"He definitely suffers impulse control."

   "No kidding. I'm going to get this over with. The twins are sleeping. Thank you." I tell him and he nods.


   I walk into the building at the address Klaus sent me. All his paintings are on display. I've always admired his work and I love to watch him paint. He's captivating. The place seems vacant, but I know he's here. I can almost feel his presences.

   "Kelsey." His voice cuts through the silence making me gasp, startled. "Thank you for coming."

   "What am I doing here?" I ask him.

   "Well, I'd hoped we could talk and I thought why not show you this." He holds his arms out. "So, I'm allowing you a private tour of my exhibition."

   "These are amazing, but Kl--" He cuts me off.

   "I spent the better part of a millennia trying not to draw my father's attention." He says. "And now he's dead and all those who stood against me have been vanquished. I see no reason the fruits of my labor should go unappreciated."

   "I didn't come here to appreciate art." I sigh. "I came here because I thought we might actually be able to have a serious discussion about where we stand. You haven't talked to me in months." 

   "Well, I was hoping you take my invitation to be my date to tomorrows opening as me forgiving you." He smiles as he approaches me. I stare at him for a moment waiting on him to give his punch line to what has to be a joke. When, he doesn't I scoff.

    "I'm sorry, but you think I owe you the apology?" I grit out. "I'm not the one who needs to say 'I'm sorry', Klaus."

    "You abandoned me after you promised over and over that you wouldn't." He exclaims.

    "And you never gave me the chance to explain. You just made assumptions." I roll my eyes.

   "What could you possibly say?" He stares at me waiting, but it's clear that no matter what I say he won't believe me.

   "You know what, I'm going home." I sigh. "I was an idiot to think that you actually realized the mess you caused."

   "That I caused?" He snaps. "Your solution was to run. I saved our children."

   "And pushed away everyone that loves you." I shake my head. "I warned you, people can only take so much. Find me when you want to have an actual productive conversation." I turn and head for the door. But, I'm hit with realization. "Wait." I state turning back to look at him. "You're worried no one else will come." He looks down. "Rebekah's gone. Marcel's angry. Elijah won't even look at you. You'll be alone and that's scares you. Because everyone you love is angry with you. Maybe you should think about that." I sigh. "I love you, I do. But, I can't just make everything better when you screw up. You have to see where you were wrong on your own, because continuously telling you isn't doing anything. So, swallow your pride and fix what you did and stop blaming other people." He doesn't reply, so I leave him alone.


   A couple hours later, Freya and I are in the study as the twins play on the floor. Freya sits on the floor with them and I sit on the couch watching them bond with their Aunt. Elijah walks in and up to the girls.

   "They're getting bigger by the second." Elijah says smiling down at them.

   "Yes, they are." I smile watching Bexley chew on a teether.

   "Tomorrow's the full moon." Freya states. "I can help you guys bring the twins to see Hayley, if you'd like."

   "Won't be necessary. You deserve a night off." Elijah dismisses her.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now