For the baby💥

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I was going to accompany katsuki to the agency, I told him wanted to go back to working with him but i got sent home by him before lunch even hit.

I was feeling dizzy and felt nauseous, he dropped me off and made sure to get me in the house safely.

Okay I wasn't super dizzy but he wasn't risking me falling and passing out in the drive way once he drove away.

After i got dropped off he'd literally texted every single hour , reminders to drink plenty of water and to stay resting.

I was in the bedroom laying in bed with my eyes closed, I was trying to fall asleep but the nausea feeling was strong. I finally felt as I was about to throw up and I ran to the bathroom but nothing happened.

I grew frustrated , I hate this nauseous feeling. Just throw up already .

I lifted my oversized shirt to cover my face from the frustration, I looked over to the full body mirror on the back of the bathroom door and stared at my bare belly.

I furrowed my brows when I continued to stare, there in the reflection was a more obvious baby bump, nothing major but it was definitely there.

I brushed my hands over my tummy and smiled with tears starting to pool in my eyes.

I moved sideways to see my side profile and there it was. you can tell.

I always wear slightly loose tops so I never really focused on it, I have been noticing my pants don't zip up anymore.

I got so overwhelmed I grabbed my phone to tell katsuki.

*Text message to Firecracker*

Y/n: BABE!!!

Firecracker: what happened??? You okay??

Firecracker: need me to come home??

Y/n: noooo! Look at this!!

*sends multiple mirror selfies of small baby bump*

Firecracker: finally I see. You look beautiful <3

Firecracker: how's your nausea ?

Y/n: eh.

Firecracker: try to nap. I'll be home later.

Y/n: ok


*Katsuki POV*

I was grinning widely at the pictures y/n sent

There she was holding up her shirt and there was her pregnant belly...she's going to start to show more very soon.

She is around 23 weeks now , so about damn time.

Good sign, brat is growing.

Our princess.

"ground zero?" A random voice squeaked

"what!" I scowl over my shoulder to see 3 girls standing behind me .

"can we take a picture with you" one of them asked, I furrowed my brows, I fuckin hate pictures but whatever

"sure whatever..." I uttered and they walked to stand next to me

"Smile" the one taking the picture exclaimed... I stayed frowning , don't tell me what to do you damn extra.

"Thank you " one of them cheered and they walked away.

Only thing on my mind is how the brat is growing in her, she's starting to show and looked so beautiful and so happy...

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