"Why wouldn't he ask me?" I mutter.

  "My thoughts exactly." She replies. "He wants me to talk some sense into her. If I can't he sinuated that he'd harm her. I think he knows you'd fight him. I don't think he wants to disappoint you, but I thought you should know."

   "So, he doesn't know you are calling me?" I scrunch my eyebrows.

  "No." She denies. "I told him to wait in the car, while I am in Rousseau's. I'm stalling."

   "Where's Davina?"

   "He said your family has a cabin." She answers.

   "Terrebonne Parish." I nod even though she can't see me. "It belongs to her mom's side. I'll meet you guys there." I hang up and quickly exit my room.


   As I walk up to the cabin I get a message from Cami informing me that Nik ditched her at the bar and that she was headed this way anyway. Typically, I'd tell her to stay away, but obviously that advice isn't working on her.

   Night had fallen and if I had to guess I didn't have much time before Nik arrived. I hurry up the steps and approach the door.

   "Davina?!" I knock loudly. "Open the door!" The door swings open almost instantly.

   "Kelsey?" Davina's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

   "I'll explain everything, just let me inside." I rush. She nods and moves out of my way. I go to enter, but I'm stopped by an invisible barrier. "Shit." I mutter. "You have to invite me."

   "Oh, right." She nods. "Kelsey, come in."

   I walk through the thresh hold and see the same guy from Rousseau's standing in the living area.

   "Who's this?" He questions Davina.

   "My sister." Davina says shortly.

   "He knows where you are." I tell her, before turning and locking the door.

   "I know." She sighs. "Cami messaged me."

   She pulls me down on the ground next to her and she gestures for the guy to do the same. They sit facing each other. "This will make us invisible." A car door sounds and Davina and the guy start chanting with their eyes closed. I look to the window and see Nik looking into the cabin. Then, he walks away.

   "I think he's gone." I mutter. However, then something is thrown into the living room window, sending glass flying. I throw my body over Davina in an attempt to protect her as much as possible.

   "Enough games, Davina." Niklaus exclaims from outside. "Send out my father. Let's finish this." I look at Davina and find that she has been knocked unconscious.

   I try shaking her shoulders. The young British guy reaches for her, but suddenly Mikael appears and rips him up by his shirt. 

   "Release me, or I will kill you right now!" Mikael exclaims dropping the guy to the ground. I scrunch my eyebrow not sure exactly what is going on.

   "Davina!" Nik yells. The guy grabs Davina's wrist with the bracelet.

   "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I snap pulling her arm away.

   However, suddenly I'm being lifted up to a standing position with Mikael's hand around my throat. My back pressed to his front. "Kelsey. How nice to see you again." Mikael sneers in my ear pinning my arms to my side. I'm unable to stop Davina's friend from messing with her bracelet.

   "Is this not what you brought him for?" Nik continues outside. "I'm not afraid!"

   The guy breaks the link between the bracelet and Mikael, letting him free. Mikael breathes in a deep breath of relief, before tossing me to the ground. Mikael exits the cabin to confront Nik.

   "What the hell did you do?" I snap at the boy as I hear the fight happening outside.

   "He would have killed us." He defends himself.

   "I could have fought him off enough to get him outside and have Nik's help." I scoff. "And now he's free. He's going to try and kill Nik and then Davina for keeping him prisoner. He has the white oak stake." Nik yells making my head snap in the direction. "Wake up my sister and stay inside. Nik's not invited in, he can't hurt her."

   I stand up and run outside. Mikael is on top of Niklaus pushing the stake into his chest. I run down the steps and Nik stabs Mikael with Tunde's blade. Mikael falls to the ground groaning in pain. Niklaus has the stake sticking out of his chest.

   "Nik?" I exclaim, sliding to my knees. Pain all over his face.

   "Kelsey?" He asks in shock, not knowing I was here. He grabs the stake and goes to pull it out. I place my hands by his and yank as hard as I can, removing it from his body. He let's out a yell of frustration and pain, before sitting up. "What are you doing here?"

   "Cami called." I shrug.

   We stand next to Mikael's body watching him wither in pain. Niklaus holds the stake, ready to plunge it into his heart at any moment. But, he just stands there staring. I keep my distance, knowing he is working through something.

   Cami suddenly appears frantic and worried. "Where is she? If something happened to her, Klaus, I swear to god." I smile at her concern for my sister.

   "Davina's okay." I tell her.

   "She'll wake up with a spectacular headache, but given her intentions for me, she should count herself lucky." I roll my eyes at him. "Of course, if you drop dead of a heart attack, I may have to kill her on general principle for killing my friend." He refers to her hammering heartbeat. "But then Kelsey would kill me."

   "You're the one who ditched me at the bar." She exclaims regaining her breath. "I had to hitchhike and then run on the back roads of the Bayou!"

   "Well, your perseverance is duly noted." He teases.

   "Oh, shut up."  Cami snaps making me snort. "I am so mad at you I can hardly speak, but I am here, and it is to tell you... not to bargain with you and not to shame you but to tell you under no circumstances will you hurt that girl, do you understand me?"

   Nik looks over at me with raised eyebrows and I shrug. "You heard her."

   "You both have my word." He says sincerely.

   Cami nods and looks down. She takes in the immobile body of Mikael.

   "Is that Mikael?" She inquires. "Is he..."

   "He's still alive and in complete and utter agony." Nik informs her. "I decided to take your advice and keep him that way."

   "That's morbid." I tell them and then shrug. "But he deserves so much worse."

   Niklaus grabs Mikael's arms and pulls him up, before hoisting him over his shoulder. I walk ahead of him to the trunk of his car and open it. Nik flops his body on the floor of his SUV and pushes the button to close the door.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now