Chapter 124 - Last Wish?

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In Tanishq Royal Court...

"Your majesty, the situation of Tanishq is not good. Since Quasar has gained more power, they have become the fearless one. They are now after Tanishq. But comparing to them Tanishq don't have much resources. How will win this war?" Minister of military said with a worried face.

"Quasar could attack anytime. They are too prepared your majesty. Fighting with them could cause great loss for us. It's advisable to declare war at this moment " another minister joined.

Shayak sitting on his throne listen to their words. Hearing it he come raged "what do you all want? To surrender to them? This is what you wish for? The truth is not unknown to me, I know well of this situation "

"Your majesty please calm your anger, ministers are just worried about the nation" the advisor sitting at side said.

"Your majesty, we were to anxious about this point. Please calm your anger" seeing the Samrat getting angry all the ministers begged for mercy bowing.

"Raise all of you" Shayak said "I am aware of the current situation. I am the Samrat and I have more thinking than others. I know you all will object it but don't think that, our retreat will save Tanishq. There's rumours around that Quasar is planning for attack. What do you think what will happen then? Will Tanishq be free from danger or will our step back save the lives?"

The ministers in the court gasped. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. If Quasar attacks then whether they retreat or not the situation will be same. What's point? They will still suffer with loss.

"Your majesty in such case, how will Tanishq meet up the requirements of the war? After defeating Hunas Quasar has gained more advantages than before. They also had the Huna's weapon and army, which actually tripped their millitary power. Tanishq don't have that kind of power and strength to match. In both cases Tanishq is lost" one of the minister proposed.

Shayak nodded "I agree with your remark my dear minister. Naturally it's impossible to meet the requirements of the war. But we also don't have other choice. Whether it lose or win we have to fight. This is the final truth. But to fight, we need good strategy and planning. And I want the millitary team to think of good ideas which could be beneficial for Tanishq"

"Your majesty, most of the cases are taken by Yuvraj in the past. He is skilled in millitary strategy" one of the minister replied then lowered his head.

"Then you should hire good leaders to come up with strategy. We couldn't lose" Shayak said not dragging the matter. "If you need help then there's other princes too. They are also eligible enough to take over the situation "

"But your majesty other princes are not good as Yuvraj. Other two princes hasn't taken anything personally. They only land helping hand while Yuvraj led the army. And now that Tanishq is facing such hard time, though Yuvraj is banished but his skill is needed or Tanish would have to face the embarassment of losing without fight. Quasar is strong and how could we take any kind of risk in here?" The advisor said. Those ministers in the court looked at eachother. They knew it's more better to be saved instead of hanging in past matters. If they keep dragging on  them there will be a day where they won't be here anymore. They couldn't blame him because they needed him.

"How could you propose such thing?" Shayak shouted angrily. "he is not my son. He even went farther in his sin. There are many who can win so you don't need him here"

"Your majesty the current situation is not about holding grudges. We need to calm the raging heart and think about nation. Yuvraj's skill is what we needed. Besides even if he is punished he is still related the imperial family. Your majesty may be angry at this moment but this anger couldn't be bigger than the problem Tanishq facing right now"

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