B-be...Your Queen...

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Your Pov

Sitting in the back of the quinjet waiting for the landing in Wakanda. "Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." Passing through the force field leading inside of Wakanda.

"Are you sure you want to do this y/n? Giving up your life already?" Pietro worriedly asked as I slightly nod my head. "As long as your sister and you are happy. I'm willing to give up my life..."

Steve stands up from his seat to run his hands through my hair. "It's a difficult decision to make during this time. Are you sure you want to do this?" Hanging my head low staring at the ground. After, their death...There is no reason to stay here any longer.

"It's the best outcome for the whole human race. After, all I am 1,030 years old. I've lived a long fulfilling life," Smiling at Steve who gave a weak smile as the quinjet finally landed on the grounds of Wakanda.

Standing up from my seat to walk to the exit of the quinjet descend the ramp. To see T'challa with the dora milaje by his every side. Walking off the ramp to overhear Bruce asking Rhode if he had to bow.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve shakes hands with T'challa. The dora milaje's quickly noticed my presence as they saluted me. Saluting back to them caught T'Challa's attention.

"And you brought the empress of h/p for this assault. It must be serious," Nodding my head as Bruce coughed a bit before bowing to T'challa. "Uh, we don't do that here," He dissuades with a motion of his hand.

"Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault."

"How are we looking?"

We began to walk towards the entrance of the royal palace "You will have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." Familiar presence began to walk in our direction. "A semi-stable, 100-year-old man."

Bucky happily spoke as Steve brings him into a hug. 

"How you been, Buck?"

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world."

Feeling a pair of eyes on me as Bucky lets go of Steve's hug walking towards me with his arms wide open. "Don't think I've forgotten about you doll?" I quickly ran into his arms bringing him into a hug. At least he's happier than the last few years of torture and mistreatment. 

"Ready for the end of the world doll?"

"Ready as I'll ever be,"

I happily smiled at Bucky he lets go of my hug before grabbing my hand and placing us army pin from 1942. Narrowing my eyes a bit "Why are you giving this to me?" Curiously asking Bucky as he held a bright smile on his face.

"If anything happens to me...I want you to have this pin to remember me by," He leans in kissing my forehead. 

He keeps his bright smile on his face before walking off with Steve and Nat. Staring back down at the army pin...I have something no someone to live for. I-I can't let him suffer all over again. But...the stone must be destroyed.

Or hidden?

A grip on my shoulder caused me to turn around to see T'challa with a grin on his face. "I have a proposal for you. Please, follow me."


Walking side to side with T'challa passing by the previous kings of wakanda portraits hanging on the wall. Stopping our tracks in front of T'challa's portrait "Many mighty kings ruled over these grounds but always had something by their side I haven't found yet,"

"What will that be?"

"A queen."

I narrowed my eyes to look at T'challa who held a soft smile on his face. Taking a step back almost hitting the wall as he held both of my hands. "It's hard enough for me to hide these feelings after so many years. Seeing you again reminds me of my purpose to my people. A life without you...I cannot accept,"

"Will you do the honor of becoming wakanda's next queen," Thor...Loki...Those two have asked me that question time on time again. But being someone else's queen?

"B-be...your queen?"

A sharp light hit my eyes as I quickly scanned the room for the source of the light to see Frigga's ring flickering. Marry me y/n...You'll never have to be alone in this grand castle. I've never given him a proper answer...


"My king something has entered the atmosphere," Okoye quickly walked into the room before I could give T'challa my answer. He nodded his head before looking back at me "Once, this assault is over. I'll be waiting for your answer,"

T'challa and Okoye quickly ran off as I stared back at frigga's ring. Am I making the right choice? Oh, frigga if only you were still alive...Maybe I'll finally have a true answer to his question.

If only...

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