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Gina's POV

We all met up at North High as EJ planned. He said we're breaking into finding our Beast mask and he asked Carlos to do some research. "Well, one, thank you EJ for bringing us, and thank you, Ricky, for telepathically talking to us. The plan is simple. Based on that Instagram post, the mask has to be in their costume shop. We know from their Instagram overshares that North High has dance rehearsals today so they'll be in their dance studios."

"They have their own dance studio?" I ask. "Wow, you have to admit that's a little cool!" Amber admits. Carlos flashes her a glare and she quickly looks down

"We're raiding their costumes and we're not leaving until we find that mask. And with EJ's superspeed, that'll be easy."

"Oh, so what, I'm doing all the work?"

"Of course not! You'll just me doing most of the work

"Isn't this kinda trespassing?" Seb asks. "It's what heroes do all of the time, so we're used to it" Ricky shrugs.

"Wait, do Lily and Howie know we're here?" Nini asks. "If they find us, it might seem like we're trying to steal from them."

"It'll be fine. There'll be still here after school for clubs. We'll blend in. Although, if Zach does find us, we should definitely hide EJ. And Ashlyn, you may have taken the camouflage too far."

"She's still not used to this stuff" Ricky snickers. Ash had a backpack and was wearing a bright yellow Noth High hoodie. "No, today, I am Diane, I love volleyball, and I love North High!" I look at Kourtney trying hard not to laugh

"Diane, is it?" Big Red smiles. "How would you feel about dating a guy from North High?"

"Ooh, a forbidden romance."

"FOCUS!" Carlos shouts. "Who's gonna be lookout?"

"I'll do it!" I volunteer. The others look at me confused. "If you leave me unsupervised with their customers, I cannot promise I won't go all Gina 1.0. in there."

"And Gina 1.0. was not the best version" Andi tells us. Cyrus, Amber, TJ, and Jack nod their head in agreement.

"Just stay calm and act natural," Carlos says. "We got this. Everyone ready?"

"What team?" Ricky puts his hands in. We all put our hands in as well. "Wait, maybe we shouldn't yell" Carlos recommends, but too late.


So while the others find their room, I stand out and keep a lookout. Honestly, I think Visioness is the best choice.

Miss Jenn's POV

I have decided to come to talk to Zack. Not because I suspect foul play, but because I despise bad sportsmanship. This competition between our kids has gotten out of hand.

Now you may be wondering, am I nervous to be seeing my ex and his unrealistically beautiful face?? Not at all. I'ma modern woman. I love my job. And I have recently made the exciting decision to open a so-called savings account.

I am not the same person Zackey knew, and he can't get under my skin the way he used to.

I just need 5 more minutes.

Gina's POV

I just have to keep my eye not. No big deal. And if anyone sees me, I can just make a lie. Gina 1.0. was pretty sneaky and manipulative. I saw a North High guy walking up to me. I try my best not to pay attention, but he still notices

"Hey, haven't seen you before." Just got to play it off.

"Yeah, um, I'm super new" I simply say.

"What's your name?"

"Diane." Sorry, Ash.

"Wow! That is actually my great aunt's name" he smirks. Great to know, not. "Amazing story. Well, it was nice meeting a fellow Borth High student."

"You two. Can I get your snap?" He asks, taking a step forward. Before I can answer, I hear a deep voice.

"Hey, babe."


I speed around the entire costume shop and didn't find the mask. They made me do 3 laps until I said I was gonna go check up on Gina. Look outside and see some guy talking with her. I thought it was fine until he asked for her snap. Was he flirting with my girlfriend?

I try not to get angry and just stay calm, so I walk up to her and wrap my arm around her. "Hey, babe."

She looks at me surprised but plays along. "Babe!" She cuddles into my chest. "I'm so glad you're here."

"So we still up for...risotto later?"

"You know I would never miss risotto night."

"And that's my cue" he walks away. I nod my head and she starts laughing at me. "What is with you and Risotto?"

"I guess Miss Jenn's improv class really paid off."

"Yes, and made you weirder." I guess, ha, but she loves me for it. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I felt bad that you got stuck here alone on lookout. So when I saw that guy flirting with you, it was either play it off as your boyfriend or give into Blood Lust and punch his face in."

"Well, I think you made the right choice. And that's sort of sweet."

"Hey, what are boyfriends for if not sort-of-sweet?" He laughs. It's great seeing him smile after everything he's been through. "I just..."

"Want Risotto?"


"Me too!" We both start laughing.

Derek's POV

My dad had me transfer to North High a few weeks ago. He thinks if I was in the Drama Club with Lily and Howie, I could figure out more cause they're easier to eavesdrop on. EJ already hates me, so it won't be easy to figure out what the Wild Force is up to. 

I walk through the halls and see...EJ? And his girlfriend. If their here, that must mean the whole group is here too. I don't what they're doing, but they're not getting away with this. I take out my phone and text Lily to gather everyone and meet me at the Costume Shop.

Yea, yea, I transferred Derke and everything, can we talk about Portwell's duet of Love is an Open Door? They sound AMAZING! I can't wait to see the rest of the episode. And I'm calling it now, Jet tried to leave camp cause he didn't wanna ruin Maddox's summer and Ricky convinces him to stop, Jet and Maddox are the actual Anna and Elsa and Jetwen is happening!! I'm calling it! I have something else to talk about. Now, as you guys know, I have plans to make a Core Four 3 and. Book 3 will circle around the Multiverse and good or evil Variants, and book 4 will circle around Multiversal Aliens, mainly the 3 from Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3. I don't know if there will be a season 5 yet since we just got confirmed for a season 4, but I'm also thinking about making a 5th story, that includes, drumroll please, the Children of the Core Four coming back from the future. I have a few ideas about including this and I would love your opinions. Please let me know what you think. Stay safe and have a great day or night wherever you are.

1. Make up my own 5th season and add it in

2. I could leave book 4 on a massive cliffhanger that leads off into book 5 like Infinity War and Endgame/The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars with the kids. (This is the one I'm most interested in)

3. Give the children their own original story

4. Pray to the gods for a Season 5

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