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We've kinda been avoiding Ricky day so we could get Slices ready for the party. Red was able to book a reservation and now we're decorating the black. The color scheme was Ricky's  2 favorites, gold, and black.

"Nini, can you hand me another ballon?" I ask, and she hands me one. "Jack!" She says, letting go of the inflated Ballin and it blows out, me struggling to grab it again. "Thanks, Nini" I groan. "Hey, dorks" Jack walks up to us. "Walker's just called, he's on his way to Ricky's right now."

"That's great," I say. "Ya know what, why don't you two go help Red with the Pizza," I say, they nod their heads and walk off. Maybe I can do this right, myself.

"Trouble?" Ash comes up behind me. "Nini got distracted by Jack," I say, handing her a ballon. "Oh, yeah, remember when you were fighting Nightmare but you couldn't stop thinking about Gina? Isn't that the same?"

"That's different, the world was in danger and I liked Gina."

"Whatever" she scoffs at me. 

I hear my phone start to ring and dig it out of my pocket, it's Ricky! "HEY, bubba, what's up?"

"Hey, I was wondering if you could come over, Walker's coming and I was thinking the 3 of us could hang together."

"Ricky, as much as I would love to be the third wheel to you and Walker, I'm already stuck being the third wheel to Ashlyn and Big Red" I lie. Wow! I'm getting way too good at lying. "Besides, spend some alone time with 'Artist.'" I say, laughing.

"Forst, my dad, now you, what is up with you two?" I ask.

"It's nothing, I'll see you later, Bubba, happy birthday.."

"Thanks, bye Eej" he says before hanging up. "The third wheel to me and Biggie?" Ashlyn asks offendedly. "I always am" I snicker and she smacks my arm. 

Ricky's POV

I look at myself in the mirror. Something feels different. I lift up my shirt and see the bruises. Howie's offered many times to heal them for me, but I denied them. I don't know why, but I wanted to keep them. If you find out why let me know.

I hear the doorbell ring, that's Walker! I slide to the door and open it to see Walker, a big smile and a card in his hand. "Happy 16, Ricky!" He grins, handing me that card. "Aww, thanks, Walker" I smile.

When I look up at him, I notice he seems a bit sad, well, he looks happy, but I read his mind, maybe something happened on the way here. "You good?" I ask, maybe it's because we're friends, but the thought of Walker being hurt makes me...mad, upset, but in a weird kinda way.

"Yeah, I'm good" he shrugs. "Okay" I tilt my head. I can tell he's lying, but I'll mess with his mind again to see what's going on in there later. 

"Okay, let me show you around," I say, stopping in the living room and twirling around. "There!" I say, making him chuckle. Hearing him chuckle makes my stomach do flips, but I kinda like it. "I'll go get my skateboard and we can head out" I grin going to my room.

As I grab my skateboard, I take one more look and the mirror to fix my curls and walk out. Why did I do that? I look to see Walker sitting on the couch, but he's looking down so he can't see me. Maybe now's the right time. I sneak up behind him and wiggle my fingers around the energy transmitting into his mind.

He seems hurt, he misses someone a lot, someone he thought he was close to, but he won't admit who. You know what, I'll confront him about it later. "Hey!" I tap him on the shoulder. "Let's go," I say and we both walk outside. We stop at the door so I can give him his equipment. 

"Here," I say, strapping a helmet on his head. I also help him put in his patting so this time in case he falls, there won't be any cuts. "Ready?" I ask him and he nods. He steps on his skateboard and I take his hands leading him down the street.

"Can I let go now?" I ask, after a few minutes and he nods. I let go and he starts to skate by himself, picking up the pace and going faster. "Nice job, Walker!" I smile running up to catch up to him as he stops. 

"I did it! I really did it!" He smiles brightly like a child. I start to laugh and bring him in for a hug, lifting him off the ground and spinning him around 3 times. When I put him, I start to turn red again and so does he. "Maybe I should buy my own skateboard" he smiles at me.

"And we could go skateboarding together" I grin, my stomach doing flips like crazy. Suddenly, his phone buzzes, he takes it out of his pocket and looks up. "It's Jack, he wants us to meet him at Slices. Up for it?"

"Sure" I shrug. We start to walk off. Maybe now's a good time to bring up what's making him upset. He clearly doesn't wanna admit it, but I see it's really getting to him. I know what it's like.

Walker's POV

After we dropped everything off at his locker, we walked on our way to Slices. I was dying inside that Ricky's hand was brushing off mine, this is one of the happiest moments of my life!

"Artist?" He asks, stopping in front of me. "Is something wrong?" He asks, confusing me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when we hang out, you seem kinda...sad, like something's getting to you. You don't have to tell me, but I just wanna know if you're okay."

"Um," I think to myself. I don't wanna tell him everything about my mom cause it's kinda embarrassing. "I just...have a lot going on at home with my mom, it's not the best, she's not around as much as she used to be" I sigh. Ricky grabs my shoulder and smiles. "Well, I know what that's like, so if you ever need to get away, you always got me."

"Thanks, Rick."

"Now come on, let's go drown our sorrows in good pizza," he says, making me laugh.

When we walk inside, the others quickly jump out and yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RICKY!!!!"

Ricky was surprised, to say the least, I didn't think he was expecting this. "Oh, wow!"

"We did!" Nini smiles and gives him a hug. "Wow! You guys went outdid yourselves" Ricky smiles. "Please, this is just the beginning," I tell him, making him grin.

Raise your hand if you're obsessed with Wicky already, I am! But don't forget Jini (Jack and Nini), trying to find a special moment for them, let's just get used 2 these 2 for now. But I gotta be honest, that little lie EJ told Big Red...I can see it, the 3 going on, but it's a Redlyn date and EJ's...just there, ya know. Cause let's be honest, this is Big Red with Rini, Kourtney with Rini, Nini to Kowie, Ricky to Redlyn, Ashlyn to Portwell, and more. This is what happens when all of your friends are dating each other lol.

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