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Chapter 96 – Battlefield (1)

Amelia was still laid still on the ground with eyes trained on the ongoing commotion, barely moving a muscle as the wave of defeat washed over her. The very thing she hoped to never be revealed was now out in the open all thanks to the White Elf. What was she going to do now? Now that Alfonso knows he really is?

Most of all, what will he do?

Damn it!

She internally cursed, agonized over being in such a predicament that her head fell slack and she closed her eyes in despair.

She felt something moving beside her and she didn’t have to open her eyes to know that the tentacles were concentrating on her intently. The tentacles nudged her once, then twice and seeing that she remained unresponsive, the tentacles slithered towards her as it rubbed itself against her face, spreading a cold, slimy substance all over her but Amelia was still as a statue. She wanted to scream hoarsely to release all her pent up frustrations but couldn’t bring herself to move an inch.

The tentacles proceeded to nudge her a few more times. But no response still. Worried, a tentacle reached out by placing itself under her nose to see if she was still breathing. The wet trail made her nose itch as she recoiled from the tentacle and let out a deep sigh.

The tentacles felt relieved that she was still alive. They really thought she was dead for a second! They tore their gaze off Amelia and looked at the distance.

“This has nothing to do with you.” Amelia heard him clearly even with the great distance between them. The ice and venom in his voice were still distinct as ever, making Amelia shudder in fright.

But did he really believe that?

Dread filled her instantly, not knowing what else to think that she decided to peer at the sky above her blankly, seeing the gloominess stretch the horizon that was much like what she felt on the inside. The two opposing forces of both dark and light were on their respective sides, and they were colliding so fiercely that bursts of blinding light were emitted every time they clashed with one another.

The blazing light enveloped their surroundings to a stark white, casting no shadows around them making Amelia’s eyes sting. Tears started to pool at the corner of her eyes and she blinked the wetness away, squinting her eyes so she wouldn’t be blinded by the luminosity. She peered and vaguely saw the silhouettes of two slender figures at a distance.

Her peeking lasted only for a few seconds, however, as the brightness was too overwhelming that she didn’t dare open her eyes again. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head away.

The roaring sound of the ferocious battle lasted for a long time. Their eyes were seething red with unmistakable fury as they dueled and clashed without a care in their surroundings.

With the two gods tearing each other, the ground quaked and trembled terribly, and what remained of the dilapidated temple broke down into fine dust and powder as lava swept it away from its existence, gone like it was never there in the first place.

The neighboring forest trees weren’t spared as they fell down one by one, the continuous outpour of lava burning their trunks to the ground and turning into ashes. The beasts at a far distance ran as fast as they could to steer clear of the destruction that was speedily making its way toward them, but unfortunately, there were several creatures who got caught in the catastrophe and perished in an instant, their screech and howls of pain echoed like a warning.

The tentacles latched themselves onto Amelia who was still lying flat on her back and pulled her away from the ruins, making sure she was far from the battlefield as much as possible.

Amelia had always known the extent of God’s power based on holy books and other historical scriptures she read before, but nothing could ever prepare her for what she’s seeing right now. This was beyond anything one could possibly imagine and it was a sight that a mere human shouldn’t have the privilege of seeing. Amelia shut her eyes even tighter as tears ceaselessly fell from her eyes.

This is the battlefield of the gods, fastly approaching that one would surely turn into dust.

When the tentacles saw how defeated Amelia looked, even though the tentacle itself was just as afraid, it expanded its body several times its original size and encased Amelia right at the center, hiding her from the blinding light and plunged her into darkness.

She didn’t know how long she was inside the darkness, and she didn’t realize that she fell asleep until her eyes fluttered open and saw streaks of falling light from in between the tentacles’ hold.

Light’s feathers were falling into the surface of the water, he was swaying slightly while hovered in midair, like a pile of small feathers falling towards the ground.

This is the end.

Light closed his eyes with a soft smile plastered on his face. His body gradually disintegrated into small, light particles floating in the wind. He didn’t struggle from his oncoming demise, seemingly accepting of his fate but a deep sigh was emitted through his lips.

Gods fell in the Age of Domination. Even the gods who were supposed to be untouchable weren’t exempted from the fate of extinction.

As much as the God of Light knew of his impending death, he refused to disappear just like this. He weakly looked around his surroundings until his eyes found what he was looking for; a girl named Amelia.

She was a mere human, nothing but an outsider. But even with how fragile she was, she was also a ray of life that was bestowed to him when he walked on this world.

Black magic immediately appeared from above and pierced his body sharply, shattering his heart in the process. This time, however, his heart could no longer heal and the damage was permanent; It flowed from the center of his body going outwards like a current before disappearing into nothingness.

What about you, God of Darkness, when will you realize where your strength in life is?

A faint smile was pulled on Light’s mouth as he fell gracefully. Although his loss was apparent, he locked eyes with Alfonso with a pleased smile on his face, as if he was the victor. He gave him one last look before wiping his own consciousness and ceased to exist.

Not an ounce of him was left, and the aura that came with him vanished completely.

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