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Chapter 94 – Fall of a God (2)

The sunlight’s rays refracted off the shabby dome, casting him under a soft warm light that made his features seem like it was an illusion, like he was not a real, living being.

The beautiful creature had a smile pulled on his lips. His golden eyes that were void of warmth peered at her like a predator eyeing its prey. He was now too different from the demure elf she was gifted.

Amelia gulped nervously. “W-what’s going on?” Her eyes glanced upwards and it looked like she rolled her eyes, but she was actually trying to see what Light was doing to her forehead.

A tingling itch soon followed after the graze on her forehead. It felt like the tip of a brush, soft and light as it circled back and forth on her skin. What was he trying to do? Was he drawing on her face?

Amelia’s eye twitched at the thought, brows knitting downwards and the elf was clearly amused by her expression. The coldness in his golden eyes simmered down as he slightly tilted his head to the side, studying her. Being this close with him, Amelia thought he really looked like he was carved from snow jade. He raised his right hand and Amelia saw he was holding onto a brush, which had a golden liquid substance oozing on the tip.

“What do you want to do?” Amelia asked quietly and willed herself to calm down, hoping that her subtle way of pacifying the white elf wouldn’t trigger him.

But what happened next took her by surprise.

He stretched his palms out and touched the back of her head, lifting it gently before he scooted closer and placed her head directly on his thigh.

Yes. His thigh.

Amelia’s mouth fell open, and the white elf could barely suppress the smile that was forming on his lips. The tip of the brush grazed the girl’s forehead and resumed its ministrations.

She was lying directly on his knees, and she was reminded of the time when she had been in the same position before. Her heart was beating just as erratically, but not for the same reason.

Her heart was pounding not because she was being played with, but because of the prickling heat his skin emitted.

It burned her skin through the thin layer that separated them. Her temperature rose so much that it made her nose runny, as if she was lying on an asphalt road during a summer day. She was hot all over, her heart was thrumming at the contact and it was definitely way hotter than the last time she had accidentally touched Light with her fingers.

Amelia felt her mouth had gone dry. Her throat was parched, making her purse her lips together as she swiped her tongue across her bottom lip, and noticed it was chapped and void of moisture.

“Is it hot? Sorry, but I can’t really control it.” Light shrugged and continued to brush on her forehead. She stared at him and even if he muttered his apologies, there was no ounce of sincerity behind his words.

“Are you going to die?” Amelia asked suddenly.  The motion of the brush halted.

He tilted his head to catch her gaze with his own, bearing an unreadable expression. “That’s quite harsh, don’t you think?” He paused, deep in thought before continuing, “Fall of the gods… is how you should phrase it.”

He did not deny it. So he really is dying. Hearing this from the white elf himself eased her worries a little bit. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“You left me here to explore, am I right?” The tip of the brush reached the arch of her eyebrow and dabbed at both ends before drawing a small circle. Amelia wanted to scratch the itch with a fingernail but remained unmoving as Light spoke again, “If you only tortured me a little bit earlier, perhaps I wouldn’t have the time to recuperate and have my memories back. You had the chance to kill the gods with little to no effort, but you didn’t and it’s too late for it now.” The white elf smirked. “Let this serve as a reminder for you the next time, being soft hearted would only cost you in the end.”

Would he prefer that she burn his skin with a soldering iron instead? As much as she wanted to move away from him, she knew that fighting him off was nowhere near possible and it would only be a waste of her time and energy.

Amelia knew that Alfonso would come to her rescue. There was no doubt about it. But would he be able to win against Light?

Light was a powerful god who ruled the world for thousands of years after all. Even if he was about to fall for some reason Amelia didn’t know of, she didn’t think he was weak enough to be defeated so easily. A beast’s greatness was measured when he was on the verge of death, and the final blow was the deadliest of them all.

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