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~Carol's Pov~

"Listen, here fur face I am not letting you shoot tony," I stand guard outside of tony's room. As Rocket turns off his gun. Placing the gun on his back "Why not? He hurt y/n moments after waking up! He deserves it."

"I know he does but he's not in the best health to be shot!" Arguing back to Rocket who shook his head. "Fine! Once he's back to health he won't know what hit him," He walked away from Tony's room mumbling things under his breath.

I look around every corner of the hallway to walk to y/n's room. Different montoirs are hooked up to y/n and an oxygen mask is placed on her face. She suffered so much under Thanos. But yet made it out alive.

Noticing a chart on her bedside table to see the last name l/n. It sounds so familiar to me. Where have I heard it from though?

I take a step closer to her bedside noticing her h/c hair brushed out. Natasha probably brushed her hair out after going back to sleep. Caressing her hand as her appearance is so familiar to me. Where have I seen her before?


~Your Pov~

Sitting outside in a wheelchair taking in the spring breeze hitting my body. Caressing the pin last given to me. How many weeks has it been since they disappeared? If only I could have kept my promise...If only I destroyed the stone before leaving Wakanda.

"Y/n, you're supposed to stay inside."

Steve stands near the patio doorway, crossing his arms before walking behind me. Wheeling me back inside the campus. "What were you doing outside anyways?" Starting up a conversation as I look back at the window.

"...Our friends."

He lets out a heavy sigh before turning the wheelchair around to face him. "Y/n it's been three weeks since you've returned and I'm not planning to let you go through any more pain. It will be best if you go to therapy," Staying silent from Steve's words as he continues to push me throughout the campus.

"Thor never visited me once. Has he?" Breaking the silence between Steve and I. After, everything we've been through...Not once he ever visited seeing on my health. He lets out a heavy sigh while wheeling me down the hallway.

"Thor is still healing. He lost so much in the last few years and needs time to heal on his own. Once, he feels better he'll definitely visit you," How many more lies will he continue to tell me? All I ask is the truth...

Is it too much to ask?

"Y/n it's time to replace your bandages." Nat held a try with cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and bandages. Steve wheeled me next to Nat as she sat down on the sofa unwrapping my old bandages. Stephen would have happily done the job.

Tony would have fought with him...Why did he have to tell me all of our friends are gone...It was so soon. "How are you feeling so far?" She calmly asked while disinfecting my wounds from Thanos.


"Makes sense. You've been through so much in the last couple of weeks...Hopefully, now we can rest and you focus on getting better," She wrapped the new bandages around my arms. Better...How can I get better without my friends here with me?

Gripping the blanket on my lap as Steve wheeled me back into my old room. "Remember you have to stay inside for another week. It's almost time for your machine. I'll be right back," Steve kissed my forehead and then walked out of my room.

Locking the door behind him. How could they not care about bringing our friends back?! All their focus is on me? I just want my friends back...

A sound came from the other side of the door as I curiously look up to see the door wide open with the handle completely melted off. Rocket walks into the room putting his laser gun on his back.

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