Take It Easy

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~Your Pov~

Walking through the high school wearing a formal black jumpsuit with a blazer jacket. Where is the office? It shouldn't be hard to find it. I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me throughout the hallway before noticing the office sign.

Gripping the door handle to walk inside the office to find a few people on the phone or typing away on the computer. I walked up to a lady who was typing away but quickly noticed me approaching the front desk.

"Excuse me. I'm here to call peter parker out of class today,"

"What is the reason for him being pulled out of class today?"

I slid a paper on top of the front desk as the lady skimmed the paper her eyes quickly wide open before jumping out of her chair. She quickly walked to the back of the office to walk into a room. I guess the letter worked after all. Peter walks out of the room with his backpack on his back.

A man wearing a formal suit walks closely behind Peter as he held a bright smile on his face. "It is an honor to have an avenger visiting our school today."

I quickly looked at peter who seemed confused. "Yes, I'm just here to pick up peter," Peter walked next to me still confused but happy to miss a day of school. "If you don't mind will you take a photo with me?" He curiously asked while holding his phone out.

 Maybe it's a good thing I rarely go out now. "Sure," The front desk lady brings up her phone to take the photo. I stand next to the man in the formal suit taking a quick photo. 

"Thank you. It has been an honor for having you at our school," I gave a quick smile before walking out of the office with peter not too far from me. "Did Mr. Stark send you? Has he forgiven me already?"

Walking out of the high school and toward the black ferrari. "Tony always needs time to reflect on a person's actions. Even, if it meant you've saved countless lives." Peter hung his head low after I spoke as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I should know. He will come around but it will take time. Now, c'mon I know somewhere that will cheer you up," Opening the door for peter. I climb inside the car to close the door as the car automatically droved to a location.

"How come you don't know where the rest of the avengers are?" Peter curiously asked as I glance at him and back at the view outside. 

"I was on my home planet when they disbanded. Didn't have any contact with anyone on earth for a long time," We stood quiet afterward as the car continue to drive to the location.

"What about you? How did you, Tony?" Turning my attention towards Peter. "O-oh, Mr. Stark recruited me while he and Captain America had a battle in Germany," Shaking my head at the idea of Tony bringing a teenager into a battle.

"Those two were always at heads with each other,"

The car makes a full stop as I take a step outside the car arriving at an ice cream shop. Peter looked at the shop in confusion before looking back at me. "You've had a stressful week. I thought you'll need a small treat to relax after all you went through,"

"Y-you didn't have to! Really!" 

Putting my hand on Peter's shoulder to feel his body a bit tense. "I wanted to. Now c'mon let's treat you with something sweet," I lightly push peter inside the ice cream parlor. Scanning the menu to see a lot of different ice cream flavors.

I looked over at Peter who was excited while scanning the ice cream flavors. "Hello! Are you ready to order?" Peter turned to look at me as I smiled. "Go ahead. Order whatever you want," A bright smile appeared on his face as he turned his head back at the cashier.

"I'll like two scoops of sneakers ice cream with chocolate fudge on top in a waffle cone,"

"And for you miss?"

"I'll just have two scoops of f/i/c (favorite ice cream) in a regular cone please," I pull out Tony's card to pay for peter and I. A few minutes later the cashier came back with our ice creams. Noticed a park not too far from the shop.

"Wanna walk around for a bit?"


"S, yeah I ended up fighting the falcon and bucky. It wasn't an easy fight but at least I've gotten some experience by fighting a few avengers," Bitting my ice cream cone while listening to Peter's story about the fight in Germany.

Acrossing the street towards the car as I take off the wrapper from the cone. "I'm not surprised you've struggled a bit in the battle. Everyone trains almost every day by themselves or with each other,"

"I wanted to help out more but mr.stark send me home," He looked down at the ground as we stopped in front of the car. "I have something else for you," Walking behind the car to open the trunk to grab the black backpack before giving it to peter.

"Thanks but I already have a backpack," I laughter let my mouth as he stares at me in confusion. 

"Open it,"

He opens the black backpack to find his spiderman suit inside as he quickly looks up at me in shock. "I've had a feeling you'll be needing it soon. But remember take it easy,"

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