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Chapter 1 – Reborn In a City of Faith

When the clock struck nine, the doors to the Church opened right on the dot. The knight, who was clad in shiny armor, relieved his fellow knight from his shift, after having spent the whole night guarding the Church. The knight stood at the entrance, barely moving as he continued on with his duty.

As soon as someone steps inside the Church, one would be greeted by a wide plaza that had large stone pillars set at certain intervals, lining up almost endlessly across the spacious hall. The place also boasted a white jade floor, smooth and hard to the touch, but it could barely be seen due to the thick fog that encompassed the space. The haze made it look like it is a celestial land, almost paradise.

The Church was the sacred place countless people were dreaming of, where the cult of Light resides and their safe haven.

Amelia hugged a thick book to her chest. A pleased expression was etched on her face, and her blue eyes shone brightly of happiness. “There seems to be a lot of believers waiting outside today.” She told the Knight beside her.

The Knight was not expecting her to talk to him, nor was he expecting anyone to regard him at all. He was stunned for a second, lowering his head slightly as he responded. “Yes, ma’am.”

“I wonder how long they have been kneeling outside.” Amelia added. The sunlight coming from the window above the Church illuminated her face clearly. Her smooth, thick brows, her sea-blue eyes and the golden lock of hair all looked beautiful in its’ glory. She looked absolutely stunning, like a beautiful rose petal amidst the sea of greens.

She was so beautiful that the stars above would not be able to compare.

The knight she was talking to turned beet red under his helmet, completely blown away by Amelia’s beauty. A pair of young knights behind him whispered among themselves.
“Is that Saint Amelia? She definitely looks holy, and just as beautiful as the legend says!” One of the knights exclaimed.

“But I heard that her academic results are terrible?” Another knight whispered. “I still prefer Saint Debra over her, since she ranks number one every year!”

The commander glared at the talking knights, so fiercely that the pair stopped talking altogether. They bowed their heads low and stayed silent.

Those two bastards were still not trained enough. Infuriated, the commander gritted his teeth, and subtly looked at the girl standing in front of him.

If he could hear what the knights were saying, the Saint would have probably heard them too. He was anxiously fidgeting in his spot, worried that the knights might have offended the Saint. He raised his head slightly, and saw Amelia’s face. She did not look like she was angry nor did she look offended, but the way she’s looking right now was something else. It looked like she was staring right past them, as if in a trance. The commander wanted to wave his hand over Amelia’s face, but he stayed still on his spot.

The thing is, Amelia did not hear them at all.

Her heart was thumping fast, and her palms felt clammy. She was so nervous that whatever they just said only went from one ear to the other, and she really couldn’t care less.

It’s because she was about to do something extraordinary.

She wasn’t of this world—she was transmigrated. In her past life, she met a terrible end by an accident and by the time she opened her eyes again, she was reborn as a crying baby.

She had a miserable fate in this life. Not only was she abandoned by her mother, she was also thrown into an orphanage that could barely feed her, making her live a poverty-stricken life for several years.

It was not until she reached the age of eight did she really start to understand the world she was living in, when she was handpicked and recruited to join the choir class of the cult of Light.

This was a world that is brimming of magic and fantasies, where the entire continent was equally divided between Light and Darkness. Both had been enemies ever since, and there ought to be a war when they chanced upon each other. And because of the tense atmosphere between the two worlds, a war was just standing by on the horizon, waiting for the time when it will all come breaking out over the surface.

The last battle of faith happened more than a century ago. And during that battle, the cult of Light won over the Darkness, making them retreat deep into the forest.

The Light cult then became the king who ruled over the whole continent, and the place where Amelia was born just happened to be the royal city underneath the said cult’s dominion.

Ever since Amelia joined the choir, her position in the cult accelerated all the way, being promoted every single time due to her outstanding appearance and immeasurable talent in magic. She had been really fortunate, and she was selected as one of the Saints two years ago.

As long as she kept on doing her best in everything that she does, she would have a great chance to be assigned as a bishop in no time. Being a bishop entailed having jurisdictions all over the world, and with that position, she would be able to live at the society’s top hierarchy, and lead a life that everyone would grow envious of.

No words could fully explain how blessed Amelia was. Countless people were already admiring her from afar, wanting to be just like her, and replace her, even. To say that Amelia was the people’s inspiration was an understatement.

And yet, Amelia found herself wanting to escape… for people had not seen beyond the exterior of the pristine life she had led.

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