Chapter 17 - Madam Urvi 's Hatred

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In the Minister Mansion....


The sound of hard slap echoed in the silent room followed by a thud - Myra fell on the floor holding her swollen cheek. Her eyes were teary and the pain of the slap was so forceful that her body shook.

"Husband" Madam Urvi gasped with a horrifying look. Miraya who was standing at side was also shocked.

"How dare you?" Minister Ohas glared pointing finger on the girl on the floor. He couldn't contain his anger.

"Father you slapped me?" Myra gave a accused look as she sobbed.

"Do you think I will worship you for what you did?" Ohas was so angry. "you ungrateful girl, how dare you to go and make troubles without considering your own status? What the hell were you thinking?" He roared. Myra flinched at his tone.

Madam Urvi couldn't see her daughter being beaten so harshly "husband she is still young please forgive her this time"

"Stop defending this unruly girl" Ohas shouted making her scared "it was also because of you not teaching your daughter properly that she caused a chaos for the family and ruined my well build reputation"

"Reputation?" Madam Urvi glanced at Myra then focused her attention to her husband "what happened?" She felt so wrong for being accused by her own husband.

"What happened?you don't know what your lovely daughter is doing outside the mansion? What the hell you are doing all day? Could not you just control your daughter and teach some good lessons" Ohas shouted at her.

Madam Urvi knows he is truly angry today.

"Husband please enlighten me" her voice was soft as she asked.

Ohas glared at her "ask this unruly brat what scene she has caused in Silk-Thread Shop? All the madams and young ladies has witnessed her behaviour. She got engaged quarreling with the assistant manage of the shop and even buying cloths for 50,000 golds"

Madam Urvi 's eyes widened. She looked at Myra with wide eyes. 50,000 golds? Is she put of her mind? Her father's income was 5000 gold coins only and she bought dressed for 50,000?

"Mother, that maid was too bad. Nandini's shop is our shop isn't it? How can those maids refused to give me dresses for joust 50,000 gold coins?" Myra who was on the floor said. She got up and made a sad face. She was never slapped by anyone and this is the first. And all of this happening because of that Nandini.

"Myra stop it" Madam Urvi scolded before Ohas "do you know what you are talking about? You should interfere in elders conversation" she hinted with her eyes trying to silent Myra silently.

But Myra instead of getting her hint become angry. She couldn't control her words "why not? It's just some gold coins. I am her cousins by blood then why can't I get some dresses from her shop? And those maids in the shop needs good teachings, they don't know whom they are messing with. Besides Nandini is the same age as mine. We are related by blood then her shop is also mine, then why can't I teach those maids in the shop s good lessons?"

"SHUT UP" Ohas shouted making her flinch. "How dare you raise your voice infront of me? You are claiming ownership of the shop you idiot, do you even know the meaning of business? Do you know what strategy to use to run a business?" He scoffed "all you know is cause trouble around and lose my face infront of others. You shamed my reputation when you were thrown out of the shop like some stress dogs. Do you even have any shame that you are now talking back behaving like an uneducated brat?"

Everyone gasped again. Myra never thought her father would say such thing to her even comparing to some cheap things. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Do you know what your behaviour caused us?" Ohas threw a scroll at her. It fell on her feet and the sheet opened revealing the contents inside.

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