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Chapter 129

    Amelia touched the thin film of flesh carefully, it was erecting sharp spikes fiercely to drive away the black water, it looked weird and terrifying, but it was soft and spongy under her fingertips.

    As soon as she touched it, she even rubbed it attentively, like a puppy flicking its tail to please.

    Yes, a little cute (*/ω\*)

    Amelia touched it a few times, seeing that 'evil thoughts' became more and more excited, she had to retract her hand regretfully.

    "Will you tell me this time? What is this disgusting thing?" Amelia asked, her tone a bit fierce.

    Alfonso stretched out his hand, pulled the man up, and put his arms in his arms: "Since you saw it with your own eyes, don't you understand?"

    Its words meant something, as if expecting that she had already guessed it.

    Amelia: ...?

    understand...understand what?

    Should she know?

    Amelia tentatively asked: "How about... a reminder?"

    She touched the meat membrane again, closed her eyes carefully and felt it, and she really didn't feel anything special, except that she felt particularly disgusting , especially angry, as if touching something dirty, it made her want to wash her hands.

    Facing the dazed eyes of the saint, Alfonso suddenly laughed and lowered his head to kiss her on the face, but was pushed away by Amelia in disgust.

    "Don't turn your face on me, it's so ugly." She couldn't help groaning.

    But the more she disliked it, the more Alfonso wanted her to take a look on purpose. It seemed to like to see her irritable face. After a long time, he said leisurely: "You deal with them every day, just look at it differently. Not coming out?"

    Tian Tian? Change your look?

    Amelia pondered for a while, and said tentatively again: "Is it also... the negative emotions of believers?"

    Alfonso: "To be precise, it belongs to all creatures. Any conscious thing that has a little evil thought will become a part of its body." After

    getting this answer, Amelia was silent for a moment, as if talking to herself: "That is to say, as long as human beings and the world are not destroyed, the 'evil thoughts' will not be eliminated, right?"

    And it is becoming stronger every second, even if it breaks up for a while, it will soon reunite return.

    "That's right," Alfonso said in a 'you finally get it' tone.

    So what?

    Is it possible that Alfonso has been using his own flesh and blood to trap these things here? But what if it is not trapped, if this disgusting thing flows out, tens of millions of people on the land will die, and they can't escape.

    Amelia's heart turned cold, and she seemed to feel something bad, her fingertips were trembling slightly.

    Alfonso pinched her fingers slowly, with a cold voice, as if talking about something unimportant: "This world has long since come to an end, and it will die sooner or later, and the gods can't reverse it. But it doesn't want to It disappears, it wants to drag us to die together, and all the creatures that live here will be buried for it."

    Amelia's heart moved, and she suddenly understood why the God of Light insisted on taking her away. Why did He sacrifice all the believers with her.

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