Chapter 92 - Urvi Shattered

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Madam Urvi was relaxing in the yard. She was drinking the newly arrived tea but her heart was restless. After the demotion of the family people started to ignore them. Once the minister family had such prestige that all the people in capital wanted to kiss their feet. But now they are like dead meat, not even remembered by the capital anymore. Miyara's wedding caused huge chaos and her husband was demoted to lower rank. Her status of madam has snatched away from her. And now she couldn't attend the social party. It was really shameful that she, the one who used to be the head of the social attention now discarded like a used shoe, which has no value.

"Madam, Prime Minister is not home again. The servants don't know where is he and he is not home since two days already " the maid beside her informed.

Urvi frowned. After Miyara's incident Ohas started to distant himself. He didn't said a word to her nor he stayed in the mansion. It's like the matters of mansion has nothing to do with him. Thinking about how he gave up on her Urvi clenched her fist.

"What's happening? He is behaving like, the matter of mansion has no importance in his heart. Miyara's incident was a mistake, he didn't try to find out the truth but he left without any words. Miyara went into depression and father is already bedridden. I don't understand what's happening in this house" Urvi said as gritted her teeth.

"Madam, madam" a maid ran towards her.

"What happened?" Urvi frowned.

"Madam,  master is back"

"He is back" Urvi got up abruptly. "He is really back?"

"Yes, but he..." The maid paused lowering her head.

"He what?" Urvi frowned "why did you stop? Why are you not replying?"

"Madam , that... Master is not alone. He.....he ....brought a young woman back with him" the maid stammered as she replied.

Urvi almost fell on the ground. A young woman? He brought a young woman with him? Even if others don't know but how could she who is married for years couldn't understand the meaning of it? A young woman means, a concubine. But why did he brought a concubine home? And that too at such moment? The capital is already criticizing their family and now bringing a woman in the mansion will rise the chaos more.

"No, thos can't be happen. I won't let it happen" Urvi shook her head. She couldn't accept this fact. She will never let him bring another woman. She has been trying to give a baby a d for which she is nourishing her body. But because she already a average she couldn't conceive like the young ones. She clenched her fist and her face tired dark.

"Let's go, I also want to see that young girl" she gritted her teeth and walked towards the mansion.

In the hall Ohas was standing beside a woman. The woman was dressed in light pink cloth. Her jewelry was less and her hair was flowed on her back. Her beautiful fair skin was glowing like a star and there was a small smile on her face.

"From today onwards this is your home" Ohas said as he looked at the beautiful face.

"My home?" The woman smiled "master knows how to joke, how can it be my home? When I didn't married in here and have no identity?"

"You are worried about it? Don't worry, I will declare your status soon. Besides you can't stay in that place again. You need to take care of yourself more" Ohas said gently.

"I will, how can I careless about it. Master also knows it better that how cautious I am about the things related to you" The woman smiled gently.

Ohas was pleased to hear this. He expected it from her. She was a wan who knows how to do things and also protect herself. He thought that Urvi was able to handle things but after years of marriage, he found out he was wrong. She couldn't even handle the two daughters then how will she handle other things. He thought even if Myra got wasted, at least Miyara will secure his practice and with the assurance of Urvi he never felt he needed a son so he never raised this question. But at the what happened? Miyara's scandal ruined his carreer and and his reputation. Now the other ministers would laugh at him mockingly. How could he, who lived with prestige and respect endure to be the subject of laughing stock in the whole capital?

"I know you are understanding" Ohas nodded in satisfaction "you will never disappoint me"

"Master I will do whatever it takes to help you" the woman gave a gentle look which can melt any heart.


Both of them turned around to see Urvi standing there with a scowl on her face. She walked towards them and threw a hard glare at the woman beside him.

"Husband you are finally home, I was so worried about you. You haven't been in home for two days. Now that you have come...." Her words trailed "who is she?" She asked like she couldn't understand anything.

Ohas held the woman in his arms "You are smart enough to know the situation. Why are you playing innocent here? But since you asked, I will give you reply. Meet her, she is Gema, my concubine "

Urvi gritted her teeth in anger. She knew it. He really brought back a concubine. He didn't think of her but brought another woman?

"Concubine? Why? Husband when you married me you promised that you will only love me till we live as husband and wife. And you will never cheat behind my back. How could you break this promise? " Urvi asked him. Her face flushed with anger.

"Cheat? How could it be a cheat? You can't even give me a son, so what if I brought her in the mansion? For a wife who couldn't give a heir, what's your point of accusing me?"

Those words hit Urvi's heart like a knife. She don't know how to respond to this point. She wanted to retort back but the point Ohas said was something which is true. If a wife is unable to give a son then the husband has the right to marry another woman. And the woman couldn't interject or refuse it. She had to agree it, whether she likes it or not. It was the rule made in Tanishq.

"But I was trying, trying hard to nourish my body to be able to conceive, why can't you just wait for few days?" Urvi yelled.

"Don't rise your voice at me" Ohas roared. You are the reason behind the destruction. You couldn't even raise a daughter well. One become concubine and another one cheated behind her fiancee and made a huge scandal. Our own daughter even made lose face in the whole capital and even destroyed my well built career. What do you want more?"

"That was wrong, Miyara was framed. You did not go for looking at the evidence yet you also think that she could do things like that? You don't even know your daughter. It's not only me who raised her, but you also have hands in this. Don't forget you are her father" Urvi glared.

"But it was your responsibility to teach her. To rise her good but what now? Look at what your daughters did. They ruined my career for good" Ohas snapped angrily.

"How can you blame everything on me? How can you do this? You even brought another slut here?" Urvi screamed pointing at Gema.

Her voice was about to fade when a hard slap landed on her face. Urvi was so shocked that her head puzzled for a moment.

"How dare you call her such name?" Ohas glared at her "she will be living here from today onwards. If you try to disrespect her again I won't spare you" he warned.

Urvi held her cheek and looked at him "you raised your hand just because of her. Just because she is younger than me? Where is the love and respect we had in the past? You even forgot our wedding vows?"

"Humph, she is much better than you. She knows how to handle things. She is giving me something you can't" he leaned down and snorted at her "do you know what she is giving me? A son. Gema is pregnant and the doctor gave their confirmation that it's a son"

Urvi's body trembled as her eyes went wide. That slut is pregnant with a son? Now she understood everything. Her husband brought a woman who is pregnant with his child. She could not give him one so he had the alternative to fulfill his demand.

"You...." Urvi's body shook and she couldn't say anymore.

Ohas sneered and pulled Gema in his arms "you better behave or I will divorce you right this moment" he threatened before striding away with the woman.

Madam Urvi fell on her knees as she cried out. She never thought she would be seeing this day.


I know this is a short chapter. But I am trying to write more. I could not find the good timing to sit down and write the chapter. I have a guest in my home so it's kind of difficult to find spare time. I will try to give another update but if I fail please forgive me.

I hope you understand.

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