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Chapter 18 – I Don’t Remember

At the deep, manly voice that reached her ears, Amelia turned her head sharply towards his direction. “I did not! I was thinking that I should’ve just let you die in that alley!”

The elf sneered, his eyes seething as he answered back. “Well, I didn’t ask you come save me, did I?”

From his perspective, the crazy woman was already riled up the moment she came back here, thinking that something must’ve provoked her when she was outside. And when she faced the elf, she projected all her frustrations out onto him, using him as an outlet for all her pent-up anger.

She was rude, and rotten from the inside out. Just like the scent of light that exudes from her body.

He wanted to say more, his mouth already foaming with the harsh words he would like to tell her, his eyes reddening in anger. However, he bit his lip, stopping himself before turning his gaze away from Amelia.

Amelia, who was already on edge, became even more furious than she already was. Various scenarios played out in her mind, clouding her judgment as she uttered silently. “Did you kill anyone?”

The two stayed silent for a moment, only the soft sounds of their breathing echoing inside the dark basement.

The candle flickered continuously. The flames gave the elf’s features a hazy glow, his silhouette and long eyelashes casting shadows on the wall to his side.

He was silent, and a deafening silence loomed between them.

Amelia sought his eyes amidst the darkness and saw that he closed them gently. After the lingering stillness, he answered. “I don’t remember.”

Amelia almost forgot that he had lost his memories, since he’s always acting like the smart mouth that he was. He was stubborn to a fault— outright dismissing Amelia’s offers of help every chance he gets. He’s a man full of thorns, and he wouldwill hurt anyone who would dare to come close.

He was too proud for someone who was seriously injured, so full of pride.

Amelia heard the uneasiness lacing the elf’s voice, and she realized that maybe she went overboard with her question. “Sorry.” Amelia muttered, taking the plate from the table, and placed it in front of him. “You should eat. I’ll head out.”

Amelia turned her heels and went out of the room, the door shutting loudly behind her.

He opened his eyes, glanced at the simple food on the table, and gave a low smile of mockery.

The palaces where the Saints reside were assigned accordingly based on their grades. The higher the scores were, the closer the residence was to the city center.

With Amelia’s fairly average scores, her palace was situated away from the city, void of any bustling crowd, with only a handful of people passing by the desolated area.

So, when another person came to visit her for the second time today, Amelia was absolutely astounded, especially when the person behind the door was Debra.

Amelia opened the door, beckoning her to come in.

What is she doing here?

Amelia always kept her distance from Debra. She had always been intimidated by her presence, not convinced with her friendly smiles and amicable expression. Amelia also thought about how Debra exposed Rita out in the open.

Debra was a terrible person, cruel to the extreme.

Amelia straightened her back. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Debra smiled, her eyes skimming around Amelia’s palace. “It’s nothing. I just came here to tell you about the interrogation class, since you’re in charge of it now. I’m here to hand it over.”

That’s not so bad, but Amelia still kept her guard up. “What are you handing over exactly?”

“The key to the torture chamber.” Debra said, taking out a brass key from her pocket and placing it on Amelia’s hand. “You’re the chief now, so you should set an example for everyone. You’ll be the one leading the interrogation class. Do you remember what the book says?” Debra asked, smiling as she regarded Amelia with observing eyes.

“Of course.” Amelia said, trying to keep a straight voice.

Debra smiled even more at that, and her grin was strangely terrifying. “Great. I’ll see what you can do.”

Debra bid her goodbye and left Amelia’s place. Even when Debra was gone, Amelia could still feel her disturbing presence looming inside her space, as if she was still in front of her when she’s not.

Amelia closed the door indignantly.

Later that evening before going to bed, Amelia spread her books open, her eyes reading line after line, chanting the words silently to herself.

“The trial chair is covered with at least two thousand sharp spines, with a belt attached in the middle to cage the heresy in. He would be given a chance to speak, and if he remains stubborn with his resolve, he will be placed into a fire pit where the flames would lick his skin aflame, making him scream out in agony.”

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