Enhypen as Yanderes 2.2💮

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- "You're so Sweet...But do You Really Think that I'm Going to Ignore the Fact that you Disobeyed me?"

But do You Really Think that I'm Going to Ignore the Fact that you Disobeyed me?"

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Jay ~ Removal Yandere Type

- After Spending a Couple Days Locked in Jays House with him,You were Still Absolutly Scared of him.

- It Seemed that the Longer you were Stuck with him,The Scarier he got.He'd Kill more and more People,Sometimes Telling you All About it and Asking what you Think would be Good Way to Deal with them,But you Obviously Tried Telling him to Stop,Which He Simply Ignored.

- But even Though that was Obviously Terrible,You Atleast were Allowed to do Alot of Things,There was Only One Thing that He Absolutly Forbid you from doing,And that was to Dig into his Past.

- It was Obvious that Something had Happend that he didnt want you to Know,And you did Obey him at First,But Eventually Couldnt Control your Curiousity.And Besides being too Curious,You also Thought about the Possibilty of Finding Something that would Help you Escape,So you Started to Snoop around the House.

- Of Course,You were very Careful so that Jay wouldnt Catch you,But he Eventually did.

- One Day,Jay Fell Asleep while Watching a Movie with you,And you took the Chance to Snoop Around some more.You Pushed Jay's Hand off of your Lap where it has been Resting and Carefully got up from the Couch.

- You Snuck out of the Living Room and into the Direction of a Room that he Told you to not go into,And as Far as you Understood it,The Room Used to be an Office that was now Unused.

- For some Reason,Jay didnt Bother Locking the Door of the Room,Probably because he Usually was Always Around you and was Able to Prevent you from going into the Room,But Since he now wasnt Right Behind you but Asleep on the Couch,You Took the Chance and Opened the Door.

- Quickly,You Hopped into the Room and Admired the Elegant Furniture Used in it.You didnt Waste Any Time to Look Around and Look for Intresting Things that Could Give Away Something about Jay's Past,And After Looking for a While you Found Something.

- It was a Picture of a Family,And Jay was on it.The Glass that was Protecting the Actual Picture was Broken and the Frame wasnt Clean at all,You Analyzed these Details and what was Captured in the Picture.You Realized that you haven't Seen any Family Photos around the House and Got even more Curious,But also Concerned.

- You Kept Looking Through the Box that you've Found the Photo in and Found more Photo's Like it,But Before you Could Look at them more Closely,You Heard Jay Screaming for you,Asking where you were.

- Immediately,You Felt Scared and Put the Photo's back into the Box which you Tried to Place at the Spot where you've Found it,But when Hearing Jay Approach the Room,You Rushed to Hide Under the Desk and Accidently Threw the Box off of the Shelf that you Tried Placing it on.

- You Cringed when Seeing the Box hit the Ground,Opening and Revealing the Photo's again,But also Creating a Noise that was Loud enough to Pull Jay Closer.He Walked into the Room,Carefully Analyzing it and Searching for you in it,But the First Thing he could Spot was the Open Box with the Pictures Spread all Around it.He Instantly Knew that you Looked at them,That You Snooped around,And He was Irritated by it.

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