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Chapter 58 – Devilishly Handsome (2)

Her eyes scrunched, the first sign of consciousness was seeping into her slowly. The cushion where her head was resting on was hard— not sturdy like a block of wood, but firm like she was lying on a piece of well-done meat. It was unfamiliar, and as a subtle touch caressed her head, she instantly knew that she was someplace else other than her own bed.

Amelia’s eyes jolted open, and the bright starry sky almost blinded her, making her screw her eyes shut once again as she regained her bearings.

“Hey, stinky.” A familiar voice sounded out, making her crane her neck where the voice had come from. Looking at him in this angle, the line of his jaw appeared to be much sharper, and his scarlet eyes had a light gleam to it— like a sky full of stars.

“I heard you have feelings for me.” Alfonso boldly said.

Amelia blinked the sleep from her eyes, and she wondered if she heard him right.

What the hell is he talking about?

He snorted, assuming what he said was true based on Amelia’s dazed expression. “Give it up, alright? You are too stupid and too useless, and I am not interested.”

She couldn’t believe the audacity of this elf, to insinuate that she had feelings for him! Amelia seethed as she sat up hastily, and the abruptness of her action made her dizzy and black spots filled her vision. The insane amount of blood loss left her weak and feeble, and she quickly placed her hands on the ground to steady herself.

Blades of something soft grazed her palms, and the distinct smell of wet grass and mist filled her nostrils. Amelia looked at her surroundings and she realized that they were sitting on a vast expanse of grass, with the starry sky right above their heads. It was too beautiful to be put into words.

And when she turned, she saw the elf seated with his legs stretched in front of him, and only then did she realize that it was his knees her head was lying on all this time.

She pursed her lips together, unsure what to say as she stood up shakily, checking her limbs to see if she’s injured anywhere, and thankfully, she wasn’t. Other than the slight dizziness she had from the blood loss, she was completely fine.

It’s like she wasn’t harmed at all, and the throbbing pain she felt in her head earlier vanished.

Did Alfonso save her?

Amelia looked over her shoulder, and saw the elf gazing at the night sky.

How did he find her? And the middle-aged man was so strong, how did he manage to fight him off? Did he get injured?

There are a lot of questions Amelia wanted to ask, but knowing the elf’s bad temper, she knew that her questions would only rile him up, so she decided to keep it to herself. “What were you talking about?” She asked, finally addressing what he said earlier, “Who has feelings for you?”

The elf snapped his head in Amelia’s direction, narrowing his eyes and the violent reaction threw her off guard. “What did you say?”

Amelia blinked, nonplussed at the elf’s intense glare. “I said who has feelings—“

The elf leaned, his astonishingly handsome face dangerously close to Amelia and she could see the intensity behind his scarlet eyes. “Who’s the one who forcibly kept me in her quarters? Who made me believe that she’d let me go, only to come checking in the next three days? And lastly, who here rather die than reveal where I was?”

“After doing all these, you say that you have no feelings for me?” The elf scoffed.

Amelia parted her lips to rebut, but no words came out and she closed them again. She thought over the elf’s words, and looking at it from an outsider’s point of view, it would appear that she loves the elf so much that she’s willing to sacrifice so much for him.

A chill of dread ran down Amelia’s spine upon her sudden realization, and it’s not something she’s willing to admit out loud. She shook her head rapidly,  “What are you talking about—“ She was about to say more when the elf suddenly grasped her shoulder, the unexpected touch making her tingle as he cut her mid sentence. “Are you still denying it?”

The elf got closer, invading her personal space as he whispered directly to her ear, “Do you admit that you like me?”

His eyes were already beautiful, but it was even more beautiful up close especially when the moon was reflected in his orbs. And as Amelia stared at his stunning face, she was completely in awe of how attractive the elf looked, and the looming horizon only emphasized his beauty much more.

Amelia couldn’t tear her eyes off the captivating sight— he really was a sight to behold.

He was alluringly, devilishly handsome. And Amelia felt like she was drowning in his eyes that seemed to engulf her completely, and she unknowingly nodded her head in agreement when he repeated his question.

She was obviously enamored, as if Alfonso bewitched her and he laughed heartily at the latter’s wordless confession, clutching his stomach and his eyes turned into crescents.

Frustrated at her denial, he stood up from the ground, and started to walk away from her.

Okay then. If that’s what he’d like to hear, then she’ll say it. She nodded, and uttered the words out loud, “I like you… a lot.”

Her voice was as gentle as flowing water, and the tone of her voice was as comforting as a warm blanket, making the elf stop in his tracks and turn his head away furiously.

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