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Chapter 128

    When the temperature was hot at noon, the flowers in the garden were wilting in the sun. Several graceful and slender girls shuttled among them, holding carved water pots, talking and laughing, laughing and playing.

    "That 'sir' is gone, do you know?" The maid in white skirt winked and said.

    Another maid in a light green skirt nodded, with some unconcealable joy on her brows, and said with a smile on her lips: "I guess I escaped, such a brilliant gentleman really shouldn't stay here."

    " Yo, it’s for you to praise.” The maid in the white dress repeated it with a smile, and said with a narrow smile: “Why, have you ever talked to him?” The

    maid in the green dress had red cheeks, but said solemnly: “What are you talking about ? I have only seen him from a distance a few times, and I see that he has an extraordinary figure, and he should be an excellent person. I don't have any bad intentions, so don't think too much."

    "Really? I don't believe it." The girl Yin Ling There was a burst of laughter.

    The maid in green was a little annoyed by being teased, but she couldn't help laughing.

    She really didn't say anything to that gentleman, but even a few glances from a hundred meters away were enough for her to see what an outstanding man he was.

    Excellent opposite sex will always make people feel good.

    Even if there is no intersection in the future, the maid in green hopes that this gentleman can escape the fate of being imprisoned, leave the queen who is holding him tightly, and return to his own spacious world.

    The Queen of God will definitely send someone to arrest him.

    Hope he can escape.

    The maid in green was praying so devoutly.

    As everyone can see, this handsome and indifferent young gentleman has been imprisoned in a small palace for a long time, living a lonely life.

    The God Empress never let him see outsiders or talk to others, and everyone could only catch a glimpse of his thin and tall figure from the window occasionally.

    There was a maid who bravely talked to him, but was thrown out in an instant, and she was paralyzed from the fall. Afterwards, she was still full of fear and no one asked her, she just shivered in the quilt, looking like Terrified to the extreme.

    Don't think about it, how could other people have such abilities, it must be revenge from the jealousy of the God Empress.

    Her desire for monopoly is really strong, everyone sighed like this, and felt even more sympathy for that gentleman.

    It's like the king who should have lived in the jungle was forced to be handcuffed for people to watch, and the plight of the strong is also particularly heartbreaking. I don't know how many servants who occasionally saw his demeanor felt sympathy for him, and even the Pope tried to persuade him veiledly, but was rejected impatiently by the Queen of God.

    ——"Huh? Let him go? When will I not let him go? I have never locked the door. If he wants to go, let him go. Do you still want me to open the door for him?"     When Ami said this Liya is in a period of emotional irritability, her expression is extremely cold, and she looks fierce. Everything she said was the truth, but in the eyes of others, this was the most naked threat.     ——Do you dare to come out and try? Even if the door is open, you are not allowed to step out of the door! !     "It's so pitiful. When my god wakes up and knows his existence, he will die."     "No way, who made the Queen of God like him? She is fine, my god loves her so much, she will definitely not Get angry with her, but other people will suffer."     Sighing, everyone finally waited for the news that the poor gentleman had escaped, they secretly congratulated, and they also made an agreement to quietly hinder the Queen of God to search for his arrester. Act and give him a chance to escape.     This is really a big misunderstanding.     Amelia didn't know about it before, and let the rumors spread everywhere, and was kept in the dark. Until now, when she was about to send someone to find Alfonso, she found that everyone looked very strange, procrastinating, pushing back and forth, and then realized that there was something wrong. I found someone to force me to find out what happened.     Amelia: "..."     Are you poisonous?

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