You'll Need My Help

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~Your Pov~

Pulling Loki out of the hug to see his eyes watery "Is the god of mischief crying?" I playfully teased him as he looked away from me. "No, there's just dust in my eyes," I wipe away his teary eyes as I stand up to look up at the window.

 "Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside the city limits. Refuel on Xandar and be back in Asgard in around 18 months."

Valkyrie stands next to me staring outside the window "Nope. We're going through that one." Thor holds the dragon fang in his hands pointing at the nightmare tornado wormhole over the ocean.

"The Devil's Anus?"

"Wait, whose anus are we going through?"

"For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it." He cleared the air as Bruce walked towards the window while eating fruit. "That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside an Einstein Rosen Bridge."

"We need another ship. That would tear mine to pieces." Valkyrie points at the devil's anus with a bottle of alcohol. "Where did you get that?" I curiously asked as she took a large sip out of the bottle.

"Kitchen. Want some?"

Grabbing the bottle out of her hands to throw it across the room. "I think you've had enough to drink,"

Everyone in the room stood quiet before Loki fakes coughed "I don't mean to impose, but the grandmaster has a great many ships. I may even have stolen the access codes to his security system."

"And suddenly you're overcome with the urge to do the right thing." 

"Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster. And in exchange for codes and access to a ship I'm asking for safe passage...through the anus." I felt all eyes turning to me. 


"You're going to have to keep a close eye on him. And make sure he doesn't escape," Thor ordered as I looked down at Loki who tried to give an innocent smile. "Okay, can I just... A quick FYI, I was just talking to him just a couple of minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us. Especially, Y/n we can't let him kill her,"

Bruce put his arm around my shoulder protectively and away from Loki "He did try to kill me."

"Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Yeah, it's me!"And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time."

"I remember that you came running towards me and your mother crying about being stabbed by Loki," In the corner of my eye I could see Loki suppressing a smile.

"If we're boosting a ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace." She pointed out to the four of us. "Why not set the beast loose?"

"Shut up."

"Don't even start it Loki,"

"You guys have a beast?" A big smile appeared on Valkyrie's face. "No, there's no beast. He's just being stupid. We're going to start a revolution." Tilting my head to the side in a confused about the idea of starting a revolution.


"I'll explain later."

"Who's this guy again?"

"I'll explain later."

"What about the engagement?"

"Will talk about it later,"


Thor leans against the wall waiting for Loki to type out the full code to the door security panel. "So, you became empress while I was on Midgard?" I nodded my head as Thor is trying to process the whole thing. 

"So, while I was pretending to be a king. You were crowned empress of h/p. Should've agreed to my marriage proposal when you had the chance y/n,"

"Proposal? You propose to Y/n? When was this?!?" Loki and I quickly glance at each other as the door opens revealing a bunch of guards. "Hello," I quickly blasted the guards across the room causing them to hit the wall.

All the guards are groaning in pain as I turned around to face Loki and Thor who were both holding sakaarian guns. 

"I guess we didn't need these?"


Loki runs up to the elevator to type in the code. As the elevator doors, opened Thor and Loki walked inside but I stood outside of the elevator. "Aren't you coming y/n?" Loki held the elevator door as I shake my head.

"I have unfinished business to take care of,"

{Betrothal} Avengers Various x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant