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Chapter 2 – Whispers of Betrayal

They all craved the life Amelia had.

What they were seeing was just beneath the surface. What they didn’t know was that Amelia was already regretting her life decisions. She regretted joining the cult, and the events that followed from her participation in the cult of Light.

She was a modern soul, after all. She had no faith, and she hated seeing the actions of the pious believers. Just pretending to be like one of them is already wearing her thin. And being exposed to the occasional bloody executions made it even worse than it already was. Sometimes, she even had to do it herself, eliminating people just because they had a different belief. The howling and crying of the poor, innocent souls echoed loudly in her ears as she performed the executions.

Cruel, and ostentatious. This is the cult of Light, who claimed to embrace all things wholeheartedly, but had so much blood in their pretentious hands.

What Amelia wanted to do now was to stay away from cult of Light as much as possible. She hoped to be assigned in a remote village when she graduates, where she could spend her days just leisurely frolicking around the countryside.

That’s all she ever wanted. However, someone was trying to prevent her from achieving that.

Amelia clutched the book tighter, her hands felt cold as she muttered to herself. Debra. She nodded slightly at the knight commander, and left the Church.

The Church is located at the very enter of the royal city, where it was heavily guarded by the knights patrolling around the perimeter. The outskirts of the Church were surrounded by both residential and commercial areas, which were packed with bustling people through day and night.

Amelia went pass the patrols, going straight to an unoccupied corner of the alley. The book she was holding on fell to the ground with a soft thud as she turned to the small cart at the side.

There was a layer of dirt scattered all over the cart. Going through the contents, Amelia found a set of gray cloaks inside and took one from the pile. She flicked the cloak once as to get rid of the dust, and quickly wore it over her uniform.

What she was about to do today was to get rid of the obstacles that will hinder her from having a peaceful, secluded life in the future. And the person that was on her hit list was none other than Saint Debra.

A few days ago, Amelia found out that this woman had been spying her from the shadows. Sneaking into her place several times, rummaging around the space as if she owned it, and that she seemed to be looking for something specific.

Amelia was not sure about what her motives were. She didn’t know what to make of it and decided to keep it to herself. Until yesterday afternoon, she heard a few rumors saying that Debra seemed to have gained evidence about a Saint’s betrayal of the cult, and to their God. It also said that Debra was thinking of handing the evidence over to the Pope the next few days, and that she was going to get permission from the Pope to throw the traitor into prison.

Amelia kept a straight face whilst listening to the chatter of the people around her, and she realized that her disbelief towards the cult’s God might have been exposed. How Debra managed to find out, she had no idea. Amelia believed that she had concealed herself pretty well, but she decided that it was a complete waste of time to be dwelling on such things. What she needed to do now was to deal with it before her secret reaches the Pope.

No one else needs to know.

Amelia’s eyes darkened, her jaw set tight as she clenched her teeth together. She covered her head with the attached hood and scurried along the alley.

Starting at the Church was out of the question, since doing so posed potential risks of getting caught. After waiting for a few days, Debra finally stepped out of the Church, with Amelia watching from the distance.

Out of the alley and right into the intersection, Amelia blended in with the swarming crowd as she turned to the street full of commercial establishments.

Civilians usually wore mundane clothes of blacks and grays, and the Saints were dressed in white and gold dresses, fully standing out of the crowd with their eye-catching ensembles.

Amelia was able to spot Debra in the sea of people. She looked absolutely gorgeous, her expression wholesome and gentle, and her aura exude a radiance that seemed to come from within. She was utterly illuminating in her element, with the believers surrounding her paled in comparison.

“Debra, our time is almost up. It’s time to go back.” Her companion whispered behind her.

Looking sideways, Debra nodded and waved the believer goodbye, a smile adorning her features as the woman in front of her waved in return. Turning around, her smile suddenly turned flat, no longer bearing the friendliness it had just a few moments ago.

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