Chapter 114 - Beyond Satisfaction

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The few candles lighten in the room dimmed as it burned out. The shadow of the couple on bed could be reflected on the wall so was their action. In the bed Manik pressed Nandini hardly as he kissed her passionately. The seperation was hard and also the fear of losing each other. They are not like normal couple. To utter sweet and gentle words and they both knows it well. Leaving her in the Tanishq was a hard decision for him but he knows he couldn't bring her with him. Not when she has not bloomed perfectly, to handle his craziness and also his torment which he planned for her. Now after half a year latter, the danger lurking and calling for his to fulfill the responsibility has already passed and his woman has already shaped the way he wanted. He could be careless about other thing but when it comes to her, he never want her to get hurt in any matter. He wanted her to enjoy the moment just like him.

Nandini moaned as he kneaded her breast. Her soft skin was tortured by his tough hand. His tongue pushed inside her mouth claiming his position, to show her, how much he craved all these months and how much he waited for him. Manik sucked her tongue and massaged her inner wall of her mouth, devouring the taste which he imagined at the battlefield every night. He moved back and looked at her flushed face.

"I have been waiting for this moment. For the long waiting finally you will be mine, are you ready?" He asked. The meaning was hard to accept but at the end Nandini was not also ordinary girl. She already choosen him to be with. Besides there are thousands of ways to express the love and affection. It's just a choice of people how they want to show. The desire of having eachother completely burnt both of them. Their body was hot and could feel the loud beatings of heart.

Nandini parted her lips and moved her head to slightly kiss his lips. She don't want to say anything but want him to understand her motives. She knew he was the only one who is made for her, to love, to care and also to give. In the short amount of time he has showed how serious and true his intentions are and she couldn't help but fell for him. He was her lover and there's no regret to accept this truth.

Manik smirked at her action and leaned down to kiss her again. Their tongue fought and their body burn for eachother with a extreme want and crave. There's nothing that could seperate them not even eachother.

"Remember beautiful you are mine and wedding or not, it's time to claim my prize" he whispered against her lips.

Nandini frowned "hmmm....prize?"

"Have you forgotten?" He raised an eyebrow "you said I had to return without any scratches, so I maintained my cleanliness just for you. But it was hard in the battlefield and I had to take extra care while killing those bastards. You think I can let it go without any benefits?"

Nandini shook her head. This man is really something. She said those words because she was feared of losing him. No matter how much a person is skilled but war is war, filled with enemies and no one would know what will happen. She was scared of losing him even though she knew he will win. But her restless heart could not settle down the thought and calm it. So she had to give something. But she never thought he would take her words so seriously and at the end he really kept it.

"Were you scared that I will marry any other man your highness?" She asked tilting her head.

"You think you are capable of doing that?" Manik challenged.

"You think not?" She retorted. "My condition won't be for this time your highness. You are a prince, whether you have the throne or not, you have the royal responsibilities. What if few years later there's another battle? What if you have to lead it personally and may be get some scratches or so. Do you think I won't go for another capable one?"

Manik's eyes shine with internet "little girl, you should know once you have become mine, it means your life is sealed for eternity. There's no turning back nor any other second choice. Whether you like it or not you have to accompany many throughout your life. So no, there's no possibility of doing that nor you will ever get the chance for that. As for the war, this time it was unfortunate that I had to leave you here in capital but for next phrases I will be dragging you with me. Whether it's a battlefield or other place" he leaned looking at her hard "even if I die, I will drag you down with me. I refuse to accept anything without you. Whether it's a life or death. So no, you will never get the chance of getting away from me"

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