The Only Way

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"Sire, the stones!"

Thanos turns around to see Clint fighting through the horde of his army while carrying the gauntlet in his arms but ended up surrounded by outriders. T'Challa slashes the cull.

"Clint, give it to me."

Clint hands the gauntlet over to T'Challa who tucks it in his arms before running through the battlefield. He runs toward the van while fighting Thanos' army but Thanos charges toward him with his double-edged sword.! I can't let him get hurt by Thanos. I quickly teleport myself in front of T'Challa as a sharp pain runs through my stomach "AHHH!" I tightly closed my eyes "Y/N!!" I felt the pain removing itself from my stomach.

Damn...I didn't expect the pain to be so dreadful. I wrap my hands around my stomach kneeling down on the ground.

Wreckage begins to float as Thanos looks up to see Wanda hovering in the air. "You took everything from me. You've hurt everyone that I've loved!"

Thanos gripped his blade "I don't even know who you are."

"You will."

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Wanda unleashes a storm of red energy hurling wreckage at him. "Can you stand?" T'Challa places his hand on my shoulder as I look behind him to see Ebony about to use his magic. I grip my hands forming a fist glowing f/c.

Lifting my fist in the air before smashing into the ground causing the earth to shake and rocks to crumble pushing Ebony further away from us. "Go! I don't mind losing any blood." T'Challa seemed too hesitant a bit before running off.

I manipulated the earth's soil creating crystal veins wrapping around Ebony. I slowly walk towards him as he struggles to get out of the veins.

"You killed my love. Now, you'll lose your life." I snapped my fingers as the crystal veins tighten his body causing him to suffocate.

Wanda lifts Thanos into the air ripping his armor off into pieces then slams him back to the ground. "Rain fire. Wipe them all out." High above the sanctuary descends cannons opening up. Wanda looks up, raising a force field.

The cannons appear and start to fire at the heroes. "C'mon y/n." Wanda wraps her arms around my waistline flying up in the air. As Wong makes a shield and holds it up as other magic users follow along creating multiple shields.

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