"Unless Hayley's husband-to-be starts flapping his gums." Nik says smirking making me roll my eyes. "I should take preventative measures and separate him from his head."

   "Jackson won't open his mouth and jeopardize them willingly." I send Nik a glare, putting my faith in Jackson.

  "Nor will he jeopardize that wedding." Elijah adds.

   "Hayley's actually doing it? She's getting married?" Rebekah gasps with a smile and in disbelief. "What in hell else did I miss?" She stresses, sending raised eyebrows between Nik and me.

   "And that's my que." I smile, before looking at the phone. "Love on my babies for me Elijah."

   "Of course." He chuckles and I turn on my heels to leave.

   "Bye." I call out to them smiling.

   "Kelsey, come back." Rebekah half whines. "Nik, what happened?" I look over my shoulder when I get to the door to see him smirking widely at her and then he shrugs, making me laugh. Rebekah groans in frustration.


   "Nik?" I hear Rebekah as she rounds the corner. I'm headed to my room to call Davina and check in. However she sees me first. "Kelsey." She smiles. "Have you seen Nik?"

   "Not since..." Nik appear from his study at the top of a small set of stairs. "Now." I finish as he hangs up the phone.

   "That was Aiden." He informs us. Rebekah and I exchange a look, before following him back into his study. "Finn has Marcel."

   "What? Why?" Rebekah asks in concern.

   "I don't know where they are, what they are doing or what, specifically, to do about it." Nik exclaims. "This family makes me want to murder people." If I wasn't so concerned about Marcel, I would laugh.

   "I see my timing is as impeccable as usual." Kol says appearing in the door way behind me and Rebekah.

   "Well, the traitor thinks he can waltz in here like he's welcome." Nik announces.

   "As gracious as your apology better be, you're still getting one hell of a slap-" Rebekah starts to advance on him.

   "Wait, wait." Kol says putting his hand up, so she'll come to a stop. "I understand the irony of what I'm about to say. But I came here because I need your help."

   Nik starts to laugh and Rebekah gets more agitated. "Figure out how to undo your body swap, then we can talk about help." She counters.

   "You don't understand, Nik." Kol replies desperately walking around Rebekah and toward Nik. I scrunch my eyebrows. "Finn has locked me in this body. No more jumping. He's put a curse on me, Nik. I am dying." Rebekah folds her arms and Nik rolls his eyes. "You don't believe me."

   "You're hardly the champion of truth-telling." Nik accuses.

   "Of course." Kol says. "Why would a brother expect his siblings to leap to his aid."

   "Spare me the pity party, Kol." Nik replies. "Your recent actions merit a certain allowance for disbelief."

   "Look, I know what I've done." Kol snaps. He steps to Rebekah. "But I won't apologize for trying to pull one over on you. You deserved it. But I don't deserve to die. Certainly not at the hands of my own family."

   Nik vamp speeds at him, turning him around. "What kind of con are you playing?"

   "The con I hate the most." Kol tells him. "The truth."

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now