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Chapter 75 – A Gift From the Sheriff (2)

Amelia went back to the church. She showered and rubbed her skin raw from the stench that clung her skin, changed into fresh clothes and went back outside to meet up with the others, discussing the routes they will be taking once they set forth.

“The Pope just sent a message. He wants us to go back as soon as possible. I’m not sure what happened that made him so anxious.’ Debra said worriedly.

Hearing about the Pope being restless made Amelia remember the time when she was battling with the skinny witch. She thought it over, choosing her words carefully as she whispered. “Is it just me or did you guys also feel that our magic seemed a little… off? Like it weakened somehow?”

A beat of uncomfortable silence went by as everyone looked at each other wordlessly, the question making them squirm in their seats. It was a thought that repeatedly crossed their minds but they didn’t dare voice it out loud in fear of the truth. Amelia asking it upfront confirmed their suspicions, and every single one of them felt the same.

“How come? That’s impossible.” Rita exclaimed and clenched her hands together. She glanced at Amelia, wanting her to explain further when Debra stomped the table with her palms, jostling them out of their silence. “Alright now! This matter should not be discussed especially when you’re outside. We don’t want to stir panic among our citizens, do we? Make sure to keep it down even if you’re in the confines of your room. You hear me?”

Everyone hummed dejectedly, Amelia’s words still ringing in their ears.

Amelia came out of the chamber and decided to swing by the church hall. The statue of the God of Light was still standing on the stone steps, shrouded under the beaming light that came from the windows. Mortals could not see Him with the naked eye, but they could feel His power surrounding them like a heavy cloak, prodding them to kneel in sheer reverence.

The magic they possessed was bestowed upon them from the God of Light, the supreme being behind what they stood for, the driving force of the Light cult.

Since everyone’s magic had ebbed, could it mean that the God of Light’s power have diminished as well?

All of them bore the same thought as Amelia, and a thrill of worry churned in their stomachs as they stood before the statue quietly, letting the stark silence persist around them.

But the burden Amelia carried was much heavier than others. She was almost certain that the God of Light must have faced a storm even He didn’t expect to happen, losing all his might and prowess to even visit the lower realm.

Why else would the God of Light let the Necromancer stomp on his people’s head? The blasphemous act was a clear provocation, how come He didn’t sweep in to punish him?

It was because He, too, was helpless just like the rest of them.

The sky outside dimmed, casting no light inside the room they were all standing on. They stood before the statue with their heads bent in a fervent prayer in the hopes of God’s intervention as they stood there in devotion, adamant to stay even if it’s already nighttime.

Amelia felt dread swimming inside her as she gazed up the clouds that looked heavy in its wake. The sun had already set, replaced by the moon hanging high over the horizon. A cold wind gusted past, prickling her skin and rolled the withered leaves on the ground.

It felt like a warning of something worse to come, like the calm before a heavy storm.


Amelia made her way back to her place, the stars shining above her like a black canvas dotted with white ink. Amelia turned the knob open, letting out a yawn as she uttered, “I’m back.”


She clicked her fingers together, igniting the magic lamp on and she was startled out her wits after seeing an iron cage situated in the middle of her luxurious bedroom. A male elf was housed inside, and he wasn’t wearing anything other than a veil so thin he might as well be naked!

A small package was placed beside his knees, and Amelia could see a black and shiny handle from what she presumed as a whip, with a note stuck onto the package.

Amelia leaned closer and squinted her eyes, thankful for the excellent eyesight she’s been born with as she read the note.

“Lord Saint Amelia, I heard that you’re greatly interested in the white elf. I have been negligent in my duty, and I am so grateful that the Lord Saint had offered a helping hand. Please accept this white elf as a token of my appreciation. I hope you have a great night!

PS: The items inside the package are of the latest product, and I assure you that it is clean and safe to use.

Sincerely, (name of the Sheriff)”


Amelia turned around, and she saw Alfonso slam the door with unnecessary force, shaking the hinges from the impact. It was like he was blocking her chance to escape.

“I heard you like the Light’s elf?” He confronted, putting emphasis on the word ‘Light’ as he glared at her.

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