Chapter 8 Ji family

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   The houses in the village were built far away, and there was a distance between each house. They walked across a small wooden bridge. When Lin Lixuan and Yan Geer arrived at Ji's house, they were squatted down before they had time to knock on the door. Xiao Tuanzi, who was playing with rocks on the ground, saw it, "Brother, you're back!!" the little boy shouted happily, and rushed towards Ji Yan.

"Xiao Yu." The

little boy looked at Lin Lixuan and Ji Yan with sparkling eyes, mother really didn't lie to him, brother came back today.

Lin Lixuan looked at the little boy who was caught by Ji Yan. He was thin and small, the hair on the top of his head was not tied properly, and many strands of hair were scattered on his brows and temples. The boy was wearing worn-out clothes with a few patches and simple cloth shoes. There was a hole in the top, his trousers were a little short, exposing his thin ankles, the little boy looked very much like Brother Yan, and there was also a small red mole between his eyebrows, like a shrunken version of Ji Yan.

"Xiao Yu, where are father and mother?"

Ji Yu turned around and shouted to the back: "Father, mother, grandma, Brother Yan is back." After shouting, his little face flushed with excitement.

Li Yue'e, who was holding the dustpan, shook her hand, and heard Xiao Shuang'er's voice, Brother Yan is back?

The little Ji Yu smiled at Ji Yan for a while, then turned his gaze to Lin Lixuan, his brother-in-law?

"Hello bro."

Lin Lixuan was taken aback, bro? It's a weird name, but it's true, he is Yan Ge'er's nominal husband now, and Yan Ge'er is the brother of the little boy in front of him, so he is not the brother-in-law.

"Brother Yan, you came back alone—eh, Lin Xiucai?" Li Yue'e turned around, and before she could finish speaking, she saw Lin Lixuan beside Ji Yan.

Ji Yan was a little embarrassed: "Mother, Brother Lin and I..."

Lin Lixuan noticed this woman in her 30s and 40s, she should be Brother Yan's mother. Although the woman in front of her was haggard and vicissitudes, it could be seen that she was quite a beautiful woman when she was young.

Lin Lixuan also called out: "Mother, I'll come back with Brother Yan to greet you."

Li Yue'e's eyes widened when he called her, and her face was full of surprise. Isn't Lin Xiucai a fool? Apart from his face resembling Lin Xiucai, the handsome and temperamental man in front of him was not at all like the Lin Lixuan whom Li Yue'e saw a few days ago when she sent off her relatives.

It's only been three days, how can there be such a big change?

"Mother, let's go in first."

Li Yue'e regained her composure, took the basket in Ji Yan's hand as a return gift, and said quickly: "Yes, yes, look, I'm confused, what's the point of blocking this door Ah, come into the house quickly, brother Yu, and pour water for your brother-in-law."

Ji's house is bigger than Lin's, after all, there are only three people in Lin's family, while Ji's family has more than a dozen people, but The Lin family's house was not very beautifully built. Several houses were different from old to new, some were made of mud, and some were separated by wooden boards. However, the furnishings in the house are similar to those of the Lin family. They are all impoverished families in the countryside. Just a few square tables and wooden stools are worth some money.

"Lin Xiucai is all right?"

"Yes, all right." Lin Lixuan explained to Li Yue'e what he had explained to Uncle Cheng.

Li Yue'e was stunned for a while, and then she couldn't help sighing: "We promise my brother's life is good..." At first, I thought I was going to marry a fool, but I didn't expect that the fool suddenly became better, and it was Lin Xiucai... By the way, It's Lin Xiucai, they say that brother is...he really married a scholar.

Such good luck stunned Li Yue'e for a moment.

At this time, Ji Yu came in with a water bottle, followed by Boss Ji who was carrying a pole. When Li Yuee saw Boss Ji, she hurried up to her husband and said, "Boss Ji, come quickly, let's talk to each other." Lin Xiucai has come back."

Seeing that Lin Lixuan had returned to normal, Boss Ji was also shocked by the news.

The husband and wife were in a daze at first, but then they were happy. Li Yuee called Ji Yan aside and asked him how he was doing at Lin's house these days. Lin Lixuan was sitting on the wooden bench, talking to Boss Ji while teasing Brother Yu who was surrounded by him with a curious expression on his face.

"What's your name?"

"Ji Yu, Brother Yu."

Mrs. Ji also knew that Lin Lixuan and Ji Yan were here, but she didn't care about this grandson-in-law, and went back to her room after one glance.

Li Yue'e took a hollow bamboo tube and blew a few breaths, heated up the fire, put the pot on the stand, and asked Brother Yan: "How are you doing in the Lin family? How is Lin Xiucai treating you?"

"Very good." Ji Yan said While picking vegetables, he smiled at his mother.

Li Yue'e sighed: "Don't blame your mother and your father, they were both forced...Fortunately, God bless our family... Now that you are married, you can live with them well, by the way, how is Lin Xiucai's temper? Where is your mother-in-law?"

"Mother, don't worry, they are all very good to me."

Li Yuee looked at their eldest twin, and suddenly felt that she still needed to tell Ji Yan some skills in getting along with husband and wife. Son, he looks good and has been well-behaved since he was a child. The only bad thing is that he is just like his father. material.

Lin Lixuan is no longer stupid and has returned to normal. He looks gentle and has an excellent temperament. When Li Yuee saw him just now, she felt that he was the same as the son of a family he had seen before...

It's okay now. Will he despise his own family in the future ? Twins?

At noon, Lin Lixuan had lunch with the Ji family and got to know the relatives of the Ji family.

Lin Lixuan took a sip of a bowl of porridge, and then looked at Brother Yan and Brother Yu who were drinking rice soup next to him. Unexpectedly, the food of Ji's family is not as good as that of Lin's. No wonder this pair of twin brothers are so thin The bones were broken, but he saw Ji Xuan and Ji Ru, Ji's third son and daughter. Their clothes were brand new, and they were completely different from Ji Yu's shabby clothes. The expressions on their faces showed that they had never been hungry. Open small stoves frequently.

Ji's house is a large table put together, a group of people eat together, there are many people but not many dishes, just a plate of old pickles and a pot of stir-fried pork slices with green vegetables, the pickles are salty and bitter, and it doesn't taste good when mixed in porridge , the taste was so strong that Lin Lixuan almost choked on the first time he ate it.

He used to think that Yan Geer ate so much in Lin's house, he looked like a big eater, thinking that he was like this in Ji's house, and wondered why this young boy ate so much and became so thin. In Ji's house, they actually ate these things. They ate rice soup and pickles every day. It was strange to gain weight.

That's right, how good would it be for him to marry his own child to a fool's family?

Brother Yan was sipping rice soup, and when he noticed Lin Lixuan's gaze, he lowered his head a little dodgingly.

Lin Lixuan smiled, took a slice of bacon and handed it to Ji Yan's bowl, Ji Yan was stunned for a moment, remembering that this was at his own Ji's house, he ate it with a blushing face, he rarely eats meat, Mr. Ji I don't like Shuang'er so much, even if the family eats meat during festivals and festivals, it won't be his turn and brother Yu's.

Lin Lixuan also caught a piece of Ji Yu who was drinking rice soup. Brother Yu raised his head, looked around with his dark eyes for a while, and finally he was relieved, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth: "Thank you brother-in-law."

Mr. Ji Looking at Lin Lixuan's behavior too coldly, in normal times, if Shuanger and his daughter-in-law dared to take the initiative to eat meat, she would definitely be scolded by her. Since he came here, she didn't say anything else, she didn't have a good opinion of Lin Lixuan, a scholar, people in the village would compare him with Ji Xuan from time to time, but in her eyes, who could compare to her precious grandson.

As soon as Ji Ru over there saw Lin Lixuan, his eyes were glued to it, and he was reluctant to leave. He didn't expect Lin Xiucai from their village to be so handsome when he recovered, and he was not worse than Du Feibai from that county... After

learning Ji Yan was going to marry a foolish talent in the village, Ji Runa was just gloating. Back then when brother Yan was able to marry Lin Lixuan, she and Liu Li had talked a lot in front of Li Yue'e. Lin Xiucai was like a fool, Zhao Liniang Another widowed mother, Ji Yan would not necessarily have a hard time when she married...

But she never thought that brother Yan would be so lucky, and a foolish person can become better, and it happened that brother Yan had just married When...

She looked at the delicate and beautiful Ji Yan with resentful eyes, and thought of her flat nose again, she gritted her teeth and wanted to scratch Ji Yan's face, she smashed the vegetable leaves in the bowl with chopsticks, and put That vegetable leaf is like Ji Yan, hum, even if Lin Xiucai is not stupid, so what, that Lin Lixuan used to seek life and death for a woman in the next village, would he still have his eyes on a Shuang'er? Those scholars are the most contemptuous of Shuang'er. According to her opinion, it won't be long before Yan Geer will be despised and come back.

Lin Lixuan accompanied Ji Yan back home this time, causing a great commotion in Ji's family and the village. Everyone in the village knew that Lin Xiucai, who had lost his memory and was stupid, had returned to normal, and everyone said that Ji Yan was prosperous. Husband's life.

The happiest among them is Zhao Liniang, who seems to want to spit out all the pain she has suffered before. Every day, she pulls villagers in the village and tells her son and daughter-in-law, "My Xuan'er, yes. He will be fine after he and Brother Yan get married... He is very good, and now he is reading at home every day, and he will go to the county academy in a short time..."

A few days later, Lin Lixuan sorted out his manuscript , Telling Zhao Liniang that he wanted to go to the county, Zhao Liniang asked Ji Yan to go with him, and it happened that the vegetables such as green onions and radishes grown in the vegetable field at home had grown again, and they could be sold in the county by the way.

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