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Chapter 34 – His Wretched Lackey (1)

Amelia had her head bent, doing the assignment she was assigned to with keen concentration.

The History teacher dragged her the other day while she was walking. He gave her his warm salutations upon being the chief, and to commemorate such an important event, he gave her a total of three assignments as a reward. He also told Amelia to hand it over before the class started, and that he wanted to read it in front of the whole class.

‘Reward? Who would want assignments as a reward’

Amelia huffed. She was reluctant to do it, but she did it anyway. Her feather pen was soaked in ink as she gently glided it over the sheepskin scroll. Her writing was cursive and full of loops, elegant as if it was sketches of dragons and phoenixes.

A series of knocking sounds snapped her out of her concentration.

“Keep the noise down, would you?” She yelled, annoyed as she resumed writing.

Alfonso was standing behind her with his arms folded. His whole, black ensemble made him look even more slender and taller, intimidating as he sharply stared at Amelia’s back. “Are you lying to me?”

After pondering about what Amelia said for a long time, he was still unconvinced, and he felt that he wasn’t the type to do such chores willingly, even before his memory loss.

Who would even be excited about cleaning? Not him that’s for sure. How absurd. Such a claim was simply insulting.

Alfonso’s eyes became fiercer by the second, and his lingering stare was boring holes into the back of her head. He even had his pointed fangs out, as if he was ready to pounce on her.

Under his feet, the menacing and treacherous-looking tentacles were moving, curling silently in the air as they diligently packed the luggage. They took clothes out from the closet and stacked them neatly before placing it inside Amelia’s luggage.

Even with their thorough rearranging, they still listened carefully to their surroundings. When Amelia turned her head to face the elf, the tentacles suddenly became stiff, and the dress it was clutching on fell to the ground as it abruptly retreated back to the elf’s shadow.

“Why would I lie to you? Go ask someone else if you think I’m lying.” Amelia answered calmly, ignoring the dark elf’s murderous gaze as she stared back, her pen remaining still in her hand.

She wasn’t bothered about the elf’s sneering in the slightest, mainly because what she was saying was nothing but the truth. People do raise elves inside their homes.

The term ‘house elves’ did sound insulting though, since it contradicted their foreboding nature of having spent most of their lives trying to know everything about the Dark lord. They were loyal like dogs, who unashamedly clung to their master’s trousers as if their lives depend on it.

Similarly, it was like comparing witches to old monsters, and lich to three-headed dogs. Those were some of the quips that had been continuously passed down in the religion for several generations.

Amelia smiled to herself, recalling the handkerchief stunt she pulled a while ago.

How can a devout dark believer such as Alfonso, accept that the pure dark world he believed in was tainted by white?

No dark creature in his right mind would accept such fallacy.

It was clearly a psychological tactic by Amelia, to lure him into believing her.

Alfonso studied her carefully, wanting to see any indication that she was lying to him, but her expression never wavered. Vexed, he rolled his eyes and left.

He turned around, and his long silver-gray hair shimmered in the light like a rare moonstone. He bore a sharp yet alluring beauty, and the sight would surely turn heads, despite how intimidating his looks were.

Amelia watched the moonstone-looking head go back to the basement. He had his head held high, refusing to accept defeat as banged the door the close, leaving the dress the tentacles had dropped untouched.

The small cloth bag she hung on the doorknob shook slightly from the impact.

Amelia sighed. She still needed help packing her luggage, and she realized that she really underestimated Alfonso.

He stood loud and proud even though he knew nothing about his fellow elves, not accepting of what others had labeled his kin to be.

It seemed that her effort was pointless. Amelia shrugged and resumed writing. She needed to submit these three scrolls of parchment before she set off, and she barely had any time left. It didn’t help that she also had a few sleepless nights, rendering her unable to focus.

As for Alfonso, she guessed that he would probably stay quiet for a few days after the blow she hit his ego with.

The sky darkened, and the lights placed on both sides of the wall lit up brightly after sensing the nighttime. Amelia placed the pen down, rubbed her eyes that had dried out after hours of writing and stood up. She stretched her body left and right, her bones cracking at the movement.

She craned her neck sideways, and she was startled by a huge black shadow passing by her peripheral vision.

Amelia faced that direction. In front of the empty closet, there was a luggage big enough to fit her whole body. It was neatly tied up, and the dress lying on the ground a few moments before was nowhere to be seen.

She peered at the luggage and saw the fabric of the dress pressed up neatly inside.

Amelia pressed her lips together, trying to stop the smile that was forming on her lips. She looked at the ground, to the basement where Alfonso was, and smiled slightly.

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