"Poison?" I teased and then I heard the Alexa turn on.

"Playing Poison by Brent Faiyaz."

"I like my rims sweet," Dominic admitted, cracking a smile. He truly did have a handsome smile. "so yeah, Miss Roselyn, poison."

I looked Dominic up and down, he really was loosened up.. I just realized he had been man-spreading this whole time.

"Stay here," I told him, setting the margarita back on the table. "m'gonna take a hit.. you could test that out too if you want?"

"I still have to drive you around, Miss Roselyn."

"It would wear off by then, your choice though," I backed up and placed my hands on my hips. "but I'll be back, sweetheart.."

I walked over to Bonnie who sat in the tanning chair next to the one Dominic had put my stuff in.
She looked over at me, corners of her eyes red. "You want some?" Bonnie smiled at me, letting white smoke fall from her lips.
"Mhm.." I hummed, taking the blunt from in between her fingers.

"That new bodyguard of yours.. how old is he?"

I looked down at Bonnie as she crossed on leg over the other and pulled out her phone.

"Pierce," I said as I placed the bunt in between my lips, taking in a deep breath. "... he's twenty-five. The youngest one I've had, I know."

Bonnie scoffed, "I know Derek is feening right now.. wasn't the whole reason you didn't accept his offer all those years ago was because you felt he was too young?"

"Yeah but there's a difference," I sat down the tanning chair next to Bonnie's and sighed, hot smoke leaving my nose and mouth. "Derek just wanted to do it 'cause he wanted to be around me, he saw it as a free excuse to be near me and to.. well, see me like this," I explained, gesturing to my swimsuit. "and Dominic.. he takes the job seriously- too seriously sometimes, but.." I glanced back over at the couch and immeadiately raised a brow.

"Alessia's all over him isn't she.." Bonnie giggled.

I grinned, taking another hit, "Franco Fajardo's daughter?"

"Yeah," Bonnie scooted closer to me. "pass it back, Roselyn.."

I handed her the blunt and relaxed, letting the effects sink in while I watched Alessia giggle and joke around with Jaylah Brown (the daughter of a CEO colonge company) as they stood in front of Dominic.
Alessia was giving him looks here or there and it was obvious what her intentions were.
But I could see it in his face that he wasn't feeling it.

"I have a question," I began and Bonnie urged me to continue. "the article.. can you track who published it? Find an IP?" I asked.

"Roselyn," Bonnie handed me back the blunt, squeezing my forearm gently. "I'm doing everything I can but it's not necessarily a crime if you aren't concerned about it."

"I am concernced.." I scoffed.

"Mmm.. when are you ever concerned about shit like that?" Bonnie argued playfully.

Well, she tried to make it sound playful.

Instead, it was reminding me of why I was pissed at her yesterday.

"You're not wrong.. I've never been concerned, but I've also never had someone attempt to bug me before. I can handle the death threats, threatenin' 'nd condescendin' articles, but that, that's new." I pointed out..

"I'm telling you Roselyn, it'll all pass by.. you're sucessful, young, and a woman in Mahattan, New York. People are threatened- competition is threatened." She added, I could hear it in her voice..(which was usually calm and soft- like a woman of the 50's) that she was fustrated.

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