Chapter 64

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  The weather was getting colder day by day, and the sugarcane in the field grew almost as tall as a man after a year. When it was harvest time, Lin Lixuan had to ask someone in the village to help harvest the sugarcane.

There are young and middle-aged families in the village. Relying on Lin Lixuan's employment in his spare time, he cut down trees in early spring, built houses, and now harvests sugarcane, and doing odd jobs in the village. Many people are very grateful for the opportunity given by the Lin family. .

Bundles of sugarcane are piled up on the ground, like a towering wooden mountain. Harvesting so much sugarcane is also a headache. Fortunately, Lin Lixuan asked someone to help make a sugarcane crushing machine, which cost a lot of money, and his family Compared to the original stone mill, this juicer is almost adult tall.

The whole machine is made of stones and wood boards. The juice extractor is huge, and Lin Lixuan doesn't understand its principle. Fortunately, people in this dynasty have already invented this kind of machine. Putting sugar cane in it, they can squeeze out juice.

Pushing this machine is not as easy as pushing a millstone. Only a mature ox can pull it. Lin Lixuan hired two workers to help make sugar, all of them were honest young people from the village.

Eighty percent of the sugar cane is used to squeeze sugar, and the remaining 20 percent is sold in the store. After a year of growth, the sugar cane tastes really sweet, and the sugar cane after knot is thick and heavy.

Sugar cane with high sugar content is very popular, and the juice is extremely sweet. There are countless people who come to their house to buy sugar cane. Fortunately, Lin Lixuan grows a lot of sugar cane, and the supply can afford consumption.

People in their family suffered from toothache and tongue pain from eating sugar cane, and the two hired sugar cane workers enjoyed it even more. Lin Lixuan was generous, and they could pick up the scraps left over from sugar cane and take them home to eat.

The produced sugar was packed in jars, and jars of sugar were piled up in the corner. In those days, Lin Lixuan felt that his body was full of the smell of sugar water.

Passing by the honeycomb, he was still apprehensive, if these bees took it as sweet flower juice, he would be miserable.

Brother Yan was drooling on the side of his neck at night, could it be that he also smelled the sweetness on his body? Don't think of it as sugar cane.

Lin Lixuan contacted those big sugar users in the county, such as pastry shops and restaurants, signed several orders, and finally sold the sugar produced at home.

The sugar business has been thrashing until years ago. This was Lin Lixuan's second New Year since he came here. On the 27th, he said to the workers, "I won't be here for the time being. Go back and prepare for the New Year with peace of mind."

The two The dark-faced workers smile like flowers. One of them is Li Gen and the other is Zhang Sui. They both have a common feature. They are both very dark. How dark is it? Even if you throw mud on their faces, you can't tell whether the mud is blacker or their faces are blacker.

Looking at those white candies, sometimes the two couldn't help pointing at each other and laughing. No one would have imagined that the white candy would be made by the two of them, haha.

They even teased Lin Lixuan on purpose: "Did you deliberately invite two of us so dark to make sugar?

" There is a chance to be hired here..."

Lin Lixuan really admired the imagination of the two of them: "Where is this going? I asked you to come here because of your hard work. Besides, why did I ask two black people to come over to make a job? Sugar?"

"My mother said that there is a saying that things must be turned against each other. She said that the darker the person, the whiter the sugar. In the past, the sugar I bought in the market had a yellowish yellow color. How could the two of us make it out?" This is white."

Lin Lixuan: "..."

That's because his machine is good and has many filters.

"Yes, yes, my father thinks so too."

Lin Lixuan settled the wages for the two of them, and just in time for the Chinese New Year, he added an extra New Year's gift as a year-end benefit. Who knew that he was about to give the benefit to these two, but was rejected.

"We don't want money, can we take a bag of candy back?"

"Yes, we have never tasted the candy we made ourselves."

Lin Lixuan smiled and said, "You can do whatever you want!" Sending

the two workers away, Lin Lixuan returned to the Lin family's yard with a can of sugar in his arms, and met Village Chief Zhao who hadn't left yet. But bought it from them.

Judging by how well their Yan brother has grown this year, you can see how fat and strong the pigs raised by their family at the beginning of the year will be at the end of the year. According to village head Zhao, several households have named and said they want the pigs raised by the Lin family. pig.

This is what they watched growing up, and the meat is absolutely delicious.

The Lin family didn't rely on these two pigs to make money. They couldn't eat all the meat by themselves, so Zhao Liniang sold it to the village at a price slightly lower than the market price.

After a while, the pork will be carried back to their home. Brother Yan will take Brother Yu to see the New Year pig slaughter. Lin Lixuan has the experience of last year, so this year he will not go secretly, using the excuse that he is going to give the workers knots. To avoid this scene, on the way to find the workers, he also heard two long pigs.

The screams were so loud that everyone in Bixi Village could hear them.

Although the twelfth lunar month is cold, today's sunshine is rare. The winter sunshine always looks a little dull, and the shadows cast by people are also short and dim.

Lin Lixuan was wearing the red shirt that Brother Yan had made for him today, with a black robe over it. The red lining was used as the lining, and the entire body of the robe was black. The matching made him even more handsome and unparalleled. The village chief saw him just now and caught him and praised him up and down.

Brother Yan and Brother Yu came back with a donkey cart loaded with more than 200 catties of pork. The village butcher was invited to help them cut the meat piece by piece and stack them in three huge wooden basins.

Lin Lixuan heard the applause of Brother Yu outside in the yard, "Brother, there is so much meat, can we finish it?"

"There is a lot of meat, like a hill."

"Look at this fat meat, it looks like Glutinous rice cakes at home."

Lin Lixuan went out to meet them, and suddenly he saw that there were three rabbits on the cart, two alive, one dead, and the two that were alive were thrown on the donkey cart with their hands and feet tied. . He couldn't help asking: "Where did this come from?"

"...It was given by my sister-in-law..." This is Brother Yu's answer. Today, Brother Yu is overly excited. He is really happy. He was just watching butchering a pig. When I was young, I met my brother and sister-in-law, and they also came to buy twenty catties of pork.

Twenty catties of pork, Brother Yu's face flushed with excitement.

In the past, a dozen or so members of Ji's family would not have bought so much meat.

After the separation of Ji's family, the life of parents, brother and sister-in-law is getting better and better. Brother Yu is happy for them. Originally, Ji Yu still had resentment towards his parents, but those have passed, and people have to look forward , Now, everyone that Brother Yu cares about is doing well, so he is happy.

"There are still two live rabbits, brother Yu, do you want to raise them?"

Brother Yu shook his head, opening his big and cute eyes: "I want to eat meat more... I have heard from my brother that taro and rabbit Stir-fried meat is delicious, and this is some kind of jade rabbit (taro rabbit)."

Lin Lixuan and Brother Yan both laughed, Brother Yu is really honest.

Two ribs are on the top of the pork, red and white, Lin Lixuan saw the ribs and remembered the scene when he and Yan Geer secretly made sweet and sour pork last year, he smiled maliciously: "Yan Geer, I still want to eat sweet and sour pork this year Is it? The family has a lot of sugar this year."

Brother Yan thought of the caramel pork ribs made by Brother Lin, and shook his head in fright.

Brother Yu asked curiously, "What are sweet and sour pork ribs."

"It's boiled vinegar and sugar to make syrup, and the syrup is coated on the ribs, it's delicious!"

"Big brother, do you want to eat it? Bro, can you make it?"

"Let your brother do it, and what I make can only be called caramel ribs."


"Caramel is also delicious..." There is

a lot of pork this year, Not only sealed the bacon, but also made sausages. Lin Lixuan was responsible for chopping the stuffing with two knives. He squatted on the ground, wielding the two knives vigorously, with rhythmic chopping sounds one after another. Brother Yu was filling the casings with meat. The casings were slippery, and he couldn't hold them firmly with his little hands. When they fell, he hurriedly grabbed them again, and his hands were full of sticky meat. Brother Yan was making dumplings. He pressed the rolling pin on the dough cakes, put meat fillings on them with chopsticks, and pinched them skillfully, and they became beautiful Yuanbao dumplings.

The old hen soup stewed by Zhao Liniang exudes a strong aroma, the red sparks that occasionally burst out from the stove flicker, the snow-white fat meat sizzles in the pot, the white meat shrinks sharply, and yellow and crispy oil dregs appear. The lard was poured into the oil jar, but the oil residue was not willing to throw it away.

The remaining oil in the pot was sizzling, and Zhao Liniang poured the sliced ​​taro slices into the pot, and fried them to give off a burst of aroma. Strings of small bubbles wrapped the purple-white taro, and deep-fried until the aroma was overflowing. Finally, the taro chips are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, so take out the taro and set aside.

The chunky pork belly boiled in a large pot is 70% to 80% cooked. Take out the pork belly, filter out the water, and fry it in the pan until it is fragrant, crispy and soft. A piece of taro and a piece of pork belly are densely arranged and erected In the patterned porcelain plate, pour the sauce that has been prepared, put the porcelain plate in the steamer and steam for a long time, and the taro braised pork is ready.

Compared with last year, the Chinese New Year dishes they prepared this year are even richer. From the windows of their house, there are bursts of aromas, including the fragrance of fried taro and the strong aroma of old hen soup. Just stand on the window and smell it. , can fill the entire spleen and stomach.

Old lady Ge and old man Ge's family next door don't have to smell the scent in vain this year, making her salivate. Old lady Ge and Zhao Liniang raise chickens together. Although several of them froze to death in winter, she has made a lot of money this year. It's more than a dozen taels of silver, and her son Ergen, together with another boy from the village, helped Lin Lixuan manage the orchard. The watermelons and sugar cane sold very well, and after a whole year, the wages were no less than hers.

The Ge family also prepared a lot of food this year. Chicken and pork can make the family's mouth full. Apart from these, the old couple is even more happy. Worried about my son's marriage.

This is all thanks to the Lin family. Riding on their wind, we can live a better life.

Mrs. Ge happily clasped her sleeves, and said with joy, "This is my chicken. Look how thick the soup is." The

honest and honest Ge Ergen held the sugar cane in his left hand, his teeth clicked, and the juice dripped while chewing. Tongue dripping, he responded to old lady Ge's words: "Yes, mother, these chicken feet are good."

Both mother and son looked excited and enthusiastic, but old man Ge looked sleepy, smoking a long cigarette next to him without saying a word. Unable to speak.

As the head of the family, his son and daughter-in-law both earn more money than him. Tell me, what is this?

Will he have to change next year?

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