji Yan walked over cautiously, and Lin Lixuan took out an egg from a bamboo basket , took the boy's hand, and was about to put the egg in his palm, "There is one boiled egg left, let me eat it."

Ji Yan wanted to pull his hand back, but Lin Lixuan grabbed his wrist. Pushing back, she shook her head again and said, "This is what mother cooks for you to nourish your body. I don't want it. I'm already full and I'm not hungry."

"Eat, I've already eaten one, this is for you ."

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