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Ricky's POV

"Dad, I'm going to Walkers" I walk into the living room and grab my jacket and guitar. "Walker seems really great," my dad says. "Around him, you seem much more yourself."

"I do?" I haven't really noticed. "Yep, and yourself is someone I haven't seen in a while. You spending the night?"


"Alright, be safe." I nod my head, grab my keys and walk out. I drive to Walker's house. I just need a distraction from everything going on, and Walker always makes me laugh and smile, so why not spend the night with him?

I can't stop thinking of that girl. With the teal powers, she's usually always around me. I'm always wondering who she is and  I'm losing time. She said she can't tell me, why not? Is she part of the Brotherhood? Like a triple-cross or something? I don't know. I don't know a lot right now.

I pull up to the house and only see 1 one car. So either his dad isn't home or his brother. I walk up and knock on the door. It opens and I see his brother. "Hey, Ricky."

"Hey, Shawn. I told Walker I'd come over to hang."

"Yeah, he should be in his tree house in the back, come in." I walk into the house surprised. Walker never told me he had a Tree House before. "In the back, you'll find the ladder."

"Thanks, man" I walk outside and see the ladder. I'm not climbing. My hands glow and I leap up landing. I look back and see no one saw before knocking on the door. I heard music. "Come in, Shawnie."

"I thought my name was Golden Boy" I walk in with a grin. "Hey, Ricky!" Wow, I really like his grin. "Thanks for letting me come over again."

"Of course."

"Wow! This place is so cool!" He had paints and papers and pencils. He had drawers of art supplies and easels with paintings on them. He had speakers set up to play music. He even had some chairs and stools in here.

"Thanks. It took a while for me to make all of this, but it was all worth it."

"You put this all together?" Wow, he has a lot of talents. "Dude. Is there anything you can't do? You're awesome at math, you're a sick dancer, and...where'd you even learn how to paint?"

"It's a long story."

"Try me."

"Well, my dad was at work a lot, and when my mom left, I was in this really deep hole. My brother was determined to dig me up, so he suggested I got a hobby. So I raised myself on Youtube. Just like Gina, I was classically trained in dance, especially hip-hop. I also taught myself about art and I became very passionate about both."

"Well, your story wasn't long, but it was very interesting" he laughs out a little laugh. I just sat there with a grin and so does he. It was silent, but it was also comfortable. "So what do you wanna do?" He asks me. "Teach me to paint?"

"Come on."

I set and my guitar and try to paint a picture, but doing it with my hands...not the best idea. So I tried using my powers to paint, but that didn't go so well either. "Well, that's a good...tall...black and red tree?"

"It's supposed to be you."

He stays silent but starts laughing. "Wow! Then you're terrible."

"It's harder than it looks!"

"We can save this, let me help" he takes my hand and leads them down the canvas. I start to blush as I feel his touch. I kind of...like it. Soon we're done. "See, you're a natural" he smiles. "With my help, of course." For some reason, I just didn't want him to let go of my hand yet.

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