Time Passed By Blink Of An Eye

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~Your pov~

~12 Months Old~

"C'mon sweetie...I know you can do it again." I held Morgan in my arms as I sat on the sofa in Infront of the fireplace. "I know I heard you." Lightly asking Morgan to speak again as she looks around her surroundings of the living room.

"What are my two favorite girls doing?" Tony walked into the room with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"I thought I heard Morgan speak. But I guess I'm wrong." I laid her head down on my chest as Tony sat down next to me. "She'll start speaking when she wants to. For now, will enjoy her gibberish." He took her out of my hands lifting her up in the air.

"Who's daddy little maguna?"


My eyes are wide open in shock. I knew it! I knew I heard her saying dada! Tony stood quiet while his eyes were wide open from hearing his daughter's first words.

"That's daddy little girl! Say it again Morgan! Dada! Dada!" He exclaims kissing her cheeks and causing her to giggle.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y! Please tell me you recorded that!" He quickly sat up from the sofa asking his A.I record the moment of Morgan's first word.

"Yes sir. Will you like me to continue to record?"


~2-Year-Old ~

"Look! Daddy and Uncle Happy are back home." I pointed out the window as Morgan quickly jumped off the chair. I was opening the front door to run toward the car.

Happy and Tony exit the car watching Morgan running toward them at full speed. She might slip or fall.

"Morgan be careful!" I called out for Morgan who was running toward Happy and Tony arriving back from a business trip. Tony kneels down with open arms as she continues to run toward him before tripping on a rock.


Happy and Tony were about to run and pick her up until she slowly picked herself up from the ground running toward Tony.

He pulls her into a tight hug kissing her forehead as I quickly ran up to Tony, Happy, and Morgan. Please don't have a scratch! Please don't have a scratch!

"Sweetie! Are you alright?" Morgan gets out of Tony's grip giving me a bubbly smile. "I'm fine mom!" Checking every inch to find a scratch on her knee.

"At least it's a small scratch." Letting out a sigh of relief as I placed my hand on her knee to heal her small wound. Tony looked up at Happy "See! What I told you. An overreacting mother."

I crossed my arms at Tony "Says the one who accidentally hit Morgan in the forehead with a kitchen cabinet and begged for forgiveness." I picked up Morgan in my arms as Tony quickly stood up.



~Current Time~

I stand over the kitchen sink looking out at the window. My watch began to ring as gently tap the watch shutting off the alarm. It's time to pick up Steve from his therapy group session. I don't think I'm ready to see him again physically.

I waved my hand summoning a replica clone of myself.

"It's time to pick up Steve from his therapy group again." The clone nodded its head walking out of the house.

I look out the window watching the clone climbing into the car parked in front of the house before driving off into the city. Please don't be mad at me Steve...I need time...

"Mommy! Mommy!"

I let out a deep breath to turn around with a smile as Morgan quickly ran up to me.

"What is it my little fairy?" I curiously asked her. She seemed in a rush when entering the kitchen.

"Can I have a sibling?"

I took a step back from her question...W-where did she get the idea for a sibling?!? "W-Why do you want an s-sibling?" I place my hand on my cheeks as they started to heat up from her question.

"Cause it will be fun to have someone to play with!" Morgan happily exclaimed. "You and Daddy have married anyways! So, can I have a sibling?!" Where did she get the idea, I'm married to Tony? I kneel down to Morgan's level "Why don't you ask dad? He might have an answer for you."

Morgan quickly nodded her head running back outside as I stand up from the wooden floor. She might've thought the ring Loki gave me is my engagement ring from Tony...


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