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Chapter 31 – Chains of Life

Everyone saw how tired Amelia was. They decided to let her go and give her a much needed break.  The other saints would take care of the mess.

Amelia felt anger swimming inside her heart. She was defeated, and she realized she could not escape the Sacred Ceremony no matter how hard she tried. She better go home and start packing her bag, this was her last chance to escape.

She was in a daze, walking wobbly as she was escorted back to her palace. Distracted, she did not notice that a palm-sized object slipped out of her pocket.

It had dark skin, and it quietly went into the darkness. No one saw it run as it blended seamlessly in dark surroundings. The moon loomed brightly over the night sky.


When Debra was done cleaning the mess, she returned to her palace physically, and mentally exhausted. She sighed deeply, her whole being drained to the core.

Not only did her plans fail, her sworn rival also had the upper advantage.

The position of the chief was supposed to be hers, along with the honor of hosting the Sacred Ceremony. Debra, who had been living steadily all her life, had the rug pulled out underneath her. She could not believe she lost all her chances to a saint who came from god knows where.

Oh, right. She was an orphan.

Debra huffed in irritation. She would not give up without a fight. She would do absolutely everything to pull Amelia down, and take the position away from her.

And when she does, she would be superior more than anyone else. A true servant of the God of Light.

Debra pulled herself together. She opened the door of the study room, and sat down. She took her books out and decided to study for a little bit.

A tentacle suddenly crawled on her back, and settled on her neck as it curled repeatedly around Debra.


The tentacle that was wrapped on her neck grew tighter, making Debra pale as a ghost. She let out a gurgling noise as her fingers aimlessly at the tentacle.

The pair of beautiful eyes widened upon seeing the figure in front of her.

‘What is an elf doing here?!’

An elf that had dark chocolate skin stood in front of the wide pair of French windows. The snow-white curtains brushed past him, bellowing in the wind along with his long silver-gray hair.

He looked down at her condescendingly, eyes red as blood. “Hand it over.”

Debra was horrified, and she had no idea what the elf was talking about.

The tentacle wrapped even tighter, and the elf was already impatient. “Hand it over, you piece of trash who dared to frame me.”


‘What are you talking about? I don’t understand!’

Debra was out of breath. The pressure wrapped around her throat was choking the life out of her, and tears pooled in her blue eyes. She gasped in hitched breaths, craning her neck away from the tentacle to no avail as she looked pleadingly at the elf.

‘Don’t kill me.’

‘Please don’t kill me.’

‘I don’t know anything. You’re mistaken. You’ve come to the wrong person.’

“Still playing dumb, I see. So stubborn.” The elf clicked his tongue in annoyance, his patience already worn out. He stretched his hand out, concentrating into the void where everything was connected.

He immediately zeroed in on the line that was connected to Debra.

Everything in the world was linked together, a connection that wasn’t really visible to the eyes, but present nonetheless. For ordinary people, this was hard to see and realize.

But Alfonso was different. His eyes were able to see what the human eyes cannot. Countless threads of golden chains were winded up on each and every soul, and it endlessly stretched on like it came from a huge ball of thread, leaving no inch and no space untouched by its infinity.

He was born to know everything.

From the flames that were full of darkness, two gold chains were separated with one another: One extended ceaselessly to a far off distance, and the other one stopped short right there where the woman stood.

Alfonso’s eyes were unbothered, unrelenting as his slender fingers grabbed hold of the gold chain, and tore it in the middle.

As if immeasurable pain suddenly blossomed from the very depths of her soul, Debra opened her mouth, and screamed soundlessly. The pain she was feeling was immensely horrendous, too brutal to be put into words, as the veins in her neck throbbed tautly from her wordless screaming.

The elf flipped through her memories one by one, viewing it like he’s reading a book.

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