Peaceful Times?

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"A decision that will be long-lasting for Midgard

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"A decision that will be long-lasting for Midgard. A planet I wasn't born in, but yet I fell in love with the planet and its people. My life was set in stone before I was even born all because two former rulers butted heads constantly causing war." A hologram of you stood in the middle of the living as everyone is trying to remain calm.

Thor held back his tears as his face was covered with dried stains of tears from earlier in the day. Rocket stood staying quiet alongside the guardians of the galaxy.

"But earth taught me every single human being is capable to make their own decision." Bruce's eyes began to fill up with tears. He was there every time you need someone to talk to about your choices.

"Never thought in thousands of years of my life I would ever become a hero. But Midgard needed heroes." Bucky held back his tears as Steve rubs his shoulder to comfort him.

"My memories filled with joyful and tough times together. But I will forever be grateful for the friends I've made along the way." Pietro held Wanda tightly in his arms as she silently cried.

"Families will be reunited and friends finally bond with each other again." Clint and Sam stared at the ground as their families are reunited at the coast of their exitance to be over.

"My own family is corrupted, but I've learned family doesn't have to be by blood. The ones you love as your own are family." Your hologram eyes landed on Tony and Morgan. Morgan hugs her father tightly staring at your hologram with slight tears in her eyes.

"My journey ends here. I love you 3000." Your hologram disappears from the room as Tony turns off one of his ironman helmets.

He stared down at the helmet pressing his head against it and letting out a deep sigh. He turns around to face his friends "...I never knew y/n sneaked into my workshop to accord her last words."


Tony, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Clint, Peter, Stephen, and T'Challa carried your casket toward the lake gently placing your casket onto the water as Tony placed a long veil over your body "I love you 3000." He mumbles under his breath as he gently pushes the casket into the water.

" He mumbles under his breath as he gently pushes the casket into the water

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He walks onto the dock with Morgan clinging to his jacket. Happy pulled Rhodey into a side hug rubbing his shoulder and watching your body float down the lake. Steve stood quiet letting his tears stream down his cheeks.

Peter was in disbelief at your death. Not believing you died since you two still had plans for ice cream as Aunt May comforts him. Thor tried to hold back his tears as Bruce stood next to him accepting your death.

Stephen and Wong tried their best to show no emotions. Rocket held Groot hand as tears roll down their cheeks as Peter, Nebula, and Mantis stood quiet out of respect. They never got another chance to go on another adventure with you.

Scott stood next to Hope, Janet, and Hank. Never had a chance to introduce his friends or get to know each other more than the small moment in the past.

Clint puts his arms around his nieces and nephews staying quiet. T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, Sam, Secretary Ross, Maria Hill, Carol, and Nick Fury, silently watch the casket float away.

A certain-red head stands behind a tree watching from afar.

A certain-red head stands behind a tree watching from afar

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They lost you

Too soon


"How long until we reach Wakanda?" T'Challa curiously asked Okoye sitting in the spaceship.

"About five minutes my king." He nods his head satisfied with the amount of time to arrive at Wakanda. He walks to the back of the spaceship as his sister is typing away on a portable computer.

"How's the progress so far?" He asked his sister as she was focused on her work. "Good brother. Once we arrive in Wakanda I'll be able to speed up the process in my lab." Shuri stands up from her seat to scan a body on a starcher that is plugged into multiple machines.

"That's good to hear."

"If only Stark had the right technology, then he could have saved y/n." He gripped his hands as the memory of your death on the battlefield flooded his mind. He hated how they let you die instead of rushing to save you.

He gently removes the white sheet from the body pressing his lips on the forehead.

"I will bring you back to life y/n."

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