Keep Your Guard Up

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~Your Pov~

Taking a step outside of the palace to look up at the sky to see the defense shield around Wakanda destroys one of the vessels entering the atmosphere...Thanos...He's coming for the stone...I-I have to destroy it!

Quickly turning around bumping into Bucky's chest "Sorry!" Trying to run off to find Vision as I felt him grabbing both of my arms.

"Steve told me what you were planning. Doll, don't give up on life so easily!" Tears roll down my cheeks as I frantically looked around trying to find Vision. "It's the only way to stop Thanos! If I don't destroy the stone now! He'll find the other half of the soul stone! I CAN'T LET YOU ALL DIE!... Not like this..." 

Feeling my knees weaken as I slowly fell onto the ground while bucky still held onto me. "Doll...look at me," He moves my hair out of my face whipping the tears away. "I'm not letting you give up so easily. We're gonna fight until there's none of us left in the battleground. You hear me?"

Nodding my head as he leans in kissing my forehead again. A carrier arrived in front of us as he held his hand out helping me onto the carrier. Taking in a deep breath before the carrier began to move onto the battlegrounds of wakanda.

Bruce is in the Hulkbuster running on the grounds but stumbles on a rock, and a carrier goes by, from which Okoye gives him a dubious look.

Now, I remember why I've stayed on Midgard for so long. All for them...My friends. Jumping off of the carrier to stand at the end of the defense shield. M'Baku of the Jubari rallies his soldiers with a war cry. He stops once T'Challa nears him. 

"Thank you for standing with us."

"Of course, brother."

T'Challa, Steve, Natasha, and I walk to the edge of the barrier, where Proxima Midnight stands alone.

"Where's your other friend?"

"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone." Proxima glares at me for killing off two of her friends. "Oh, darling I never pay for my crimes. But you will after today," Dark f/c magic appeared in the palm of my hand as she took a step back.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We...Have blood to spare."

She raises her right arm with a cry, and several large ships emerge from the forest behind her. Walking back to the front line "Did they surrender?" Shaking my head as I stared back proximal from the other side of the shield.

T'Challa leads the Wakandans in the war cry.


As the Outriders bound toward the barrier "What the hell?" He stares at the outsiders from the barrier. "Looks like we pissed her off." A smirk formed on my face as I lifted my hand still showing dark f/c magic. 

"A little fun wouldn't hurt her..." Muttering under my breath sending an illusion of her friends being killed in my hands. Proximal put her hands onto her ears screaming in pain. T'Challa commands the soldiers to engage their shields

"They're killing themselves."

More and more outsiders are able to go through the barrier. "Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us...There's nothing between them and Vision."

"Then we better keep 'em in front of us."

"How do we do that?"

Okoye looked at T'chall for an answer to the situation. "We open the barrier." He puts his hand on his ear. "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."

"On my signal."

T'challa walks in front of the ground "Wakanda Forever!" He crosses his hands over his chest as his Black Panther helmet covers his face, leading the army as they run toward the barrier. T'Challa and Steve are at the front of the advancing army.


The section in the barrier disappears and the outriders charge at them. Floating up in the air blasting spells towards the outsiders trying to find proximal among the chaos. Where can she be? An outrider knocked bucky's gun out of his arms causing him to fall onto the ground.

Landing on the ground caused an impact blast from my body causing the outsiders to fall onto the ground in pain. I held my hand out to bucky lifting him off the ground "Having fun aren't you?"

"With my favorite doll of course," He winked at me but suddenly, a large beam of light lands nearby, and the Avengers and Wakandans stop to look up as the axe flies through the air, electrocuting the outriders.

Please...tell me it's him...Allfather please let it be him! The large beam faded showing Thor with his new axe alongside Rocket and Groot. Tears roll down my cheeks as I happily smiled. H-he's alive! 



Threshers, sets of massive, motorized spiked wheels, intended for nothing more than shredding everything in their paths.

"Fall back! Fall back now!"

Slicing the outrider in half to see massive motorized spiked wheels coming in my way. I quickly ran towards them picking up my speed. "Y/n! GET OUT OF THERE!" Standing in front of the massive motorized wheels lifting them up in the air and Wanda appeared next to me.

I look back at her as she nodded her head as we split it in half throwing them towards the outsiders. Nat straightens with a pleased smile as Okoye with an amazing look. "Why was she up there all this time?"

In the distance, I could see proximal on a call. "I'll be right back," Levitating myself off the ground towards proximal as she gets off the call noticing me up in the sky. Gripping my fist to wrap her around the palm of my hands as she struggles out of my magic.

Standing on the grass ground walking toward her "My father is already on his way for the other half of the stone. Don't even think about killing me. You'll never win this fight," She smirks at me as I slowly raise my hand.

"You're right. But at least you won't have to suffer any longer," Her eyes quickly widen open as I turned to look away slicing her head off of her body. Now, she no longer needs to suffer under his care. 

But...the other half of the stone. 

I have to go h/p

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