Chapter 30 - Threatening The Owner

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The next day, everyone in the capital knows about the incidence in the Sunfeast Restaurant. It says that Miss Ahza went to have some good meal after working hard. In the restaurant she encountered with Lady Zaina who was also there to dine. Both of them were in the private room but somehow Lady Zaina disrespected Miss Ahza which made Miss Ahza so unsatisfied. The service in the Sunfeast was poor which trampled the privacy of the customers which also led to this big issue. Miss Ahza left unsatisfied without even having meal.

The general mansion didn't gave any opinion. From their point it was useless. Miss Ahza was just an ordinary figure and she couldn't compare to the daughter of their family so they did not give any heed to the rumours spreading around. Even the Sunfeast Restaurant did not cared about it. They let the matter be like that and continued to do their work as usual. Nothing changed in few days , it was all normal and as usual. But after a week the finaly reaction started to take place. According to the usual day, the customers in the restaurant started to decrease and at the end of the week there were 1 or 2 customer showed up. The manager couldn't understand what's happening. If this goes on, then they have to close the restaurant.

In the Sunfeast Restaurant...


A hard slap landed on the face of manager. The owner Om Bhusant glared at the manager Singh.

"This is how you manage my restaurant? I was gone for only 2 weeks and you brought my shop into destruction? This is why I assigned you here?"

"Owner, please forgive me. I never thought this matter will come to this extant. Arguments are not uncommon and before this never happened something like this so I thought with time it will be settled down"

"Settle down?" Om was so angry that his nostrils almost flared with fire "things don't settle down when it happens between the high class people you fool. Those who engaged in the argument, are they ordinary one?"

Manager Singh lowered his head. He knew that the people were not ordinary one but he never expected that a mere woman would bring them inti such situation.

"Who are they?" Om Bhusant asked again. He was away from homr for some work so he did not know about the happenings. When he came in the restaurant in the morning and heard rumours about the some incident happened in the restaurant in the private chambers he was alert. He called the manager and slapped him hard in anger.

"That.... It was the daughter of general and another one was the owner of famous shop in the capital"

"Owner of shop?" Om Bhusant frowned.

"Yes, it's a young lady who runs the expensive clothing shop. Her business is the best one in capital which rose just a month ago. Even the imperial palace showed great respect to her"

Om Bhusant pondered. A young girl who runs a expensive clothing business and become noted in just one month? It's not a luck or coincidence and Om knows it better.

"How could I hire such a fool as a manager?" He shouted "Manager Singh do you even know your negligence has brought my shop into an end? How am I going to make it up? Do you want me to come to street and become a begger?"

Seeing the owner becoming more furious Manager Singh trembled. If the business is closed down then it means he will lose his job. How will he support his family and find good match for his daughters in future?

"Owner, please forgive me. I thought it was just a trivial matter but never expected it to be like this. I understand my mistakes. Please don't fire me, my family depends on me" manager Singh begged falling on his knees.

"You remembered about your family now? Isn't it funny? Whether it's a trivial or not it's your duty to manage. The rumours spread in the whole capital but you stayed silent. Now you see what's the result of your silence?"

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