Unexpected Intruder

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~Your Pov~

"Are you sure? We could have brought her back to doctor strange?" Mmmh why can't they speak any lower? "Doctor Strange isn't able to perform surgery anymore since the car accident. Dr. Cho was at least able to keep her stable in the meantime,"

They're not going to shut up, aren't they? "Can you two lower your voices? I'm trying to sleep," I groan while pulling a blanket over my face. Wait...Opening my eyes to find myself back in my room but the surrounding was different. 

I was no longer in the avenger's tower but in a different place "W-what happened?" Turning my head to see Tony and Vision staring down at me. My eyes wander around to see an iv bag connected to my arm.

"You used you're magic to protect Pietro, Clint, and a young boy from Ultron shots," Vision sat down next to me on the bed. "A reckless move," Tony muttered under his breath as I ignored his comment.

Felt a cold pair of hands on my shoulder to see its vision "How are you feeling?" Vision curiously asked. 


"You recklessly took multiple gunshots through your lower body. Of course, you're going to feel sore," Tony remarked. I was only doing my job... I glared at him. "I only wanted to protect my friends," He stared down at me before letting out a sigh.

 Vision looked at me then Tony "I'll give you two some privacy," Walked out of the room sitting in silence. 

"...You're being too reckless...I-I can't lose you like I lost my parents," Hanging my head low gripping the blanket. "I-I didn't mean to be reckless...I-I was only following my heart," I felt his hand on my chin slowly raising my head up.

Facing Tony who had dried tear stains underneath his eyelids. H-Has he been crying?!? D-Did I cause him too much pain?!? He moves a few strains of hair from my face letting out a sigh. 

"You're suspended from any further avenger missions,"

I narrow my eyes "W-What?! T-Tony you can't do this to me!" He quickly stood up from my bed grabbing the door handle. Tony looked down at the ground before facing me once again. 

"It's for your own good y/n,"  

He slammed the door as I quickly stood up from bed but felt a sharp aching pain in my stomach. "UGH!" Falling down to my knees wrapping my hands around my stomach. I slowly crawled up to the door gripping the handle to find the door is locked from the outside.

Throwing my fist at the door. Damnit Tony! Sliding down against the door ran my hands through my hair. It's happening all over again! Trapped in my room just like the old times.

~Natasha's Pov~

I stared back at the recording of y/n punching the door before sliding down against the door in pain. Looked up at Tony who kept re-playing the recording for the last five minutes "Are you sure this is the best idea, Tony? Trapping y/n inside her room and suspending her from missions?"

"Hey! We all voted it would be best for y/n to take a break!" Tony pointed at everyone in the room.

"Yeah, but not locking her inside her room! We're repeating the same behavior she went through on Asgard!" Steve stood up from his chair as everyone in the room stared at him. 

"Sit down Capsicle! You agreed to keep y/n safe!"

"Yeah, but not keeping her in a cage Tony! She's not helpless!" Steve cried out loud as Tony sent glares in his direction.

"SHE IS NOW! AND THAT'S FINAL!" Tony declared to the rest of the group before storming out of the living room.

Looking back down at the surveillance cameras to see y/n still sitting on the ground with her knees up against her chest. How did we end up here?

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