Time Has Come...

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I sat across from Mama and Papa in the carriage "Papa,...where are we going?" I curiously asked as the carriage makes a full stop.

"Will be meeting some old friends of ours," Papa replied as he helps me out of the carriage.

I grab onto Mama's hand as she guided me inside a castle that looks like it's made of gold.

"Ah, F/n! It's so good to see you after all these years!" His voice echoed loudly through the castle hallways.

I quickly hide behind mama as the old bearded man leans over to notice me "You must be Y/n," I slowly nodded my head as walking in front of mama.

"She truly has grown up hasn't she M/n?" A woman with golden hair happily said to mama.

She looks back down at me "Would you like to make some new friends?" I look back at mama and papa who motions me forward.


She held out her hand for me to grab guiding me inside a playroom to find a boy around my age. "Mother! You came back!" A blonde hair boy ran up to his mom.

"Thor, where's you're brother?" She curiously asked as the boy shyly walked backward.

"Well,..we were playing-"

"MOM!" I look up to see a boy with jet-black hair hanging from the ceiling.

"Loki! Dear, how did you get up there!?"

She slowly looks back at Thor "Don't tell me it was you, dear?" She asked as he shook his head.

Letting out a sigh as she uses her magic to get the boy down from the ceiling. "Loki, dear are you alright?" He nodded his head.

"Now, I would like an explanation why you were hanging from the ceiling," Both of the boys slowly looked at each other before looking back at their mother.

"Nothing!" They both exclaimed as their mother sighed.

"Well, I'll deal with both of you later. We have a special guest. Thor, Loki meets Y/n she'll be living with us from now on," I look back at the two boys as they both seem to be having some sort of fever.

~Young Thor~

I stare back at Loki who was hanging up on the ceiling. Oh, we're going to be in so much trouble. I heard the doors opening

"Mother! You came back!" Mother walks into the room holding a little girl's hand.

"Thor, where's you're brother?" Mother curiously asked as I slowly walked backward.

"Well,..we were playing-"


Mother looks up to find Loki hanging up from the ceiling."Loki! Dear, how did you get up there!?"

{Betrothal} Avengers Various x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt