Mission Time

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_______*Three Months Later*_______

~Your Pov~

Steve drove the motorcycle heading towards the hydra base as I sat behind him the wheel clinging onto his waist trying not to fall off the bike. Maybe I should have ridden in the car with Nat and Clint.


"Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Turning my head around to see a few hydra guards about to point their guns at steve and I.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Levitating myself off the motorcycle to stand in front of a group of men pointing their weapons at me. 

I cracked my head while opening my hands to reveal glowing f/c. 

"Haven't fought a group of men in centuries...This should be fun." 

Blasting the first few men across the forest before grabbing a gun from the back pocket. I quickly run behind a tree before turning around and shooting one by one. 

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

I run through the forest holding up a barrier trying not to get blasted or discovered by the other guards "At long last" is lasting a little long, boys." Looking up ahead to see Clint shooting one of his arrows at one of the bunkers.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise."

I quickly ran behind the tree that was next to clint "How's it hanging?" He quickly turned around pointing one of his arrows a few inches away from my face. "Goddamnit y/n! I thought you were somebody else,"

He lets out a heavy sigh "Note to self: Never come up to you from behind in surprise," Putting my arms down "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"

"I know. It just slipped out."

I turned around to see a truck full of guards shooting in Clint's direction. Blasting a few shoots for the truck to flip over in flames. "T-That was not supposed to happen..." Staring at the truck up in flames from my magic.

"Well, it just did. C'mon before more guards come after us," He quickly grabbed my hand as we ran across the forest. Dodging another bunker shot as I quickly raised my arm creating a shield.

"Wanna take this one?" Turning towards Clint giving him the attack "Why not. I always let the girls go first but now I got the chance," He turns around shooting an arrow at the bunker, but nothing happened.

He shoots another arrow before being knocked down on the ground "Clint!" I quickly ran to his aid "You didn't see that coming?"

A boy with silver hair and blue eyes smirked before running off into the forest. Clint quickly stands up as I turn around to see the bunker gun popping up on the surface. "DUCK!" Quickly pulling up a barrier from the gun's shots of the bunker.

I lightly tap the earpiece "Can someone take care of the bunker?" In the distance, I could see hulk coming in getting through the bunker and destroying it. 

"Thank you," Bringing the barrier to hear a groan as I turned around to see clint hit by one of the gunshots. "Crap! Guys Clint has been hit!" I grab a spear cloth from my pocket to tightly wrap his wound. 

"We're gonna need evac while I take him back on the jet," Putting his arm around my shoulder to carry him back on the quinjet.

"I can take Clint. Why don't you deal with the big guy," Nat walked up to me as I handed clint's injured body over to her. 

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