M-my magic...

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In a bathroom in the avengers compound, shaving off my bread as looking up at the mirror to study myself in the mirror, exhausted. We lost her...I lost her...Y/n I'm so sorry for not being able to stop Thanos from taking you...

I was about to tap the razor in the sink's standing water, when...the water ripples. Staring a beat, puzzled. Then the lamp catches my eye...swaying gently. Just then, a sound roars overhead.


The moon hangs huge over the earth then the silhouette of the benatar races past, propelled by carol danvers. Below...Steve, Bruce, and Natasha watch a the flying woman guide the ship to the ground. The entry hatch opens, and Tony and Nebula walk out, Tony being supported by Nebula. Steve runs to Tony to help him stand up. Tony grips Steve's arm as he joins him.

"Couldn't stop him."

"Neither could I."

"I lost the kid..."

"Tony, we lost y/n..."


Rocket Raccoon sits down with Nebula and takes her hand, both silently mourning their losses. "That kid paid me a lot back in the day..." Rocket lightly smiles before tears roll down his cheeks. Everyone's attention turns toward Rocket as he kept his eyes on the grassy ground.

"She's strong...For sure she's still alive," He spoke once again as they all began to walk inside the avengers compound.

~Your Pov~

Slowly opening my eyes to find myself in a rustic house on a terraced slope with a scarecrow made of discarded armor. Sitting myself up to feel a large discomfort session in my body and my hands tied behind my back with vibranium shackles on both of my ankles.

We lost...and I'm here tied up in a rustic house. Hanging my head low to hear loud footsteps coming toward me.

"You have awakened. How do you feel?" Thanos curiously asked as kept hanging my head low looking away from him.

"I don't blame you for being mad at me. I've also lost somebody dear to me but the world is better off this way. One day you'll understand-" A scratchy sensation came from my throat as I let out a cough to see blood coming out of my mouth.

Blood...T-that came out of me?! My eyes were wide open from the blood dripping out of my mouth as I quickly look up at Thanos who took a step back.

Walking up towards a wooden counter to grab a white cloth. "Here. You'll probably need it," Turning my back towards him to show my hands tied up. He unties my hands and then gives me the white cloth.

I wipe my mouth from the blood but felt no magic energy in me. "You won't be able to use your magic for a while," He held an empty veil. "W-what did you do to me?" Calmly asking keeping myself from attacking him.

"I've inserted a liquid that will temporarily rid your magic. Don't worry it will come back within weeks or months," ...H-how could he?! M-my magic!! How will I contact my friends now?!? Tears roll down my face as I buried myself in the corner of the room.

"Don't worry you'll learn how to adapt without your powers here,"

M-my magic...is gone...

{Betrothal} Avengers Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now