Chapter 21

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    Yan Geer steamed the rice restlessly, the boiling water in the cauldron continuously set off bursts of white air, Yan Geer choked, he turned his back and rubbed his nose, the corners of his eyes were slightly hot, like eyes It was also smoked. Outside, Lin Lixuan brought Chaimen on, the creaking sound passed, and the footsteps gradually disappeared from near to far.

The sun is setting, only two or three spots of red light are mottled in the dark gray sky, echoing the crescent moon not far away. Under the night, there are wisps of smoke from the farmhouses, and the night wind blows by, mixed with the sound of livestock. Shaking the branches and leaves of the jujube trees in the west from time to time.

Compared with when Ji Yan first came here, the living conditions of the Lin family are much better now. In Brother Yan's mind, that is simply a leap, directly rising from the middle and lower level to the upper level of Bixi Village. They can eat pork from time to time. . The Lin family didn't raise pigs, and there were few people raising pigs in Bixi Village. Even if there were pig raisings, they would have to wait until the end of the year and Chinese New Year before they were willing to sharpen their knives and wipe off the pig's neck, except for their own food, before selling pork in the village to subsidize household.

Today, when Lin Lixuan went to the county, he not only bought a donkey, but also brought back a few catties of pork and rice. If Lin Lixuan had bought these things in a big way before, Zhao Liniang would have said a few words to him. After making money selling tofu flowers, the days No longer rushing through life, Zhao Liniang is also generous.

But no matter how generous she was, she also strongly condemned Lin Lixuan's behavior of buying a small donkey for four taels of silver. She picked up her job bowl and stared at her eyes and babbled endlessly, "You child, you really are not in charge of the family and don't know the cost of firewood. Buy it as soon as you say it, Brother Yan, you have to watch Xuaner carefully in the future, and don't let him spend money randomly..." Brother Yan was lowering his

head to pick up the rice in a sullen mood, when he suddenly heard Zhao Liniang call His name, hurriedly nodded in agreement, Lin Lixuan on the side also nodded helplessly, and let Zhao Liniang criticize with a gesture of obeying his mother's order. Seeing her son and daughter-in-law obediently and obediently listening to her teachings, Zhao Liniang, who was chattering and domineering, gave birth to an air from the bottom of her heart that she was the mistress of the house, and her anger immediately eased and her waist didn't hurt anymore—

even four taels of silver The donkey I bought is also pleasing to the eye!

For Zhao Liniang's words, Lin Lixuan went in one ear and out the other, and the donkey had already been bought. No matter how much Zhao Liniang said, it would be useless. Besides, the four taels of silver was originally a windfall, so why regret spending it? In the eyes of businessmen, money is never saved, but spent. The more you spend, the more you get.

Lin Lixuan was holding the bowl, on the surface he listened carefully to the instruction, but in fact, the corner of his dark eyes kept circling Yan Geer next to him.

Brother Yan is very strange today.

The specific manifestation is that Xiao Maolu, who has always been fond of on weekdays, now sees the real thing and doesn't pay attention at all. The meal at night is heavy, meat and vegetables. As a big eater, Brother Yan actually eats a little less than before... While secretly observing, Lin Lixuan was counting in his mind the things that Brother Yan showed that were not right.

This observation continued until late at night, at bedtime.

According to the past practice, Lin Lixuan will teach Brother Yan to read and write for a while before the lights are turned off. During this period of time, Brother Yan has never been tired of learning words, and he listens attentively to the class every night, but today Brother Yan is like an eggplant beaten by Shuang ——withered.

Ji Yan lay on the inside of the wooden bed, the autumn day was getting colder, the quilt was thicker, the candles beside the table were emitting a dim yellow light, Brother Yan was staring at the black shadow on the wall in a daze. Inadvertently, Ji Yan remembered what his mother had said to him. Even if Shuang'er was straightforward and stupid, Ji Yan could realize that his relationship with Lin Lixuan was not like that of newly married Shuang'er.

Especially just now when Lin Lixuan taught him to read and write. He didn't think about it before, but now that the seeds of doubt are planted, it seems that all the past has gone astray. Brother Lin treats him more like a newlywed "wife". Treat him like a younger brother, and they get along just like he did with brother Yu in Ji's house before he got married.

Both Ji Yan and Lin Lixuan were born and raised in Bixi Village. Even if they lack communication with each other, they know each other's past experiences clearly. What happened three years ago suddenly exploded in Brother Yan's mind. What he likes is the beautiful Wen Yiqiao in the village next door, and he even had a marriage contract with her... Compared with

a woman with a delicate body and soft body and two lumps of soft flesh on her chest, Ji Yan knows that some men don't like to be with him Shuang'er with the same tough figure——

Ji Yan suddenly opened his eyes wide, and clenched his fingers tremblingly. Will Big Brother Lin also...won't he also like Shuang'er? Yes, what's so good about Shuang'er? He is taller than a woman, his bones are hard, and it is difficult to have children. People with wealth and family background will never let their son marry a double son, especially a scholar. Brother Yan recalled in a daze that Brother Datang once said at home, Scholars have always married women as their regular wives. Marrying a twin will be despised by others.

Lin Lixuan was forced to marry him before. If Brother Lin hadn't been stupid because of an accident, Zhao Liniang would never have decided to let him marry Lin Lixuan. Yes, Brother Lin is a kind person, so he treated him well after marriage, but After all, he doesn't like Shuang'er. When Big Brother Lin meets the woman he likes in the future, will he give up? He will drive him back to Ji's house...

Drive him back to Ji's house...

Ji Yan was startled by this sudden thought It's like falling into an ice cave, and the whole body is extremely stiff. Unexpectedly, at this time, Lin Lixuan, who had just finished washing, was opening the curtain and preparing to go to bed, when he raised his eyes, he met Brother Yan who was full of panic and panic. That miserable little appearance was like a frightened chick Like, very pitiful. Lin Lixuan whistled in his heart: What a coincidence!

He was about to have three interrogations against Brother Yan, but before he could open his mouth, Brother Yan shot himself at the gun.

Brother Yan's behavior has been extremely abnormal since he came back from the county, and he doesn't know what's going on in this little head.

Lin Lixuan rolled up his sleeves, picked up the white towel beside the bed to dry off the water droplets on his hands, moved over and sat on the corner of the bed, adjusted the quilt for Brother Yan, grabbed his wrist and asked him calmly: "What's wrong?"

Brother Yan was still immersed in his own imagination, unable to control himself with fear, his voice trembling and trembling with infinite grievances: "Brother Lin... would you... would you marry another woman?" "

Lin Lixuan understood, and smiled lightly from the bottom of his heart, he looked at Ji Yan firmly, brother Yan has grown a lot recently, although in Lin Lixuan's eyes he is still thin, but his face is sallow, emaciated and malnourished. The poor little thing was looking at him expectantly, hoping to hear a reassuring answer from the mouth in front of him.

Such a cautious look, like a little hamster poking its head out of the cage to look around, clumsy and cute, Lin Lixuan stepped forward, pulled him out of the quilt, and let Brother Yan lean against him "I...I..." Ji Yan couldn't utter

a word, his eyes were red with anxiety, and the previous sentence came out of his mouth All his courage had been exhausted, and Lin Lixuan's failure to answer directly made him extremely disappointed. Now, how will it end? He himself didn't know what to do.

Ji Yan liked Lin Lixuan. Brother Yan had never understood this fact so clearly in his heart. He didn't want to be separated from Brother Lin, nor did he want Brother Lin to hate him... Did he do something wrong?

Lin Lixuan stroked his hair and comforted him silently, "Did the people in the village say something to you? Why do you think Brother Lin will marry another woman?" He is not good enough for him, saying that he is a scholar who will eventually marry a woman... Lin Lixuan himself dismissed the words of these talkative women Shuang'er.

The most correct way to deal with other people's gossip is to ignore it, even if she says flowers out of her mouth, it will not be true. I saw that brother Yan was not affected by it before, so I didn't talk about these silly things with him.

Brother Yan leaned on Lin Lixuan's shoulder, feeling extremely wronged, he was stupid and not smart, he felt that he was wrong in everything he said, so he had to honestly choke up what his mother said to him today in Lin Lixuan's mouth. Xuan repeated it before.

After finishing speaking, Brother Yan was like a prisoner racking his brains to explain all the crime facts in front of the county magistrate. He lowered his head and waited for the master to make a decision. In the end, he was dejected and said in a flash of inspiration: "I didn't Tell people about the recipe for tofu."

What was going on, Lin Lixuan laughed angrily.

He finally knew that the little wife in front of him was a soft, cute and cranky young man, and he had to be given a good psychological comfort lesson.

Lin Lixuan reached out and took the big baby beside him into his arms. At the beginning of the journey, Lin Lixuan really treated this handsome young man as his younger brother. But after these days, that hardworking, well-behaved, serious and obedient little figure has long occupied an important position in his mind. Lin Lixuan, who realized this relationship, quietly deepened the relationship between the two of them day by day, like a preying bird. Beasts keep their prey firmly within their boundaries.

No, the little animal raised by him was announcing to him unwillingly: "I'm mature, come and eat me!

" He, "Listen to me carefully. Brother Lin will not marry another woman. Brother Lin's only wife in this life will only be you."

"Really?" Ji Yan asked blankly.

"Of course it's true. Why did you lie

to me?" Brother Yan regained his spirit in an instant, but before he could be happy, he remembered another thing, "Brother Lin, aren't you going to take the No. It is said that scholars want to marry women as wives..." He didn't want Lin Lixuan to be made fun of by others.

"Who said that scholars can't marry Shuang'er as a wife? The magistrate of the next county married Shuang'er, and no one in their county said anything about him..." Besides, you, Brother Lin, don't plan to take the imperial examination. Isn't it bad for a small landowner with a manor?

"Brother Lin likes you, so naturally there will be no one else."

"I like Brother Lin too." Ji Yan was completely relieved, the smile on the corners of his mouth could not be suppressed, and the small dimples on both sides exposed the little thoughts of the master who was cheering happily at a glance.

"Then..." Brother Yan whispered in Lin Lixuan's ear: "What happened between husband and wife at night..."

You can't just sleep under the quilt all the time! Brother Yan is very worried.

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