....You Came

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~Third Person Pov~

"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?"

Nat, Cap, and Rhodey raise their hands. Rocket turned around ready to steer the ship. 

"You better not throw up on my ship."

"Approaching jump in 3... 2... 1!"

The ship jumps into a wormhole, and we see Steve holding onto his seat for dear life. A close-up of his eyes widens slightly at the exhilaration of this new experience. The ship slows down, and the ship hovers in orbit of the planet seen in the hologram previously. Carol Danvers looms in front of the Benatar.

"I'll head down for recon."

The passengers inside the Benatar preparing for the impending confrontation. Natasha looks at Steve who's staring deeply at his compass with the picture of y/n.

"This is gonna work, Steve."

"I know it will. Cause I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't." He turned to look at Natasha as Carol approaches Benatar. "No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him and y/n."

Everyone on the ship stood quiet figuring out why Thanos had no army. 

"And that's enough."


A scenic lush tropical fauna. It surrounds a shed on a farm. A scarecrow made of Thanos' armor. on the burnt Infinity Gauntlet on Thanos' arm. He's walking among his crops, harvesting fruit, and putting them in a sack. 

He walks over to the shed, with a dragging quality to his legs, like it pains him to walk, presumably his living quarters, and tries to sit down, and we see his full face. His whole left side is burnt black with blisters.

While you were in the corner of the room with a blanket wrapped around your body. Covering your whole body and half of your face. 

Carol flies through the roof, knocking Thanos down, and grabbing his neck. Bruce in the Hulkbuster armor bursts from the ground, and grabs Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet arm. Thor flies in and slices off the Infinity Gauntlet. Rhodey flies down with Rocket and aims guns on Thanos' head.

Steve walks in his winter soldier outfit, with Natasha right behind him, staring murderously at Thanos. Rocket goes over to the sliced-off Infinity Gauntlet, and kicks it over.

"Oh no." Rocket's eyes wide open to see the stones gone. Everyone in the room realizes the stones are gone before looking back at Thanos. "Where are they?" Steve questioned him as Carol tightens her grip around Thanos's neck.

"Answer the question!"

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation." Everyone in the room stood quiet. "You murdered trillions!" Bruce pushes him to the ground.

"You should be grateful," Bruce punches him in the face. "Where are the stones?" Natasha asked while looking down at Thanos holding herself back from expressing anger.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms."

"You used them two days ago!"

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. Your friend tried to stop me but without her magic, her life hangs in the balance," Their eyes quickly open in shock scanning the room to find you in the corner covered by a blanket.

Rocket and Natasha quickly ran over to your aid as Thanos sits himself a little straighter. 

"I am... inevitable."

"We have to tear this place apart, He-he has to be lying."

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them."

Natasha gently shake your body as you slowly sat up from the hard wooden floor showing vibranium shackles on your throat and ankles. "Oh, kid you been through a lot haven't you?" You nodded your head before coughing up blood from your mouth.

"Ah, thank you, daughter." Nebula looks down, a little uncomfortable. 

"Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

Catching Thor's attention to your weak state filled with rage as he raises to summon Stormbreaker, and before anyone can stop him, slices Thanos' head off. Thanos' limp body falls to the floor. Nebula wipes off some of the blood spatter.

"What... What did you do?" Thor looks broken, realizing what he has done. "I went for the head." He slowly walks out of the shed, with no real purpose in his steps.

Natasha helps you off the floor holding onto her body for balance. Steve quickly ran over to your aid placing the blanket around your shoulders. 

"The nightmare is over now. It's time to go home," You gave him a weak smile before dropping down on your knees.

Rocket ran next to you as you began to hurl blood out of your body. "Oh...god. K-kid you need help..." Putting your hand over your mouth trying to regain yourself from vomiting any blood further.

"S-stopping Thanos from destroying the stones costs a lot of energy and will. My body is slowly giving up..." Steve picks you up off the floor walking out of the shed. "I'm here now. I won't let anybody hurt you anymore..."

"I'm here for you..."

{Betrothal} Avengers Various x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن